Which IEM is your reference for High Frequency response?
Jul 16, 2022 at 3:59 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 13


100+ Head-Fier
Jan 12, 2009
London, UK
Hi everyone,

This is a subjective hobby as we all hear differently so rather than ask for your recommendations to meet my criteria, I want to know which IEMs are your reference for HF response.

No need to worry about any other frequencies, cost, CIEM / IEM, or current availability, which set(s) do you think are unmatched in producing the best HF, and why? Do you favour certain driver types for HF?

Jul 16, 2022 at 8:53 AM Post #2 of 13
Best measured HF is one thing, realism is another thing. 😉
What are you searching for? 👌
Jul 16, 2022 at 1:54 PM Post #3 of 13
Best measured HF is one thing, realism is another thing. 😉
What are you searching for? 👌
Short answer: I am searching for all possible options to demo at CanJam as I am treating myself to a ToTL IEM / CIEM upgrade (based on SQ, not price), and cannot afford to miss any comparisons as the UK is terrible for places to demo.

Long answer: I have demo'd a few different models already at different price points (Final, Meze, Shure, Campfire Audio, and 64 Audio) and found the U12T to hit most of my requirements, but the HF sounds a tad rolled off to my ears even though it still outperformed everything else, and the custom fit are apparently worse. It was audible, but well-known songs were missing that extra "sparkle" that you should hear with real instruments.

You mentioned realism... that is exactly what I am looking for. While I listen to literally every genre I prefer my classical and jazz to sound life-like, but it amazes me how "poor" the HF sounds in most IEMs. And by poor I mean that to my ears, the real-world HF sparkle is generally lacking. Call me crazy but the last time I looked, instruments are not sound mixed in real life (i.e. live, not mic'd); cymbals sparkle without sibilance, and I never feel like there are missing frequencies! Real is real, not subjective.

Using Crinacle's U12T response graph as a benchmark, there do not appear to be many that equal its HF response in the highest octaves, hence I need to test all possible options as this is a large investment that I do not plan to make again until they fail.

I am focusing on HF here because it is relatively easy to find examples with all the other frequencies and the right "textures", but highs that are lacking stand out more to me than lows or mids, which I can live with as a long-time ER4P user... It probably does not help that I have already resolved this with speakers and partially with headphones, but I can recognise "correct" sound quite quickly when I hear it.

As for price I am more than happy to spend as little as possible, but if there are audible improvements for me, then that dictates my budget. CIEM would be nice for isolation though as my ER4P has custom ear molds which are amazing.

Going back to my original question, making a list of other people's reference points for HF response allows me to judge the rest for myself, but most importantly it helps me narrow down a shortlist to focus on.
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Jul 16, 2022 at 2:25 PM Post #4 of 13
OK, so I also found that the u12t is rolled off, HF wise.

For the second part, me too, I also found iem's miss this extra sparkle texture, that we can obtain with the best audio systems, and the real music instruments.

So... Iem's tend to use trick bags... 😢

Actually, I find my Aure Audio Ringo's very good (but not perfect) about all these points (musical realism, not "hi-fi realism" : ambiance cues, smoothness, length and envelope of the notes, natural decay... ) but they are discontinued as I know...

I think this is not really related to a particular technology (dynamic driver, armature, etc.) but with tuning talent and gusto.
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Jul 16, 2022 at 3:01 PM Post #5 of 13
Good to hear I am not the only one, but possibly back to the drawing board then!

I acknowledge that we "must" accept compromises (because the designers would rather push up prices than performance...), but even my old ER4P can provide a satisfying experience. So where are the comparisons when the pricing is 10x as much? 🤷

Thanks, I have added that brand to my list to demo. Have you tried the ThieAudio Monarch ii?

I have heard good things about the Sony IER-Z1R but they are not easy to get in the UK, and there are a lot of complaints about comfort... Which again, is yet another basic consideration!
Jul 16, 2022 at 3:40 PM Post #6 of 13
The IER z1r is too V shaped too my tastes. It's good, but not my cup of tea...

I've found the FiiO FH9 a way better. A real surprise. I think it is really a great product.

The key for me is an accurate bandwidth, coherence between registers and harmonic textures, no frequency gaps, respect of the phase, balanced target curve. And energy, air, fast transients, large dynamic headroom, prat = realism.

Too much iem's are cartoonist (tones, tonal balance...) to please one sort of music, or one sort of public. Very polarised tunings... To my point of view, this is a real problem, and it isn't correlated with price tags.

In my book, a great product must be technically discrete. Music is not a matter of technical chops. It is a matter of... music. 😋

When I read for instance "this product have the best low end (or HF...) of the world"... Well, I think it is a problem = polarised tuning. OK, and the other registers? 😉

No, I haven't tried the Monarch II. A friend (which own a AA Ringo too) of mine yes, and he wasn't blown away. It is good, but not the absolute weapon, so to speak 😇

But I haven't tried them, so, no advice on.
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Jul 16, 2022 at 3:48 PM Post #7 of 13
It sounds like you and I have the same criteria then!

AA have another model so I have also added that to my list; hopefully they will be at CanJam later this month...

I have been recommended to demo the following, but not necessarily due to the HF response you and I have been discussing:

ThieAudio - Monarch Mk ii
64 Audio - 12, 18, Tia Trio, Nio
Aure Audio - Ringo
Elysian - Annihilator
Hidition - Viento Reference
Empire Ears - Odin
Symphonium - Helios
Unique Melody - Mest Mk ii
Vision Ears - Erlkonig, VE8, Elysium
Moondrop - Blessing 2 (+ Dusk)
Final Audio
Meze Audio
Fiio - FH9
Sony - IER-Z1R

Do you have any other recommendations?
Jul 16, 2022 at 3:52 PM Post #8 of 13
Rhapsodio Supreme Mk2.

But difficult to drive, and very pricey (a shame 😂).😴

Maybe Craft Audio Aurum. But I haven't tried them so.... 🤔

Final A8000, but lack of naturalness. Spectacular, but..
Jul 16, 2022 at 4:00 PM Post #9 of 13
Thanks, they are now on the list.

When you say difficult to drive...? I was using a Dethonray DTR1 DAP, and just purchased a Qudelix 5K dongle which I will use at the show. I am assuming they will both cope?

Interesting about Final... I have demo'd the B series a few times and found the B3 is great, but it was outclassed when I moved on to Campfire and 64 Audio. They did not have the expensive ones in stock for demo, but I am hoping they will at CanJam.
Jul 16, 2022 at 4:07 PM Post #10 of 13
The Sup needs good amp power (juice and quality juice) to come to life 😉

About Final, the A8000 is their top model. Nothing in common with the B series...

Prehaps you should try the FiiO Fh7 : pure beryllium driver, as the A8000 and a lot more cheaper. But I haven't tried the Fh7, so... I don't know 😋
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Jul 16, 2022 at 4:17 PM Post #11 of 13
I think about the Ctm Da Vinci X also. 🤔

The Nostalgia Audio Camelot seems to be very, very good.

The new Noble Kublai Khan (piezo HF driver, Gen 2) also.

But I haven't tried them too. Good hunting time 👌😉👍
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Jul 16, 2022 at 5:34 PM Post #12 of 13
Thanks mate. It may best to try everything while there... 😅
Jul 16, 2022 at 5:47 PM Post #13 of 13
My pleasure 👍

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