Which cans have the best BASS?
Jan 3, 2003 at 8:37 PM Post #16 of 37
the sr125 reminds me of a live rock show in a club. usually the pa system has some serious bass energy in a club, and the sr125 reproduces that bass well. the sr80 was similar, without the control. so one man's "bloated bass" is another man's live show, i guess.
Jan 3, 2003 at 9:17 PM Post #17 of 37
grinch probably likes the big booty-shakin' Mega Basss on the Etymotic 4P's as well
Jan 4, 2003 at 2:10 AM Post #18 of 37
You can try the DT770, (I never heard it but many people call it the king of the bass), and according to some headfiers, the MDR-CD3000 goes even lower....I can tell you that it goes LOW ENOUGH for me, but I have no way of comparison as I do not own the DT770....
Jan 4, 2003 at 3:18 AM Post #19 of 37
The dt770's have the deepest, most visceral bass i've yet to hear...did i mention visceral?

I honestly prefer my beyer's over all my cans.

Jan 4, 2003 at 4:35 AM Post #20 of 37
okay, so the k501's aren't really known for their ball busting bass. i hear good things about the dt770, although i'm thinking they might be a bit much for me. lately i've really been digging the bass on my rs-1's.. it's just the treble that i have difficulty with.

and of course, the hp-1 bass is super nice too.
Jan 4, 2003 at 5:03 AM Post #21 of 37
Just wondering...

What do you all think of the Sennheiser HD590's preformance on bass? I know there for classical music, but still wondering how they do on the bass scale. Not really comparing to other headphones, just in general. Are they ok, decent, good, pretty good ?...

Can't wait untill my HD 590's are in my cold iron hands...
Jan 4, 2003 at 5:18 AM Post #22 of 37
Followup to my previous post: I own the DT770s but am not fully satisfied with the quality of bass. It's fairly deep, but could have more definition. I may try the DT880s just for this reason.
Jan 4, 2003 at 5:57 AM Post #23 of 37
IMO, the 580 already has plenty of bass with my meta42 amp. It sounds mighty bassy to me already, given the song is bassy. If I ever got another set of cans for bass, it would have to be the DT880 or the cd3000.
Jan 4, 2003 at 9:16 AM Post #24 of 37
i am considering the ATH-A900 for my next big purchase, they are supposed to have nicely accentuated bass and a good value at about $200 from audiocubes.com. The DT770 are still new to me with only 30 hours on them but I am looking for even more Bass possibly. I think the larger drivers & newer technology on the Audio Technica's may be whats needed. The Beyers have bass in spades but the build quality doesn't feel up to $150 price tag
Jan 4, 2003 at 9:56 AM Post #25 of 37
The ATH-A900s have a good quality bass, yes... but its not ball-bustingly heavy though... not imo...

The HD600 has more powerful (read as louder) bass... but is not as well defined in the lower registers as the A900s...

Best bass of all? - even though its quite shallow... I still have to find a pair of headphones that betters Sonys MDR-CD1700s... they go low, with an amazing amount of definition...

Just a shame it isn't 'shouty' bass
Jan 4, 2003 at 10:53 AM Post #26 of 37
I wouldn't say that the DT770Pro/250 has got the best bass, but it surely is one of the best contenders in the category "most bass". An equally large amount of bass, though with a little different presentation, can be found on the DT990Pro/250, which I'd prefer. For the category "best bass" I'd nominate the AKG K240S as well as the Beyerdynamic DT250/250 and the DT531. And the Grado RS-2 also seemed to have very nice bass, when I tried it, but it seemed a little too expensive for my taste...

Greetings from Munich!

Manfred / lini
Jan 4, 2003 at 2:53 PM Post #28 of 37
I have often been called a basshead and more often perhaps been called more vulgar variants of that name.

I do pay more attention to bass than other people, but whereas a typical "basshead" may be satiated with excessive, bloated, slow and undetailed bass, I am not.

So, I would say "best bass" depends largely on what your definition of "best" here is.

The Beyerdynamic DT770 certainly has the largest amount of bass. It is tighter than most cans and still reveals the quality of the amplifier and source driving it. It also goes all the way down to 20hz or below. However, it's not the fastest or most articulate.

The Sennheiser HD600 is known by some as having good bass and some as having bass as a fault. The HD600 does improve dramatically with the use of a quality amplifier. However, even with the very best amplifiers, the bass has considerable rolloff in its deepest, a midbass bump that some people find enduring or even seductive and a gentle, soft quality. Some would call the HD600's bass relaxing. Less kind words would be fat and sloppy.

The Beyerdynamic DT931 is like a sister to the HD600 in many ways but the bass is very different. There is perhaps only slightly too little of it but what's there is very tight and usable. I would say that the quality of the bass is better than the HD600 but would expect many to disagree with me because we'd never achieve a standard definition for "quality" and in quantity, the phone is less than ideal.

I once owned a Beyerdynamic DT831 and sold it particularly because it was a little bright and such horribly rolled off bass. Much of the bass was simply missing. If you have a poor source or amp that cannot produce the lowest bass anyway, you may not notice this as much and what's there is tight and articulate like other Beyerdynamics but this is easily the phones' biggest weakness.

The AKG K501 seems to have a little more bass respresentation than the DT831 but it is likewise horribly understated. I have not had the pleasure of hearing the K501 on every amp but I have heard it on the Prehead, RKV and HeadRoom Max and have yet to hear this magic bass that appears under the right magical synergy and voodoo dance. Maybe I need an RA-1, a good battery and expensive interconnects.

The everlasting Sony MDR-V6 (aka MDR-7506) has very good usable bass down to the lowest lows but also has a bit too much midbass and is not very articulate and detailed. This is obviously a good DJ phone.

The Etymotic ER-4S strikes me as very flat and linear down to the lowest audible bass but is often criticized for its bass due to it obviously having very little "impact" in the way that not much air is actually moved. This is a shame because the audible bass that is present is very quick and lucid.

Electrostatics share much with the Etymotics. Also lacking in impact, they are in my view wrongfully accused of having too little bass. In my view the Stax SR-404 and SR-007 have excellent bass and are more revealing of bass texture and detail than even the Etymotic but physical air moved is of course very little.

Grados are well respected for their articulate and impactful bass and probably have an even better reputation because they seem to achieve it more easily with quality amplification--a combination of its design and impedance. The old HP-1000, however, does not seem to achieve so much of its potential without a very good amplifier. With a good amplifier, the HP-1000 has a beautiful clean, textured detailed bass with all of the slam anyone could wish for. It also seems to achieve that elusive "hardness" that the HD600 could never replicate and which Stax amplifiers seem to have trouble producing. I really don't have enough experience with other Grados to comment further but people who aren't bothered by their other flaws seem to have no complaint with bass performance.
Jan 4, 2003 at 7:22 PM Post #29 of 37
Austonia, Quote:

The DT770 are still new to me with only 30 hours on them but I am looking for even more Bass possibly.

Are you blasting your headphones? You may not be satisfied with any audiophile grade headphone, and wonder if you wouldn't be happier with the Xsos DJ1001 or a Sony DJ headphone.
Jan 4, 2003 at 8:33 PM Post #30 of 37

Originally posted by wallijonn
Austonia, Are you blasting your headphones? You may not be satisfied with any audiophile grade headphone, and wonder if you wouldn't be happier with the Xsos DJ1001 or a Sony DJ headphone.

I'd tend to agree. If you need more bass than what the DT770 has to offer, then maybe you're not listening to the rest of the music...no?

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