Where is Jahn?
May 5, 2008 at 5:16 PM Post #16 of 16
And sucking up the joint. Man, I stink at Fantasy Baseball!

Yep I grab a moment here and there when I can, really miffed I missed CanJam, looks like they had a blast from the pics. Actually got a text saying "nyah nyah you missed a good one, vids to come!"

1911 is still Emperor of Lame Jokes. But he doesn't lie, I'm swinging by a shop in a day or two to pick out a nice neck for a Telecaster build in the Village. All so I can use way too much gear just to play the A-B-C song for my kids. Yep, the littlest is still only 5 months, the whole "me time" thing was actually manageable until the 2nd came around, ugh. I had to give pink slips to half my posting team, for goodness' sakes!

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