Where do you listen ?
Mar 20, 2006 at 10:20 PM Post #47 of 59
1. At the comp
2. In bed
3. On the bus (which can be ~2h/day on weekdays when there are lectures)
Mar 20, 2006 at 10:49 PM Post #49 of 59
I used to listen to music mostly in my car. Since my personal headphone advent, I don't much care for music in the car anymore, and instead listen to NPR. Now I pretty much only max/groove out at my desk at home, in my Ikea chair, or in bed.
Mar 20, 2006 at 11:26 PM Post #50 of 59
In order of frequency:

1. At the desk using my laptop as source while browsing the web and chillin'.
2. In my living room through my small speaker system (only as background music, no more for serious listening - speakers are and room is too small, neighbors are disturbed too easily).
3. In bed before going to sleep (CDP or laptop as source).
4. In the car (although this sounds much worse than all other sources it's particularly nice to listen to some smooth music when you're driving through the night...).
5. At the desk while working (still very difficult for me to concentrate on more or less difficult subjects when listening).
Mar 20, 2006 at 11:59 PM Post #51 of 59
I listen to my music through the desktop computer and my senns laptop most of the time. Theyre using a creative Live! external usb and a TB audio advantage micro usb as sources.

And for everything else on the go, i use a sony HiMD and a 1 gig shuffle.
Mar 21, 2006 at 12:07 AM Post #52 of 59
On the train.
On the bus.
In my room.
In my living room.
In the car.
When I walk around in town.
In the toilet....j/k
Mar 21, 2006 at 12:07 AM Post #53 of 59

Originally Posted by Duggeh
Everytime i listen, i enter my own little world, and none of you can ever come there.

- my favorite post on this thread so far LOL

One of the best things about headphones is you don't have to sit in the sweet spot. So, either laying down or in a chair. I have listened while surfing the net and other things, but after the CD finishes, I don't remember listening to it

So, I have to make music a priority and actively listen to it, or it'll be elevator music just to pass the time. I do like it while watching hockey on tv (on mute obviously) though.
Mar 21, 2006 at 2:35 AM Post #54 of 59
*and then share it with a large, critical and active community

"The Hopeless Drudgery of Grado SR225s
The Weekend Warrior"

On the walk to the bus
On the bus to the train
On the wait for the train
On the train to the walk to work
On the walk to work to work
On the walk from work to the train
On the wait for the train
On the train to the bus
On the wait for the bus
On the bus to the walk home
On the walk home


Fear not, the Grados are not relegated to mundane, noisy environments. They are my rock-out headphone and I love them very much.
Other than all that, I listen in my room in the dark, with my AKG K701s and in total silence for two hours a night... unless you count the three other hours spent while asleep before I wake up and take them off.
Mar 21, 2006 at 2:39 AM Post #55 of 59
I listen to my headphones often:

walking to work
riding the train
sitting at the computer
reading in my comfy chair
sometimes even in bed (when wifey is away)

They're very useful!
Mar 21, 2006 at 2:47 AM Post #56 of 59
I mostly listen at the computer, but my meaningful listening is in bed.

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