Where a tree falls...
Jan 30, 2006 at 8:55 PM Post #16 of 22

Originally Posted by sumone
Do you live in the woods? I'm a city boy....

Well, we don't really live in the woods per se. The house is actually in a neighborhood with lots of other houses here in Portland. The neighborhood was nicely laid out so that there's a lot of room between the homes and lots of trees. So it "feels" like the woods, but we're right in metropolis.
Best of both worlds...
Jan 30, 2006 at 8:57 PM Post #17 of 22
Thanks all, for the well wishes and the complements on the house.
I'll let you know how it comes out. The tree removal company is supposed to remove the tree this afternoon.
Jan 30, 2006 at 8:59 PM Post #18 of 22

Originally Posted by Mr.PD
Getting too much rain there in Portland?
Glad that damage was minimal and no one was injured.

Hey, that hosting site is pretty cool. Nice slide show. I liked the controls they offer.

Yeah, it's been a really wet couple of months. The ground is really saturated and we had a wind storm last night. that's all it took.

Flickr is a really cool web site. I've been using their services since last May and I really like it.
Jan 30, 2006 at 10:18 PM Post #19 of 22
Wow, that is a rather large tree that came down and like you have mentioned thanfully no one got hurt. Two years ago near where I live a huge Norfolk pine tree that was termite infested was toppled over during the early morning hours by high winds. This incident unfortunately someone did get hurt. The tree got toppled, came crashing thru a home, landing in the bedroom and hitting a 12 year in head whose was sleeping in her bed at the time. She was immediately taken to the hospital where she was in a coma for days and went through an operation to open up her skull the relieve some brain swelling that was occuring. Thankfully she has fully recovered from her injuries and is alive and well today.
Jan 31, 2006 at 2:27 AM Post #22 of 22
Beautiful place. Reminds me of the last time I drove through Atlanta, ended up in a traffic jam and jumped off just north of downtown. For anyone in that area or who has driven through, there's this huge church on the east side of I-75 with a driveway that goes straight up around the back. I got off at the next exit intending to get back to a restaraunt at the previous exit. I found myself in the most incredibly gorgeous neighborhood. All winding roads and huge houses placed vicariously on ridges. Ended up driving around for quite a while, it was right before christmas and nearing dusk so the lights were on. Would have never guessed that such a beautiful rural feeling area existed within sight of Metro ATL.

Ah here it is. Just north of Paces Ferry Road, there's another exit off I-75 at Beechwood Dr. Here's a Google Earth link (fixed now, had to register the MIME type with my website). Check out the sparse development on Beechwood Drive and the surrounding areas. Property values must be insane there.

Ok, sorry for the threadjack. This has nothing to do with fallen trees, although I'm sure they have their fair share.

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