When did you realise you had been sucked in?
Dec 29, 2005 at 1:01 AM Post #16 of 77
About 10-15 mins ago I realised that I'd totally been sucked in (thogh I'd suspected it about 10-15 mins after I'd started reading)

I came here wondering if an amp would help me get more out of my Shure E2c's and was told not to bother....

3-4 months later and I've got a HD555, a PA2V2 and a MS1 on order and I've just asked someone where he was able to get a SR225 for £100 in the UK as that's the cheapest that I've seen anywhere and I'm "always on the lookout for what I'm going to get next"....

Oh yeah... and I've got a bloke who I met via iaudiophile.net making me a cable to give me a nice line-out directly from the bottom of my X5 into my amp too. My wallet now hates me and the credit card(s) taunt me too.
Dec 29, 2005 at 1:11 AM Post #17 of 77
Let me know how that cable works out for you...

I knew I was sucked in as soon as I started reading about the hf1 and how many people purchased it blindly. Reading that thread gave me the idea that I could spend more on headphones than I had originally thought and not feel bad about it. I sealed the deal by pissing my boss off by reading head-fi for 3 days strait instead of working. Then I knew I was in trouble when I started meeting the mail person at the door waiting for my pa2v2 to arive for an entire week.
Dec 29, 2005 at 1:21 AM Post #18 of 77
Well, I went to an honors course over the summer for music. Pretty much, 7 guys recorded a 11 track totally original cd in a week. Each song was written within 5 days. The guy who recorded us was this awesome older guy who had a more or less mobile studio in his house. His monitors were a pair of sennheiser cans. I cannot, for the life of me think of what on earth they really are.

AFter wearing the Senns, I got home and looked them up. Somehow, my brain allowed myself to justify the HD 555's
Dec 29, 2005 at 2:25 AM Post #19 of 77
Ah, there are such subtle levels of being 'sucked in'. Might I submit, a la Dante's 'Inferno", there are 9 distinct levels:

Level 1 - LimboVirtuous Non-Believers (Before I found Moon and Grover cables)
Level 2 - Lustful (Built both m³ AND Millett Hybrid)
Level 3 - Gluttonous (Purchased 2 Wheatfields AND an Eddie Current HD300)
Level 4 - Prodigal and Avaricious
Level 5 - Wrathful and Gloomy
Level 6 - The City of Dis Heretics
Level 7 - Violent
Level 8- the Malebolge Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers
Level 9 - Cocytus Treacherous

So, on self valuation, I'm sitting at Level 3 of the Inferno... though wondering what I jump to for debating that I really can afford some R-10s, but NOT balanced.
Dec 29, 2005 at 3:43 AM Post #20 of 77
Probably "realized" it had happened when I began to collect headphones for their sound signatures.

Dec 29, 2005 at 3:45 AM Post #21 of 77
Around the time my wife left me. Coincidence I hope.
Dec 29, 2005 at 3:48 AM Post #22 of 77
I knew when i started dancing as i heard my dad's long-lost speakers i hooked up. Then i immediatly started looking for a tube amp for them

Not quite headphones, but good enough
Dec 29, 2005 at 3:59 AM Post #23 of 77
The day I ordered my ER4S. I remember looking at them a year before that and thinking "geez, what kind of fool would spend that much on earbuds".
Dec 29, 2005 at 4:42 AM Post #24 of 77

Originally Posted by pabbi1
So, on self valuation, I'm sitting at Level 3 of the Inferno..

Oh dear.

The Gilmore Lite did it for me. When one decides to purchase a dedicated headphone amp there seems to be a magical line that is crossed. A line made of fortitude and will hardened by the skepticism of family and friends.
Dec 29, 2005 at 4:46 AM Post #25 of 77
When I bought 6 headphones and everytime promising myself that I will not buy anymore headphones for at least a year in one short year. Bought new source, 2 amps.

This time I am quite sure that I won't be doing anymore upgrade for a long time, but I saw a SR225 for sale pretty cheap in a local forum, must resist now.
Dec 29, 2005 at 5:52 AM Post #26 of 77
When I was cutting out sorbothane inserts to de-couple vibrations from the granite pastry board underneath my cdp, I was daydreaming about the AKG-701 and wondering why I deluded myself into thinking that I might not buy them...
Dec 29, 2005 at 5:55 AM Post #27 of 77

Originally Posted by virometal
When one decides to purchase a dedicated headphone amp there seems to be a magical line that is crossed. A line made of fortitude and will hardened by the skepticism of family and friends.

Beautifully expressed, virometal.

I, too, crossed the line with a headamp purchase--SR-71. $400!

When I first saw the prices at Ray's site, my jaw just dropped. I couldn't believe it. I never thought that I'd buy one, but it took a few months of coming here and I was convinced.
Dec 29, 2005 at 6:12 AM Post #28 of 77
When I first listened to a Headroom MicroAmp.. it was all downhill from there.. buh-bye wallet. listened to the micro for 3 weeks and then went on a spending spree, new source/amp/power supply/ power conditioner/interconnects and power cables.... all at once hehe, and beleive me if it was within my means i'd be jaming to an Orpheus, or a Balanced Headroom Max. Just not possible on my wages unfortunatly, lol headroom max balenced cost half as much as my car.
Dec 29, 2005 at 6:15 AM Post #29 of 77
It was when I started looking into Shure earphones and various other high-end IEM's, took out my father's old headphones and acutally payed attention to them in everyway, then discovered this site. It was then I realized that I've been "sucked in".

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