When did you lose your Ear Virginity?
Jun 18, 2008 at 3:39 PM Post #121 of 127
Last year at the grand old age of 31. Got some Beyer 990 pro and am very pleased with them for the price. Will definitely try some Senn 650 sometime, but for now i'm quite happy. I love feeling the bass shake through the cable
Jun 18, 2008 at 4:15 PM Post #122 of 127
For me, it was (ashamed to say it) the Sony MDR-V700 DJ cans. I got them at the Good Guys (RIP) for like $200, and my girlfriend thought I was totally insane to spend that much on them. I still have them, broken pivots and all. The first time I tried them with my Sony Discman, I nearly blew my head off, they were so loud. Many many hours of sitting around with the bong, my CD collection, and these strapped to my skull, I thought "wow, these have to be the best headphones EVER!", but now i use them to A/B when I want a laugh. Form there, I got some Sony isolation buds (don't remember the model), but they were like $140, which I thought was really steep, but I had to have them. I was happy for years with this setup, but finally my boss recommended I get an amp (I got a Total AirHead) and some Etys and I haven't looked back since. Curse you, world of hi-fi!
Jun 20, 2008 at 1:17 PM Post #123 of 127
Jun 20, 2008 at 3:10 PM Post #124 of 127
Hehe, I stole a friends ear viginity from them when I leant them some of my headphones.
Jun 20, 2008 at 4:01 PM Post #125 of 127
about a year and a half ago..

walked in a headphone store.. chatted with the owner, walked out with a westone UM2. listened to it the entire night, didn't like the sound!! traded the UM2 with an ETY 4S the next day.

a few months after that, SR60 Grado.

a few months after that, got my first love that I met in that headphone shop: Ales MS-PRO.
Jun 20, 2008 at 6:47 PM Post #127 of 127
I was around 11 years old. It was when the Sony cassette Walkman first came out. My uncle was a gadget hound, so of coarse he bought one (I'm afraid to know how much it cost back then). He asked me if I wanted to take a listen. I put on the stock headphones that came with the Walkman. He pressed play, and the sound I heard nearly blew my mind. I remember really being able to hear very distinct stereo separation for the first time in my life. It really freaked me out. I think this is when the hook was set.

Fast forward many, MANY years. Decided one day that the earbuds and headphones pre-packaged with the MP3 players I was purchasing sounded like complete s**t. I knew there had to be something better so it was the internet to the rescue. Did a search for high quality headphones and discovered "Goodcans.com". Further research eventually led me to Head-Fi. After studying the message boards for several days, I decided to buy a pair of Grado SR-80s. And the rest (as they say) is history... I've now been through several dozen pairs of headphones over my headphone career. My favorites to date are the markl mod Denon D5000s, and AKG K-1000s, followed closely by the Grado PS-1s.

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