What's your view on custom headphone cables?
Aug 14, 2010 at 10:38 PM Post #196 of 881

...So I have convinced myself such cables make no difference, as others convince themselves that they do, which leaves me with more money to spend on other things.

i hope you don't mind me taking this out of context, but statement alone ends any objectivist vs. subjectivist cable argument.  a sobering statement for fervent proponents, of both sides, that should just accept. 
Aug 14, 2010 at 10:47 PM Post #198 of 881
what car is in your avatar?  
Aug 14, 2010 at 11:15 PM Post #199 of 881
Epic fail. 
just like you couldn't hear the difference between 192kbps and CD until someone told you it was lossy?
Nice try but you forgot to ask a question.  Had I ever compared a 192Kbps rip to a CD and the answer comes back no.  Why?  I ripped and listened.  It never occurred to me that someone would consider trashing music in this fashion to be acceptable.
I'm brand new to ripping and the various formats.  What I'm not, is new to music, stereo, cables, speakers or hearing.

Aug 14, 2010 at 11:20 PM Post #200 of 881
why does pointing out your inexperience make me hate a group of people?
Your behavior marks you.  What makes me say that?  Your efforts to continually push your agenda as opposed to simply trying to get along.  You might want to look the word up to better understand it's usage.
you are the one insulting people.
And where am I insulting anybody?  And please, try to keep the quote recent and in context of the quote I was responding to as a bit a ago, some succeeded in climbing under my skin and I can't say if all my comments were totally pure of thought.
You can't hear a difference, I'm happy for you.  And if you can't hear a difference, I feel sorry for you because you're missing so much.  Feeling sorry for people isn't being insulting.  Your purpose right now is to simply try and create a "gotcha" moment as if somehow, doing so is going invalidate the validity of cables.
Aug 14, 2010 at 11:32 PM Post #203 of 881

why does pointing out your inexperience make me hate a group of people?
Your behavior marks you.  What makes me say that?  Your efforts to continually push your agenda as opposed to simply trying to get along.  You might want to look the word up to better understand it's usage.
you are the one insulting people.
And where am I insulting anybody?  And please, try to keep the quote recent and in context of the quote I was responding to as a bit a ago, some succeeded in climbing under my skin and I can't say if all my comments were totally pure of thought.
You can't hear a difference, I'm happy for you.  And if you can't hear a difference, I feel sorry for you because you're missing so much.  Feeling sorry for people isn't being insulting.  Your purpose right now is to simply try and create a "gotcha" moment as if somehow, doing so is going invalidate the validity of cables.

I guess if you were sincere it would be different, but I find it extremely hard to believe that you are. All you have done is taunt people in your threads, constantly calling out the "anti-cablers" every chance you get and then act like the victim when they respond. I'm sorry if you really not doing this intentionally.
Aug 15, 2010 at 12:22 AM Post #204 of 881
I guess if you were sincere it would be different, but I find it extremely hard to believe that you are.
Okay, now I'm insincere.
All you have done is taunt people in your threads.
Where and how have I "taunted" people?
constantly calling out the "anti-cablers" every chance you get
Okay, now you're aggrandizing.
and then act like the victim when they respond. I'm sorry if you really not doing this intentionally.
The mods were great and the ignore feature has toned things down considerably.  There's no intentional as there is no taunting.  I'm hearing a difference and I've tried to be consistent as to my thoughts on the matter.  You can't hear a difference.  I'm good.  I'm sorry for those who can't hear a difference.  I and others can hear a difference and you're not good with this point.  There's no sharing on the part of the anti-cable guys as it's all about them and their tests.  If you think I'm taunting you, then I won't respond to any more of your comments.  If you want me to ignore you, I'm good.  All I want to do is enjoy and share the love of my headphone cable, in peace.  You anti-cable guys, might try doing the same, living in peace with others whom you disagree with.
Aug 15, 2010 at 3:14 AM Post #205 of 881

The test isn't controlling a high number of variables as the test is introducing it's own set of mind confusion variables and then tries to sum up the confused data with flawed assumptions.
There you go.  Your assumption is that folks who hear differences have been fooled; preconceived notions; bias thinking on the part of the anti-cable crowd.  And now they have the results of their flawed test evaluations to support their bias contentions; safety, comfort, peace of mind, a rhyme, a reason, a solace, a salve an excuse.
I really am sorry they can't hear a difference.  Why?  Cause they're missing so much.

Your behavior marks you.  What makes me say that?  Your efforts to continually push your agenda as opposed to simply trying to get along.  You might want to look the word up to better understand it's usage.
And where am I insulting anybody?  And please, try to keep the quote recent and in context of the quote I was responding to as a bit a ago, some succeeded in climbing under my skin and I can't say if all my comments were totally pure of thought.
You can't hear a difference, I'm happy for you.  And if you can't hear a difference, I feel sorry for you because you're missing so much.  Feeling sorry for people isn't being insulting.  Your purpose right now is to simply try and create a "gotcha" moment as if somehow, doing so is going invalidate the validity of cables.


This guy is a gold mine 
 Ignorance is very daring. 
Aug 15, 2010 at 3:50 AM Post #206 of 881
These threads always turn into a flame war. The question was very innocent and sincere, and people push their opinions so hard. I think the OP was just gathering opinions, not starting a debate.
Aug 15, 2010 at 6:30 AM Post #207 of 881
top 10 movie of all time!  
Aug 15, 2010 at 6:37 AM Post #208 of 881
Im still waiting for someone to back up Beeman458 while he is having to defend his comments. The pure fact alone that this guy is getting questioned but not backed up surely should mean something. 
As far as the argument goes there is not much more that can be said. Beeman458 please explain in detail you cable experiences, just like Unlce Erik has so kindly done to justify himself against your bogus comments.
Im not a hater, i am just getting bored of your narrow arguments. Almost every post of your has " i feel sorry for you" in it. Get some content. Explain your experiences and people may respect your opinion more.
Aug 15, 2010 at 8:55 AM Post #209 of 881
Im not a hater, i am just getting bored of your narrow arguments.
Yet you're still here posting to me.
The reason for the "apparent" narrow nature of the argument is simple, the tests that the anti-cable guys are using are flawed by nature, for stated reasons.  No matter how many people and no matter how many ways you guys try to beat on me, three things stand out, your testing methodologies are flawed from the gate (for stated reasons), your summation methods are flawed and bias (for stated reasons) and they're designed to assure fail.  Folks who take benefit from custom headphone cables are happy with their purchases and don't mind sharing their love.  You guys need to knock off the "I'm going save the world." militant stance as the world doesn't need being saved from cable lovers around the world.
Face it, you can't hear a difference and it's both okay that you can't and we can.  Face it, you folks need to validate your lives by blasting people who are different then you.  Face it, you're missing out on a lot in regard to the music being listened to and personally, I think you folks wish you could hear what we're hearing.  You can't, get over it.
There really is an underlying current in threads of this kind as collectively, the whole anti-cable debate has far too much energy being put forth as this is a conversation that I've been aware of for about twenty years.  The cable crowd has made it perfectly clear, they're happy with their cables.  The cable crowd doesn't feel they're being taken advantage of nor do they want to be "saved" by the anti-cable crowd.  To the anti-cable crowd, your altruism is misplaced.  Please, get over yourselves.
Almost every post of your has " i feel sorry for you" in it. Get some content.
What content?  It's about the music.  You can't hear a difference, I can.  You're looking out for my interests, I don't want you to look out for my interests.  You don't want me to be able to buy custom cables, I do.  You have your flawed testing data that I'm not impressed by.  You're missing out on a lot, I'm not.  I feel sorry for those who can't hear a difference, you don't.  It really is very simple, hence the lack of content.
Explain your experiences and people may respect your opinion more.
I'm not trying to gain respect for my "opinions" as I have shared my experiences.  If you don't hear a difference, I'm good.  Try sharing the same attitude that it's all good and neither of us needs the others permission to hear or not hear what we're experiencing.  Try getting over yourself and maybe you might be able to hear the difference.  But you're convinced that there's no difference, so you're not looking for the differences.   You'll never hear a difference because you have the results of your stated tests.  I'm happy for you.
(Well, actually I'm sad for you and it's sad that you'll never hear the differences because you've convinced yourself there's nothing more to listen for and it's sad that you're missing out on so much.)
Try leaving this thread with the attitude that just because, using your tests to validate yourself, you can't hear or test for it, doesn't mean that it's not there for others to enjoy.


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