What's the volume level of your listening?
Nov 5, 2008 at 1:13 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 45


100+ Head-Fier
Oct 30, 2008
So yeah, just interested..

I usually listen to my music at a volume below normal talking level because my parents get angry if I don't respond to them calling
so I have to turn the volume down..
Nov 5, 2008 at 2:45 PM Post #2 of 45
With my IEMs, it varies depending on the recording level. At home when listening with open headphones, I do the whistle test. If I can't hear myself whistling, it's too loud.
Nov 5, 2008 at 3:15 PM Post #3 of 45
I chose the middle option. But it mostly depends on the type of music.
When I listen to New Age/Meditative music, it is probably below that level. But with some songs the level goes up a few notches. After a few of those songs, I turn the volume back down. I don't want to ruin my hearing. On several meetings I noticed though, that most other headfiers listen at considerably louder levels than I do.
Nov 5, 2008 at 5:02 PM Post #4 of 45
~ Talking level.
At home its usually dead quiet around me, so high volume is not needed at all. On the road I need to turn up the volume a bit though, to mask the outside noise.
Nov 5, 2008 at 5:11 PM Post #6 of 45
above talking level so people around dont bother me
Nov 5, 2008 at 5:41 PM Post #7 of 45
~75-80 dB range for me when I do "serious" listening.
I guess that is pretty loud, but should still be in the safe range.

On the go I put it low so I can still hear my surroundings.
Nov 5, 2008 at 5:45 PM Post #8 of 45
I turn it up until I start to feel uncomfortable. Then I stop. Usually ends up being just above conversation level.
Nov 6, 2008 at 12:55 AM Post #11 of 45
Mines just above talking level, but low enough that I can still hear the phone ring or a knock at the door.
Nov 6, 2008 at 3:41 AM Post #12 of 45
for me there are certain recordings that just open up at louder volumes (and certain gear, obviously). In Rainbows is one of those recordings. there's also stuff that is just fun to listen to loud (Battles), which i like to opt for the speakers for anyways - get that THUMP. but generally i listen to my music above speaking level, not WAY UP, but pretty loud.

the thing that always gets in my way is the world around me. i cant listen to my speakers too loud, because of neighbors, and i cant listen to my phones too loud because, like vega said, i dont want to miss something like a knock at the door.
Nov 6, 2008 at 3:48 AM Post #13 of 45
Above speaking level,I enjoy things at a louder volume as due to the nature of my ears atleast things seems to come alive at higher volumes. I'm not going to crank it silly because I do quite enjoy my hearing.

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