What's the significance of your username?
Dec 22, 2004 at 4:45 AM Post #63 of 99

Originally Posted by null
I'm not really great with names so I just picked the first thing that came out of my head.

It's also extremely geeky (in a good day). /dev/null For any non-Linux users out there, /dev/null is the null device, or non-existant. If you write something to /dev/null, it gets deleted. The funny thing is with Linux, though, you can actually have stuff piped directly to null, i.e. backups. There have been cases of people mistakenly having their backup tarballs written to null instead of the tapes. Sure runs faster that way...
Dec 22, 2004 at 4:50 AM Post #64 of 99

Originally Posted by bangraman
I misspelled the name of a spoof superhero who saves the world through his bhangra dancing in white nylon suits. It was funny maybe once. I'm getting kind of fed up with this name to be honest.

Whos this bhangra dancing superhero?!! sounds crazy!

"What's the significance of your username?"

my name's Amit, Damn it!

Dec 22, 2004 at 7:57 PM Post #67 of 99
It's a rudiment of Rindolini, which is a pseudo-Italian derivate of my last name.

Greetings from Hannover!

Manfred / lini
Dec 22, 2004 at 10:39 PM Post #70 of 99
About a hundred years ago, when I first went online, it was through (Godhelpme) AOL. Some dummy already had SingleMalt so I went with OneMalt and it stuck.
Dec 25, 2004 at 1:25 AM Post #71 of 99
I used to be a hardcore gamer. I switched between a bunch of internet service providers locally to see what had the best ping times for gaming. I joined a server and was really happy with my pings so I couldn't think of a better name than ISP at the time.

I don't know why I kept using it though. I have registered with it at Xtremesystems, HardOCP, Genmay, Silent PC Review, and plenty of other forums. I figure I'll just keep using it.
Dec 25, 2004 at 11:40 PM Post #73 of 99
Monogram of the band "Crack Pipe Whores."
We're really big in ...uhm...our own minds.
Dec 26, 2004 at 7:39 AM Post #75 of 99
my nickname. it's intended as irony in anti-machoism (because I'll kick ya ass)

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