What's the best portable amp for a pair of Sensaphonics?
Oct 5, 2005 at 4:10 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 18


Apr 26, 2005
Surely this is a topic that may have been discussed before, but what are some opinions on what portable amps work best with the Sensaphonics 2X? I currently have the SR-71, but would like something that is smaller, with better battery life, and great sounding with my new iPod nano. Hell, make it possible to travel in time and I'll be set...

Oct 5, 2005 at 12:59 PM Post #2 of 18

Originally Posted by bender13
Surely this is a topic that may have been discussed before, but what are some opinions on what portable amps work best with the Sensaphonics 2X? I currently have the SR-71, but would like something that is smaller, with better battery life, and great sounding with my new iPod nano. Hell, make it possible to travel in time and I'll be set...


SMv5 is coming out and the bass boost is alway something for to use. Along with switching out opamps.
Oct 5, 2005 at 2:42 PM Post #3 of 18
I'm eagerly awaiting the new SM 3 (V), but for portability sake I wonder how the new Super-Micro and Super-Mini will sound. My inexperience with OP amps leaves me uncertain as to their benefits. Though the idea of swapping does seem entertaining.

Thanks for the suggestion.
Oct 5, 2005 at 2:49 PM Post #5 of 18

Originally Posted by bender13
I'm eagerly awaiting the new SM 3 (V), but for portability sake I wonder how the new Super-Micro and Super-Mini will sound. My inexperience with OP amps leaves me uncertain as to their benefits. Though the idea of swapping does seem entertaining.

Thanks for the suggestion.

Well personal opinion here but it doesn't make much f a difference when using the SM3 or just using the jack out of the ipod. At work I put it into my EMP, and like that sound better. So I don't know. I dont find the sound changes to much but I do like is the bass boost for the gym or just to have alittle more detail or bass attack. I am not sure the lower end models are going to give you that.

Wasn't like the with Shure e5s the extra juice really ment something there.

Oct 5, 2005 at 3:27 PM Post #6 of 18
That's true about the attacking bass with the boost - something I hadn't considered. The Sensas are so efficient anyways, you may be right that there isn't any additional gain with the lower model Xin amplifiers. Guess we'll just have to wait and see for all the new mini-amps coming out (Super-Mini/Micro and the Hornet).

thanks for all the help
Oct 5, 2005 at 4:13 PM Post #7 of 18

Originally Posted by zatara
The Hornet is coming out soon and will sound similiar to your SR-71 but be smaller and have an ac option with switchable gain.

The Hornet sounds nothing like the SR-71. It's forward, dynamic, and ballsy, whereas the SR-71 is more laidback by comparison but more open and more extended.

In terms of pairing up with the 2X-S... I dunno, I never heard them. From what I've read, I would say that a detailed, analytical amp would suit them well. And why do you need bassboost? Do they not have enough bass already? Just curious.
Oct 5, 2005 at 4:53 PM Post #8 of 18
Now seems to be one of those times when it might be better strategy to wait a month or two, to hear the reviews on the new Hornet and SM(vi), then you'll not need to upgrade in the near term.
Speaking from experience with RS and Ipod's, and initial descriptions here, the Hornet looks like it's going to synergise well with the Sensa's. Hopefully, I will be auditioning that very combination, this weekend- check for a Philly Meet impressions thread.
Oct 5, 2005 at 7:47 PM Post #9 of 18
That's some good advice to wait. Though it's so hard to do so when all the upcoming products seem to have indeterminate launch dates. This is not a prolbem with any of the companies, but rather with me and my impatience. Thanks for all the advice!
Oct 5, 2005 at 8:29 PM Post #10 of 18
I have the sensas and sm3 and they go really well together. I find the bass boost really nice depending on what opamps I'm using. Some sound a bit thin for my taste and need a boost whereas others have so much lowend the boost is just too much.
Oct 9, 2005 at 2:32 PM Post #11 of 18
Well, I listened to the Hornet and Sensa's yesterday at the Philly meet, in direct comparison to my SR-71, and was very much impressed with the combination, seeing a richer and more forward presentation that brought the monitors to a seeming new level (that last qualification because of a run-in with Ray's A/B switch, which makes fools of many!
Looking very much forward to this one.
Oct 9, 2005 at 7:12 PM Post #12 of 18
i would seriously consider getting another portable amp if you could change the opamps and most importly if has a bass boost. I think in the future you will see other portable with a bass boost. I use it to often not to get an amp with it.
Oct 9, 2005 at 8:01 PM Post #13 of 18
I've listened to the Sensas extensively with the following amps:
SuperMacro version 2 with 627 opamps (god they're on v5 already?!)
HeadRoom Coda with Desktop Module upgrade
HeadAmp AE-1

I've also used them briefly with the following:
Evilfire Cmoy

And my ranking is as follows:
SR-71: 10
Evilfire Cmoy: 9.5

iRiver iHP-140 line-out: 8.5
SuperMacro: 8.5
AE-1: 7.5
Coda: 7.0
iPod headphone out: 7.0

Hornet: 6

The Coda is the interesting one as it gives a great punch and energy, especially to the bass. But the Sensaphonics doesn't really need more bass. Dunno why I disliked the Hornet. I thought it sounded broken. Ditto with the Raptor actually - but only a few people seemed to agree with me. The Sensas sounded fantastic out of a Singlepower Slam though.


Oct 9, 2005 at 8:15 PM Post #14 of 18

Originally Posted by jjcha
I've listened to the Sensas extensively with the following amps:
SuperMacro version 2 with 627 opamps (god they're on v5 already?!)
HeadRoom Coda with Desktop Module upgrade
HeadAmp AE-1

I've also used them briefly with the following:
Evilfire Cmoy

And my ranking is as follows:
SR-71: 10
Evilfire Cmoy: 9.5

iRiver iHP-140 line-out: 8.5
SuperMacro: 8.5
Coda: 7.0
AE-1: 7.0
iPod headphone out: 7.0

Hornet: 6

The Coda is the interesting one as it gives a great punch and energy, especially to the bass. But the Sensaphonics doesn't really need more bass. Dunno why I disliked the Hornet. I thought it sounded broken. Ditto with the Raptor actually - but only a few people seemed to agree with me. The Sensas sounded fantastic out of a Singlepower Slam though.



I can't comment on the other amps but listening to my iHP 140 is definitely improved to my taste by the SM3 (not 2) , also using sensas and opa 627's-even though they're not my favourite opamps in the SM3. Maybe things have improved since the SM2, but if the iHP was rated at 8.5 I'd have to give the SM3 12.
Oct 9, 2005 at 10:11 PM Post #15 of 18
With your extensive and wide-ranging experience, I must thank you very much for taking the time to create a virtual "top-ten" list. I too agree with you that the SR-71 sounds fantastic and should be on the top of the list. If only the Slam were portable... Well, I have just placed an order for the new Super-Mini to get a flavor of what's possible with rolling amps and just being able to try out some new configurations. Thanks so much for all the advice!

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