what would you guys say would be the next amp i build??
Feb 21, 2005 at 12:40 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6


Jan 27, 2005
okay i feel like building another amp but i am in the dark on witch one too build i was thinking a PIMETA or a diffrent one but i don't know i would use this one for around the house and not as a portable one,what one would you guys say???
Feb 21, 2005 at 12:45 AM Post #2 of 6
Honestly, I found it very helpful to just build another Cmoy. It was good practice, cheap, and comforting to be working with a familiar design.
Feb 21, 2005 at 1:10 AM Post #4 of 6
thanks for the help maher but i have built about 4 cmoys all would have worked if i only use the right resistors,

MMM tube amps eh i know nothing about those for now and i alredy have some of the parts required to make the PIMETA.

1 question tho. Is there anyway i can make my own printed circut board???
Feb 21, 2005 at 2:10 AM Post #5 of 6
Okay, so you've conquered the Cmoy
then honestly, any of the next 2 steps (PIMETA, MINT) are probably going to seem easier as far as the construction goes. It's a whole lot easier to just place parts where the correct lable is on the board. No jumpers to worry about, but the difficulty comes in if something goes wrong these more complex amps are a lot harder to trouble shoot.

I've built 5 MINTs now and I've got the parts for several PIMETAs and the hardest thing about them is sourcing the parts and figuring out what you want to build. A MINT is pretty straightforward, there are only a couple of real optional items and the total parts cost is probably between $60 and $80 depending on the opamp and enclosure that you choose but a PIMETA can run anywhere from $75 to $200. The issue with the MINT is that it uses SMD chips which are about the size of a pencil eraser and must be soldered with great care. The PIMETA is actually easier to build.

If you want another protoboard based design I'd suggest going with the A47 . It's a little less expensive than the MINT and doesn't use surface mount chips which can be hard for a beginning solderer. Most likely the PIMETA parts you have would also work for this design.

And yes, you can learn how to etch your own boards. Kits are available at radio shack and other electronics stores.

Hope that helps.

Feb 21, 2005 at 3:20 AM Post #6 of 6
okay thanks N_maher,the mint i looked into but the thing is i want too have one for my comp desk and my desk up in my room and one,my cmoy amp for now as the one i use at school and on the go,And thanks for the info on where too get books on etching my own boards,

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