what will you buy in 2004?
Dec 29, 2003 at 4:28 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 161


Headphoneus Supremus
May 15, 2002
i tried this last year and had a good response. the basic question is what headphones do you plan on buying this coming year? if you want to throw in a source or an amp feel free. it would be interesting to dig up last years thread and see what people said, and really turned out doing. i know i way overdid what i said i was going to do. i did get the audio technica's. but i went way beyond that with some stax 404's and just recently a new rega planet cd player, oh and i almost forgot the kevin gilmore solid state amp. i guess i way out did it........
Dec 29, 2003 at 4:37 PM Post #4 of 161

Originally posted by Willchilton
...hmm...mabye some of those headphones at bestbuy with changable faceplates.

Dec 29, 2003 at 4:39 PM Post #5 of 161
Well I've only been here for a few months and I've already spent over a couple thousand... so it look's like i'm prob going to try to get that "final" system and stop there ( he90, he60 , omega II , r10 , l3000 , ... maybe one of those). I really must say it's scarry when you realize how much money you spend. I find my self saying ONLY 100 dollars or it's ONLY 500 dollars to friends and they look at me like i'm smoking something. At lest I'm happy
... I think
Dec 29, 2003 at 4:53 PM Post #6 of 161
1. Probably an amp for my RS-1. Will probably be Emmeline XP7 or RA-1.
2. Sell my 963SA and buy a new source....(maybe) I really like the 963SA but I hate the noise...
3. Maybe new speakers too. Like B&W 705, 805 or Dynaudio Audience 52 Special Edition.
Dec 29, 2003 at 5:05 PM Post #8 of 161
well, audio-wise:
I'd like to get a Gallien Krueger 800RB for my bass rig, to quasi-complete my new amp. (2x Bag End S15X-D and the GK 800RB).

I'd like to get a Headsave MINT, Porta Corda, Headsave Tempo or Xin Supermicro.

I think I'll end up getting the MINT based on the price, I hope it's a good match with my trackmasters. I guess I'll wait to decide on that, until I get my trackmasters and see how my karma drivers them and how they sound with it.
Dec 29, 2003 at 5:09 PM Post #9 of 161
Man, I've only been here a year and my system has changed over dramatically, I could never have predicted this.. heh. A year ago, I was using HD-580s (and during the last week of the year, I got my HD-600s) into a Headroom Cosmic that I got also in the last week (upgrading from the Headroom Little)..

But now?.. The only forseeable upgrade I can see is that I hear a pair of Omega II and overhaul my system for that. But from what I hear about R10's price/performance and though I love the HE90, I'll never be able to afford them
Dec 29, 2003 at 6:49 PM Post #14 of 161
good choice on the AKG 271S, I'm very happy with mine

now that I have them I definately have the upgradeitis bug though and will be getting a new home source and amp and interconnects and possibly a custom cable for the cans in 2004
Dec 29, 2003 at 6:50 PM Post #15 of 161
Emmeline Stealth
But um... the $ is gone in 2003. Just have to await it's arrival in 2004. So I don't know if that technically counts as a 2004 buy.

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