What should I get my girlfriend (hopefully soon to be fiancee) for a grad present?!
Apr 17, 2007 at 4:58 PM Post #16 of 28

Originally Posted by nickknutson /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Dude, in all seriousness.
You want to go sentimental...especially if you're going to marry the girl!
Here's my idea(with links):

Leather-bound Journal...to write about her journey through life with you!

Then, go hit up the Pen-fi thread and find a nice writing untensil to compliment her new journal with the funds you have left over.

Oh yeah, write something nice on the first page, too!

Journal - $90
Pen - $60
Total - $150!

I got my girlfriend (now wife) one of these set ups for a gift and she absolutely loved it!

This was exactly my idea!!! Good on ya!
Apr 17, 2007 at 6:24 PM Post #17 of 28
I really like the idea of a secluded bed & breakfast. While a "practical" girl (me)...this would be remembered-a sweet memory to have.

If not that, I would appreciate something that I wouldn't get myself or a nicer "upgrade" of what I might get.
A professional frame for the diploma would be nice, as mentioned.
Another nice thought, if you know of a "scrap-booker" or someone who knows of one...a creative, custom made, personal scrapbook would be quite nice.
Apr 17, 2007 at 11:29 PM Post #20 of 28

Originally Posted by Uncle Erik /img/forum/go_quote.gif
How about spending the night at a nice bed and breakfast out in the woods? Talk to the owners and get them to decorate the room for her, leave wildflowers on the bed, bottle of her favorite wine, stuff like that. Not a physical object, but she'll love the getaway and quiet weekend with you.

this is a great idea.


Originally Posted by Jahn /img/forum/go_quote.gif
for a graduation gift give her a nice card.

in the card? two roundtrip tickets to her favorite place in the world.

spend the summer planning it together, whee!

when you get there, propose there.

nice and neat!

this would be a great idea but i'd like to know where jahn gets two roundtrip airline tickets for $150

great stuff cheesmeister.
just kidding of course, something along these lines if you go with the journal. in fact, i think i might buy one of those; two perhaps. the extra one to practice my handwriting
Apr 17, 2007 at 11:39 PM Post #21 of 28
Hmm, let's see - after years of courtship and marriage, where are we on this checklist personally?

1 Swim in a waterfall - done. Pretty darn cold. Kinda scary. Swimming behind it is far more fun!

2 sleep under the stars - we never were much for camping. No go here.

3 have a picnic with a red and white checkered blanket - tried it, pretty lumpy. ants. in pants. one and done.

4 paint a 3X3 metre painting - me stink at art. she does too

5 catch fireflies - we let butterflies land on us, is that close enough? she hates "bugs" tho so i had to brush them off.

6 watch a meteor shower from my roof - we watched fireworks, every year in fact, like this. always fun.

7 go camping - see #2.

8 skinny dipping! - one word: Algae. no thanks.

9 spend the afternoon on a river in a row boat - how about the lake in Central Park instead? pretty fun, should do it again.

10 read beneath the willow tree - plenty of willow time, have one at Delaware, one cool one at college way back when too. didn't do much readin' there. oh, i did read Ayn Rand once while she took a nap under one - and then proposed when she woke up. so yeah, this one probably takes the cake.

11 make art/ write to classical music - we enjoy listening to classical, but never did anything other than listen together while listening.

12 stay up all night - all the time back in the day.

13 grow a garden - since we got our own place, we've tended an "urban garden" plot. pain in the butt. she only wants to plant edible veggies - it looks like a green mess, or stripped bare.

14 plant a tree - done, twice. i should go visit that thing and see if the new owner of our old plot kept em up!

15 go to a sugar bush - nopes.

16 go hiking - well we kinda do this when walkin' around rainforests during vacations. hope that counts.

17 talk (to you) everyday - ayep.

18 walk around barefoot - or at least in socks only indoors. shoes are a no-no at home. at the beach, getting kinda toasty these days to do it on dry sand. on campus, did it sometimes.

19 write poems at 4 in the morning - me, yes. her, no. me to her? no.

20 share an ice cream soda - yep! more than we should.

10 hug - uh huh!
Apr 17, 2007 at 11:49 PM Post #22 of 28
You can't go wrong with high end bath soaps. Women love that stuff. You can get a basket of fine lotions and soaps that smell real nice. Great stuff.
Apr 17, 2007 at 11:52 PM Post #23 of 28
Thanks for all of the suggestions so far, they are all pretty great (the bear one is odd but interesting
). The biggest downside to the bed/breakfast is that I don't know if her parents would approve of it; a bit risque, and I plan on asking them for their permission (oldschool-ish), which I am pretty hopeful and sure that I'll get, but I don't want to rock things. Any other ideas?
Apr 18, 2007 at 5:55 AM Post #27 of 28
geez, this being head-fi i can't believe i'm the only one that suggested getting her some nice cans. she might get the bug and you two can enjoy some beautiful tunes in this manner.
Apr 18, 2007 at 6:13 AM Post #28 of 28
Get her a card.

What's in the card? I'm glad you asked. In the card is a $150 bill and a picture of you. Wait for it: it's a picture of you with nothing on but your KSC35s. Oh, and a source. You don't want the cord to just dangle there.

But in all honesty, get her the card.

Do it. Nothing says "Happy Graduation" like "Hey, LOOKIT ME! PAY ATTENTION TO ME!"

Or you could think of all the things she complained about while she was doing her degree (let's say for the sake of example that she complained about being tired a lot), and then get her a pillow with the above picture printed on it. Let's try on some other hypotheticals.

Coffee drinker? Get her the honkingest Starbucks coffee maker and one of those mugs where they print a picture on it *wink wink*.

Get a www.cafepress.com shirt of "If you got a problem, I'll solve it" and it shows a book on it like this. She's going to be a teacher after all.

Buy her an extension cord. Women are attracted to power, right?

Get "The Office" box sets of Season 1 and 2 and stay home and nest. The scenes with Pam and Jim is sure to light that romantic fire.

Get her a card with a picture of you inside. Wait, didn't we have this idea already? Here's the twist: add a picture of you in one of those four-picture photobooths and each photo has a different message you write on a piece of white paper. "WILL," "YOU," "MARRY," "ME?" they say. And then you write a note inside that says "You're going to be a teacher. Now spend the rest of your life teaching me how to love you like you deserve to be." Whether you include the picture of your KSC35s is up to the mood.

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