What is the difference between 6922, ECC88, and E88CC tubes?
Nov 2, 2004 at 4:13 AM Post #16 of 23

Originally Posted by gundam91
Are you sure? I think you are confused with the operating voltage of the amp itself. 220V-240V for most Europe, 110V-120V for North America. These tubes operates at 6.3V.

In most tube preamps/amps today, you can substitute any of the tubes in this family for one another. (I said most, not all) To be safe, you should always consult the manufacturer and/or other users of the same amp/preamp to make sure that it is OK.

I have used 6DJ8s for my ARC preamps and they sound fine. There are no cons. They just sound different. One of my favorite tubes is the Amperex Orange Globe 6DJ8s. Good bang for the buck.

You are right. The builder must have been referring to the wall voltage. I will ask him what voltage is applied to the tubes.

What I meant by con is if a tube is rated for a higher voltage (ie 6922) and it's used in a product that never reaches that high voltage, won't it not be used to its full potential? I know that sounds like a silly question, but I thought this might be one of the cases where you should use tubes closely rated to what the amp was made to drive. Does that make sense?
Nov 2, 2004 at 10:01 AM Post #17 of 23

Originally Posted by gundam91
Are you sure? I think you are confused with the operating voltage of the amp itself. 220V-240V for most Europe, 110V-120V for North America. These tubes operates at 6.3V.

The plate voltage on the tube is what he's referring to (correctly). The 6.3V is the voltage on the heater.
Nov 2, 2004 at 12:23 PM Post #18 of 23
Here is some more information on the differences.
Nov 2, 2004 at 6:55 PM Post #19 of 23

Originally Posted by sygyzy
What I meant by con is if a tube is rated for a higher voltage (ie 6922) and it's used in a product that never reaches that high voltage, won't it not be used to its full potential?

Nope. It just means the tube will have a longer life in your amp. For example, Audio Illusion 3A tube preamp is known to eat tubes because it is design to drive the tube hard. Most NOS tubes last about a month in that preamp. The only tube that would take the beating is the Sovteks.
Nov 4, 2004 at 11:49 PM Post #22 of 23

Originally Posted by sygyzy
Perfect. You guys have been awesome. Basically I know now that can run anything in the 6DJ8 family and be fine. Builder told me heater voltage is 6.3V.

Next part is to try to figure out which tube is right for you and try to track some down for a decent price while avoiding fake ones on eBay....

I started collecting these tubes like a madman 6 years ago searching high and low at local electronic warehouses and eBay. I am glad I did as I recently went on a hunt for another tube type around the area and was sadden to see that the supply has dwindled down to almost null. And I was shocked at the prices some people are asking for on various online forums and retail stores.

Glad to say that I now own over 400 of these tubes from various manufacturers and of variuos vantages in my nice little collection plus a nice military tube tester.
They are a better investment than most of my stocks!

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