What interconnect (for headphone amp)?
Mar 25, 2005 at 11:09 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 37


Mar 22, 2005
I am thinking of buying Corda's HA-1 MKII headphone amp for my Sennheiser HD-600 headphones. I have Cyrus' 4000-euro stereoset. My question is: what kind of interconnect (RCA) should I buy? Or should I say: how much money should I spend on it?

Some people say that especially when concerning a headphone amp it wouldn't be wise to spend over 100 euros (or dollars) on an interconnect. That is if you don't own a real high-end equipment. On the other hand, some people say that it is wise to get a good interconnect.

Now, as I am using headphones mostly at night time and as I am on the verge of spending a lot of money for a new stereo set, I would not necessarily like to spend over 100 euros on an interconnect. That being said, I am the type of guy who is not rich but who does not like to sacrifice performance because of the price tag. I don't want to buy a crappy cable which destroys the listening experience.

Of course the best advice would be to just try out different cables, even the cheap ones, on my system and hear what sounds best. This would be optimal, but unfortunately, I live in a city that has really limited quantity of cables. There's one hifi-store which offers Monster Cable, van den hul and Nordost. However, I would be able to order the cables from another city.

I would prefer an all-copper interconnect. I would like to buy Analysis Plus' Oval One interconnect, but the price is pretty steep: 159 euros. I have also been looking models from van den hul and Monster Cable (which I use for hometheater but would not prefer to use with stereos). There's a cable called Merlin Chopin which has one tests and is reasonably priced but I can't find it in Finland. Bummer!

Would you please advice me on this matter and maybe recommend me an interconnect. Also, you could mention how much did you spend on your interconnect. Keep in mind that while I know that cheap cables can and are good, I guess I am a little spoiled since I always want a little better products. I guess I feel proud if the price tag has a big number. That being said, I do not want to spend money carelessly in this particular case.
Mar 25, 2005 at 1:41 PM Post #2 of 37
Price doesn't necessarily reflect quality when it comes to interconnects. I've had bad luck with Monster, decent results with Zu, and great luck with some DIY cables. There's some very talented cable builders that hang out in the DIY forum on this site.
Mar 26, 2005 at 12:56 PM Post #5 of 37
Mar 26, 2005 at 7:04 PM Post #6 of 37

Originally Posted by backdrifter
I'm going to post a comparison soon, but I have used Blue Jeans cable, and I have found that the assertions made my Audioholics, while something I would love to believe, are not true. Anyone who can't hear the difference between a BJ cable and an audiophile cable either has lower end equipment or is in the wrong hobby, no offense.

I'm using Audioquest King Cobra. Sonically, this is a vastly superior cable to the BJ cable.

wow, what system are you using?
anyhow, I do agree with the statement above about DIY, its the way to go and a good learning experience. Im a DIYer and reading specifications and looking at pictures, I can usually gestimate actual costs and materials used in professional cables. If I have one in person and I can unscrew the barrel form the signal pin to examine that would be even better. DIY will give yo ua wealth of information that is very useful during cable shopping. Ive rewired my whole set up with my DIY cables and have no urge buy $300 interconnects. IMHO cable performance at a certain level tops off, after then its pure aesthetics and name you are paying for. But in DIY you can create at cable geared towards your own preferences in both build and aesthetics

Which is why I think DIY is something many people should try to learn.

Just my humble opinion of course.
Mar 26, 2005 at 7:14 PM Post #7 of 37
Well, in Finland we do not have Blue Jeans cable unfortunately. I could order them abroad but I think I want stick with the cables that are sold in my country.

We have: Audioquest, van den hul, Tara Labs, Monster Cable, Nordost, Transparent, Cardas, Goerzt, Analysis Plus, Ixos, Alpha Core, Supra and Kimber. My favourite would probably be Analysis Plus' Oval One interconnect cable. It is made from copper and the cost is about 140 dollars for 1,5 metres. Analysis Plus is respected by many hifists in Finland and it has won tests.

A while back I did think about getting Audioquest cables but somehow they seem so much like Monster Cable. I don't know why.

I'm going to get Corda HA-1 MKII headphone amp. I have Sennheiser HD-600 headphones (going to get HD-650 later on). I have 4000-dollar stereo set and 2500-dollar home theater set. These are situated in a small room (not ideal listening environment). I would use the headphones approximately 2-4 hours per day mostly on my laptop but also on my stereo and home theater.
Mar 26, 2005 at 8:16 PM Post #8 of 37
Then, go get Cardas. I have the Cardas Golden Reference Power (and I plan to get another one to replace the PS Audio xStream Plus AC cord sometime this year) and I have the Cardas Neutral Reference ICs. I love the Cardas house sound which is very harmonically rich and it is very lively and natural. I also love the fact that George Cardas has seen it fit to design a cable properly the first time through without having to revise or improve upon his design for many years afterwards. This, in my humble opinion, is the mark of a quality and honest audiophile shop.
Mar 26, 2005 at 11:39 PM Post #9 of 37
Mar 27, 2005 at 5:38 AM Post #10 of 37
I'm especially interested in your opinion between the Blue Jeans Cable and the Cardas cable. By the way, could you list the specific Blue Jeans and Cardas cables that you will be comparing?

You guys should check out this magazine called The Skeptic. There is a long column devoted to audiophoolery with regard to audio cable voodoo. It is meant to be a general overview of the state of thinking regarding audio cable design and the audiophile marketplace that allows for manufacturers to price their products at several thousands of dollars. Of course, I'm not advocating that you take their opinion to heart.

One thing that the skeptic camp touts is pure electrical engineering and science over any hint or possibility that the human ear is a valid scientific listening tool or a reliable measuring device. What do you guys think? Let's make this more meaningful. Do you guys believe in pure science over the art of listening or vice versa? Should you only listen to the opinions of certain people who have a singular agenda exclusively? Do you do it?!

I'm beginning to think that kind of insular thinking is hazardous to your mind and ears.
Mar 27, 2005 at 10:13 AM Post #11 of 37
Mar 27, 2005 at 7:28 PM Post #12 of 37
Well yeah the Cardas seem like great cables. However they are pretty expensive. Keep in mind that I do not have a high-end setup. My Cyrus cd-player and integrated amp cost 2800 dollars together and I'm using Cyrus' own cables with them. As I have Sennheiser HD-600 and soon Corda HA-1 MKII headphone amp, spending more than 150 euros on an interconnect would be a waste of money in my book. Don't get me wrong, I know expensive cables do sound good, but when we are talking about getting the most bang for buck, getting reference-quality cables would be crazy. If I had Krell or Mark Levinson equipment it would be another story.

On the other hand, I know many guys who think spending more than 40 dollars in my particular situation would be totally crazy. They claim that the best option for me would be to go DIY or get the no-brand cables from somewhere. As I am not a DIY-kinda guy and do want quality product, I'm going to spend at least 60 euros. For now, Cardas and Analysis Plus look like the best options for an over-100-dollar cable and for an under-100-dollar cable something like van den hul. I thought of getting Monster Cable i400mkII, but I guess I came to my senses
Mar 27, 2005 at 8:19 PM Post #13 of 37
You should check out my recent thread entitled My Findings...

I say stick to stock cords, but consider purchasing one pair of Blue Jeans Cable interconnecting cables using Belden 1505F terminated with Canare RCAPs cut to your length needs. Stick with normal 16 AWG power cords or consider purchasing some quality Quail power cords from Tortie if you are curious. With the gear you have already listed, I hardly think that you'll be musically unsatisfied with these specific cable recommendations.
Mar 28, 2005 at 12:05 AM Post #14 of 37

Originally Posted by CagedTiger
Well yeah the Cardas seem like great cables. However they are pretty expensive. Keep in mind that I do not have a high-end setup. My Cyrus cd-player and integrated amp cost 2800 dollars together and I'm using Cyrus' own cables with them. As I have Sennheiser HD-600 and soon Corda HA-1 MKII headphone amp, spending more than 150 euros on an interconnect would be a waste of money in my book. Don't get me wrong, I know expensive cables do sound good, but when we are talking about getting the most bang for buck, getting reference-quality cables would be crazy. If I had Krell or Mark Levinson equipment it would be another story.

On the other hand, I know many guys who think spending more than 40 dollars in my particular situation would be totally crazy. They claim that the best option for me would be to go DIY or get the no-brand cables from somewhere. As I am not a DIY-kinda guy and do want quality product, I'm going to spend at least 60 euros. For now, Cardas and Analysis Plus look like the best options for an over-100-dollar cable and for an under-100-dollar cable something like van den hul. I thought of getting Monster Cable i400mkII, but I guess I came to my senses

IMHO, many of those 100 dollar cables cost $10-$20 to make
, big companies must have atronomical profit margins for each cable sold. but then cardas and van den hul are like bragging rights and they are built very well. I just cant afford them. which is why I taught myself how to make my own.
Mar 28, 2005 at 4:49 AM Post #15 of 37

As Todd and Headroom will tell you, the only interconnect you'll ever need for mid-to-high end systems is the DiMarzio interconnect... which comes in around 150 dollars. I got mine for 100 dollars used.
What opened up the most with these cables?

Well, obviously detail. But also resolution and MOST OF ALL the soundstage! You wouldn't believe how much better the soundstage is with this interconnect.

The DiMarzio is HIGHLY recommended by me. Stereophile even loved it, and ToddTheVinylJunkie and Headroom both have glowing reviews for these and are on sale at both those sites.

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