What IEM is closest to a Ety ER-4 but with deep bass?
May 29, 2007 at 3:59 AM Post #16 of 39

Originally Posted by Funk-O-Meter /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I mean you can hear it but not well. For musicians on stage (like me) that need a lot of low mids and bass they just don't get the job done. Especially Bass players and drummer. Oh wait I said musicians...LOL
Compared to the UM-2, E-5,E-500, it's no contest. Even compared to many other IEM's they don't have near the bass presence.

ur confusing deep bass with mid bass. bass presence is an elevation in mid bass.
May 29, 2007 at 4:22 AM Post #17 of 39
If you want ETY designed phones with more bass any of the Altec Lansing IM716, IM616 Or Harmon Kardon EP720 or EP730 will diliver on the bass & are more efficient as well. They aren't quite as detailed or as well balanced as the ER4P/S's though. However they are still very very good still.
May 29, 2007 at 4:43 AM Post #18 of 39

Originally Posted by Tyll Hertsens /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'd say the new Shure 420s.

Interesting that you say this. It's been quite a while since I've heard an ER4 but from what I remember of them they are boosted around 2k whereas the SE420 seems to dip in that range.

I suppose I'd agree otherwise...
May 29, 2007 at 5:59 AM Post #20 of 39
I've never heard this setup but I think this question has been answered before with something along the lines of...

"Get a ER-4P to ER-4S adapter and a good amp. One good amp that synergizes well with the ER-4S is the Xin SuperMicro IV."
May 29, 2007 at 6:01 AM Post #21 of 39

Originally Posted by bellsprout /img/forum/go_quote.gif
ur confusing deep bass with mid bass. bass presence is an elevation in mid bass.

No I'm not, when I mean bass presence I mean it all the way down. Not just at 200hz-600hz. I mean all the way down. 60ish-150ish. The ER4's just don't cut it on stage for me. I doubt they produce much below 200hz. I mean you can hear it quietly but it's rolled off for sure. I've tried them a few times. When you need to hear the kick drum and the bass player (especially upright bass) then the ER4's just fall woefully short. I have in the past gone with a IEM with better bass and mids but lacking highs because those ranges are more important when performing. But I'm ready to find THE ONE that really sounds amazing all across the board. I don't know if it exists this side of $700.

The ER-4's do not have strong bass. I've heard 4 different pairs through various amps in listening to various musical content and not once did was I ever happy with the bass. The highs are however amazing.

May 29, 2007 at 6:24 AM Post #22 of 39

Originally Posted by Funk-O-Meter /img/forum/go_quote.gif
No I'm not, when I mean bass presence I mean it all the way down. Not just at 200hz-600hz. I mean all the way down. 60ish-150ish. The ER4's just don't cut it on stage for me. I doubt they produce much below 200hz. I mean you can hear it quietly but it's rolled off for sure. I've tried them a few times. When you need to hear the kick drum and the bass player (especially upright bass) then the ER4's just fall woefully short. I have in the past gone with a IEM with better bass and mids but lacking highs because those ranges are more important when performing. But I'm ready to find THE ONE that really sounds amazing all across the board. I don't know if it exists this side of $700.

The ER-4's do not have strong bass. I've heard 4 different pairs through various amps in listening to various musical content and not once did was I ever happy with the bass. The highs are however amazing.


If you are not getting well balanced bass then you either don't have a good seal or you are using bass shy music (must of the 1970's & 1980's recording were seriously bass shy as they used masters that were EQed for LP). I get good response down to 16Hz & I have music that goes that low to test it with. Note; I do say well balanced not emphasized.
May 29, 2007 at 6:26 AM Post #23 of 39

measurement begs to differ
dead flat from 200hz to 40hz, -3db at 20hz. maybe not elevated bass, but "rolled off" it is not. if u don't hear it, it's not there.

i firmly believe er-4 delivers in in all frequencies. it is the flattest, most natural sounding universal iem.


Originally Posted by PeterDLai
"Get a ER-4P to ER-4S adapter and a good amp. One good amp that synergizes well with the ER-4S is the Xin SuperMicro IV."

yes. terrific synergy.
May 29, 2007 at 7:32 AM Post #24 of 39

Originally Posted by bellsprout /img/forum/go_quote.gif

measurement begs to differ
dead flat from 200hz to 40hz, -3db at 20hz. maybe not elevated bass, but "rolled off" it is not. if u don't hear it, it's not there.

i firmly believe er-4 delivers in in all frequencies. it is the flattest, most natural sounding universal iem.

yes. terrific synergy.

Yea I've seen those FR charts and honestly they just reinforce what my ears tell me, which is they have nice shinny top end at the expense of bass. If you were to take any speaker/phone with a somewhat flat frequecy response graph (which the Ety's have not to spite what they like to site in literature, I mean look at that graph!) and apply a shelving eq that slopes up from 1K to 12k at about 5-7db then your gonna get a sound that's bright but the bass will suffer. Thats' a simplest form of generating that graph you posted. The perceived bass response is gonna be lessened. You'd have to boost the bass to compensate. I'm not here to bash on Ety's they sound great and they've got an amazing high end. But they do not have strong bass. Flat maybe, but not strong.

True it may not be rolled off, but with it's boosted top end my perception is that it's rolled off. And the fact of it is that I need a phone with stong bass response, weather it's flat or not. I need to hear the kick! I Ety's won't do it. They just won't. I try to put a stong kick drum into them and they break up.

But I do love their sheen. And I'd love to have a nice shinny IEM with strong bass.
May 29, 2007 at 8:00 AM Post #25 of 39

Originally Posted by Funk-O-Meter /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I've found that the ER4 won't take much EQ boost. It starts to break up. If it did I'd love them....as it is I can't use them on stage.

The ER4 is very accepting of EQ. I have mine at +5 at 20hz and +4 at 200hz with no problems whatsoever.
May 29, 2007 at 8:20 AM Post #26 of 39

Originally Posted by germanium /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If you are not getting well balanced bass then you either don't have a good seal or you are using bass shy music (must of the 1970's & 1980's recording were seriously bass shy as they used masters that were EQed for LP). I get good response down to 16Hz & I have music that goes that low to test it with. Note; I do say well balanced not emphasized.

Note that he was emphasising their performance with live music, not recorded music from the 70s or 80s.

I agree that they do go deep, but while the response below 800hz is neutral, between 1khz and 6khz there's a strong rise of about 7db, which is what I suspect would account for the perceived bass-light sound people generally hear out of the ER4.
May 29, 2007 at 10:44 AM Post #27 of 39

Originally Posted by Funk-O-Meter /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yea I've seen those FR charts and honestly they just reinforce what my ears tell me, which is they have nice shinny top end at the expense of bass. If you were to take any speaker/phone with a somewhat flat frequecy response graph (which the Ety's have not to spite what they like to site in literature, I mean look at that graph!) and apply a shelving eq that slopes up from 1K to 12k at about 5-7db then your gonna get a sound that's bright but the bass will suffer. Thats' a simplest form of generating that graph you posted. The perceived bass response is gonna be lessened. You'd have to boost the bass to compensate. I'm not here to bash on Ety's they sound great and they've got an amazing high end. But they do not have strong bass. Flat maybe, but not strong.

True it may not be rolled off, but with it's boosted top end my perception is that it's rolled off. And the fact of it is that I need a phone with stong bass response, weather it's flat or not. I need to hear the kick! I Ety's won't do it. They just won't. I try to put a stong kick drum into them and they break up.

But I do love their sheen. And I'd love to have a nice shinny IEM with strong bass.

treble presence only affects the bass response if there is treble present in the signal going into the iem. if ur music is predominantly bass, high treble attenuation doesn't mean ur hearing all treble.

er-4 has boost between 1-6khz because our ears naturally boost this range. but even not so, its frequency response is more highly correlated with a ruler flat response than other iem's - it's almost symmetrical about 0db - no overall slope up or down.

anyway, ur using it probably for critical listening purposes, and er-4 resolves bass very very well. in terms of detail, i've never heard anything on other iem's that i haven't heard on er-4, even in the bass. sf5 and um2 are bassier, but er-4 are still better at resolving the bass - eg the velvetty timbre of bass guitar. if u can't hear it with er-4, it's not resolved by the recording/source/amp - that's basically er-4 in a nutshell.
May 29, 2007 at 12:04 PM Post #28 of 39
as stated before, this guy is looking for an IEM in an on-stage performing application, not sitting on a train trying to hear victor wooten fart. honestly, the old shure e5 has emphasized bass and is still detailed everywhere, albeit with the slightly rolled off treble (bigtime if you compare to the ety er4).

i have used the shure e2 on-stage in a pinch and they did an okay job, in that they isolated well and i heard what i needed. i'm not looking for er4 detail on stage, especially when it comes at the expense of microphonics and somewhat of an awkward design sticking out of your ears.
May 29, 2007 at 12:22 PM Post #29 of 39
I agree with others, that the amp makes a huge difference. I recently started listening to my ER4S out of the RSA Hornet, and it was like getting a new pair of IEMs... the bass seems much more present, without losing any of the detail Etys are famous for delivering.
May 29, 2007 at 1:34 PM Post #30 of 39

Originally Posted by sgprater /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I agree with others, that the amp makes a huge difference. I recently started listening to my ER4S out of the RSA Hornet, and it was like getting a new pair of IEMs... the bass seems much more present, without losing any of the detail Etys are famous for delivering.

oh definitely! it's the synergy that makes a difference. my supermicro had the same effect.

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