what headphones with a gilmore lite?
Apr 26, 2004 at 8:40 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 29


100+ Head-Fier
Mar 15, 2004
im looking at headphones with basically a 200 dollar limit. i will have a gilmore lite to drive them, but what headphones? i dont need isolation and im not a total bass head, even though i do like bass, but it seems like the dt770's are too much bass. I think that my computer speakers(logitch z560's) have way too much bass and i am quite repulsed by it at times. I was looking at the 271's and 501's, but i dont know the differences between them other than that the 271's are closed and the 501's are open. I will be using these headphones on the computer and i also need a nice sound card. So, if anyone has any nice recommendation's on headphones or soundcards please give me your .02
. im open to any kind of suggestions, but i might find my ansewr when the search is enabled, but until then im just hoping for some good suggestions. i'm also looking for a nice soundstage, but its not a requirement. i dont think ill be looking into grado's or alessandro's. how are the hd 580's? any of the beyer's?


p.s. some of you may wonder why im using a 250 dollar amp with sub 200 dollar headphones..well, the thing is, im going to college soon and i need a car..so im planning to use these headphones for now..and basically leave them on my computer, then upgrading later. i wish i could afford cd3k's or hd 650's. so until then, im stuck with pretty good headphones i guess.
Apr 26, 2004 at 9:08 PM Post #5 of 29
Sound card wise - the breakdown seems to go like this, based on money in:

for under 50 bucks: Chaintech AV-710 (available on newegg.com for 24.99)
under a hunderd bucks: M-Audio Revolution 7.1 (99 on newegg.com)
All out: EMU EM1212: about two hunderd bucks

I've heard the Revo, and currently have the Chaintech - I'm very happy with it on hi-rez mode (do a search, there have been a few posts on it). If you're running linux, you can't use the hi-rez mode, and it's not quite as nice, but still worlds better than anything else for the price range... I'm sure others can give you more details on the Revo and the EMU card - I went with the Chaintech because, for music only, the price/performance ratio is really really good. It doesn't support surround sound or gaming very well, but i don't need eitehr of those things, so I'm smilin
Apr 26, 2004 at 9:10 PM Post #6 of 29
Music preferences, dude, music preferences. If you listen to a lot of rock/rap/pop/electronica, I don't think the K271 or the K501 will suit you very well.

And as far as source options go: Chaintec AV710 ($25), Used M-Audio Audiophile 2496 ($100), or E-mu 1212M ($200).
Apr 26, 2004 at 10:20 PM Post #9 of 29
i listen to punk, rap, hip hop, RnB, some classical, rock, alternative. i dont think im much of a grado person tho. i've heard the ms-1's with modded pads and they're okay..didn't like them much. i might be looking at the a900's...can the a900's run without an amp? if they do, how much better would they sound with an amp?

i might pick up the chaintech card. my cousin is going to get them and if they sound good i will probably pick it up since my audigy 1 sounds like poo and its only 26.04 after tax
Apr 26, 2004 at 10:28 PM Post #10 of 29

Originally Posted by eMpAtHy
i listen to punk, rap, hip hop, RnB, some classical, rock, alternative. i dont think im much of a grado person tho. i've heard the ms-1's with modded pads and they're okay..didn't like them much. i might be looking at the a900's...can the a900's run without an amp? if they do, how much better would they sound with an amp?

What was the amp driving the Grados? I haven't heard them but the A900s have a reputation around here for being just as good without an amp as with one. I have the AKG 271s and they sound good with the Gilmore Lite although the bass tends to be a bit one note to my ear. It's sort of a low pitched rumble rather than a graceful blend, I think it's the 271s based on my experience with the Lite and other headphones but I haven't tried them with my other amplifers.
Apr 26, 2004 at 10:29 PM Post #11 of 29
eMpAtHy said:
i listen to punk, rap, hip hop, RnB, some classical, rock, alternative. i dont think im much of a grado person tho.
i've heard the ms-1's with modded pads and they're okay..didn't like them much.

The sr-225 fits perfectly. The ms-1 is alot different then the sr-225 ( plus if the ms-1 was using modded comfy pads that will result in even more of a differance when you hear the sr-225 with flats or bowls).
Apr 26, 2004 at 10:36 PM Post #12 of 29

Originally Posted by Chefguru
The sr-225 fits perfectly. The ms-1 is alot different then the sr-225 ( plus if the ms-1 was using modded comfy pads that will result in even more of a differance when you hear the sr-225 with flats or bowls).

Judging from what I've read about SR-225 I would expect them to improve on MS-1, but not really be that much different? Don't they still share a rather similar soundstage and freq. character?
Apr 26, 2004 at 10:59 PM Post #13 of 29
from what i've heard, there is the signature grado sound which has the small soundstage of being in front of your face.

gpalmer: i listened to the ms1's unamped, but through many sources. when my cousin gets home, i will test them on my home reciever and see if they sound different. if the a900's work for me i might just go ahead and pick it up since i wont really need an amp and that will save me 250 that i can put for my car and buy myself some new brakes,tires, or a new clutch.
Apr 26, 2004 at 11:31 PM Post #14 of 29

Originally Posted by TMC
Judging from what I've read about SR-225 I would expect them to improve on MS-1, but not really be that much different? Don't they still share a rather similar soundstage and freq. character?

Sr-225 is better over all in all areas(bass, detail, ..etc), but also the tone of the sr-225 isn't quiet as boring as the ms-1. It has more slam then the ms-1 and really sounds amazing with rock, but at the same time isn't to hyped up (like the sr-325) to the level it can work well with all catagories of music.

Plus flats (even bowls) will sound better then comfy pads (modded or not).
But, if sound stage is a big deal to you I wouldn't go with a sr-225.
Apr 26, 2004 at 11:47 PM Post #15 of 29
i want a soundstage that isnt just in front of me, does anyone know if the a900's have a big soundstage compared to cd3k's? i also want to use these headphones for gaming too, so a big soundstage would be a big plus.

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