What headphones do you wear in public?
Oct 24, 2005 at 8:46 AM Post #16 of 85
Westone UM2

* Great sound quality for the money.
* Small size to carry around.
* Discrete.
Oct 24, 2005 at 8:52 AM Post #17 of 85

and when i'm feeling insane

Oct 24, 2005 at 8:56 AM Post #18 of 85
I don't have any headphones that could really be worn in public without looking incredibly dorky... but I have brought my Beyer DT-660s to work before and I actually got some compliments like "nice headphones" (in a non-sarcastic tone).
Oct 24, 2005 at 10:24 AM Post #21 of 85

Originally Posted by Veniogenesis
A500 on the street, on the bus, shopping.

hehe, that's brave IMO. I thought AT's would get my head stuck on narrow doorways.

I usually wear my cheap Sennehsier mx400 earbuds out since I'm so rough with my portables, but have a PortaPro on the way to take their place.
Oct 24, 2005 at 10:33 AM Post #22 of 85
Beyer DT250. They keep my ears warm when it's cold outside in the winter.
Oct 24, 2005 at 1:55 PM Post #23 of 85

Originally Posted by Tasty
I realise I have gotten a bad habit of eyeing other people's headphones when I'm out... does anyone else subconsciously find themselves going "hey senn-457s" or the like??

Anyway, I'm always out with er6i-s. Don't seem to spot too many fancy headphones here in Melbourne though... most people seem satisfied with Altec Lansing clipons and Sennheiser 400 series cans.

hey tasty ur from melbourne too, yeah i walk around the city w/ my e4cs and i check out other people's headphones too but all i see are a bunch of ipod stock buds. they dont know what they're missing out on. so when i spot someone wearing an etys, i can be quite certain its u.
Oct 24, 2005 at 2:10 PM Post #24 of 85

Originally Posted by Tasty
I realise I have gotten a bad habit of eyeing other people's headphones when I'm out... does anyone else subconsciously find themselves going "hey senn-457s" or the like??

Anyway, I'm always out with er6i-s. Don't seem to spot too many fancy headphones here in Melbourne though... most people seem satisfied with Altec Lansing clipons and Sennheiser 400 series cans.

i do this conciously, once when i saw a person wearing grados, i almost stopped them to ask what model they were.
btw, i'm portapros all the way
Oct 24, 2005 at 2:16 PM Post #26 of 85
I've used my MS1's at school a few times but the noise in the background is annoying and I obviously can't bring them into the library since they leak too much sound. I just leave them at home nowadays.
Oct 24, 2005 at 2:30 PM Post #29 of 85
I use the cheap earphones that came with my portable CD player since i listen outside very rarely, ie not enough to justify a buying decent pair of IEMs or similar, although i'd like some.
Oct 24, 2005 at 2:42 PM Post #30 of 85

Originally Posted by Tasty
I realise I have gotten a bad habit of eyeing other people's headphones when I'm out... does anyone else subconsciously find themselves going "hey senn-457s" or the like??

Yes! I do this all the time, and it's terrible. I start judging people by whether they're using the iPod earbuds or something decent. I saw a kid wearing Grados around yesterday and if I hadn't been in a hurry at the time I would have stopped to shake his hand and compliment him on his taste. Last week I saw a girl walking to class listening to some Panasonic circumaurals that she had on over the hood of her sweatshirt. I remember thinking to myself, "Interesting mod..."

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