What could replace my disappointing A-900s?
Aug 20, 2006 at 7:44 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 13


New Head-Fier
Dec 13, 2005
I bought the a-900s about 1 year ago and I've used them about 3 weeks so far.. It irritates me, my ears cannot support the pressure. I don't know why, probably because they are closed?? I must say I don't have a very good audio card (audigy 2 ZS) but I have a good power supply (ocz gamexstream 600w), also I tried the Turtle beach advantage micro, and finally I bought the pocket amp rev2 from Gary but all these things didn't help.

My ears get easily irritated by the A-900 sound, I can't support it for more than 5 minutes or else I get headaches. I know MP3s are not a good source, so I tried Original CDs but it's the same problem. I guess they are just not made for me, I'm too sensitive to the pressure they create.

Ironically I think I could buy the cheap HD-201. They are closed though. But the pressure seems to be lower, 108db. What do you think?

Or if I sell my a-900s, how much money could I get from them now and what would you recommend me to buy with that same money (knowing my sensibility problem)?

Aug 20, 2006 at 8:07 PM Post #3 of 13
Wow, if you are bothered by the A900 pressure then I dont know what else you can do. The A900 is the most comfortable headphone I have ever worn. Bar none. Period. It is so light on your head you sometimes forget it is there.

The HD201 would be a major downgrade, and mp3s and an audigy2zs is about the worst computer-as-source you could get.

If you want to know what headphones you should get you will need to tell us what kind of music you listen to, and if you need open or closed and the max ammount of money you can spend.
Aug 20, 2006 at 8:11 PM Post #4 of 13
Cool! what price do you give for? I paid them 200$US at the time, and they are looking brand new, I used them for 3 weeks. I still have all the stuff, the box and the adaptor that came with it. Nothing is missing, in perfect order and still shinning, not dust or scratches or anything, like new! Let's talk by email.
Aug 20, 2006 at 8:15 PM Post #5 of 13

Originally Posted by 003
Wow, if you are bothered by the A900 pressure then I dont know what else you can do. The A900 is the most comfortable headphone I have ever worn. Bar none. Period. It is so light on your head you sometimes forget it is there..
The HD201 would be a major downgrade, and mp3s and an audigy2zs is about the worst computer-as-source you could get.

I'm talking about sound pressure, not about comfort. Yes they are very comfortable.

I tried them on my big pionner 5.1 home theatre sound system, and I still find them irritating. It's all about the high frequencies and the sound pressure of closed headphones I think.

I listen to pop, punk and mostly alternative music. Also groups like coldplay, U2, oasis, nirvana, and underground/local ones you probalby don't know, like grimskunk, vulgaires machins..
Aug 20, 2006 at 9:41 PM Post #6 of 13
Ok, glad you cleared that up (between physics pain and audio pain).

So, you want something a little eaiser to listen to?

If I were in your position, I would look at either the Beyerdynamic DT880, Sennheiser HD580, HD600, or HD650. *Most* people have reported the senn's to have a very laid back and smooth sound, so that's a conservative recommendation. Most people who have the DT880 say they are detailed, but still an easy listen, with a neutral sound.

All of these headphones are open, with soft velour ear pads, so that may help with the fatigue you are experiencing.

There is also the AKG K701 although that may be a little too close to the A900 for your tastes.......... (not sure).

~Hope this helps
Aug 20, 2006 at 10:25 PM Post #7 of 13

Originally Posted by Towert7
*Most* people have reported the senn's to have a very laid back and smooth sound

Cool but does it mean when playing a game I will not "feel" being IN it? Also is it recommended for my kind of music? And for games?

Finally I really need to know - many people recommend to trow away my audigy card - Do you still recommend my A-900s if I buy a better audio card?

Is it a good idea to keep them knowing A-900s are recommended for JAZZ while I prefer alternative music?

I think I'll sell my a-900, then buy the senn 580 AND something like the EMU 1212 card. Will this be a good match up? Oh also notice I have the little PA2V2 amp.
Aug 20, 2006 at 10:41 PM Post #8 of 13
In the first post, it sounded like you couldn't stand them (couldn't have them on for more then 5min), and you are still thinking about keeping them?

In all honesty, a soundcard upgrade, or an amp upgrade, or whatnot will not be a magic bandage for the A900. If you can't stand their sound, try out some other headphones and sell the A900 when you find one your like.

I've never been able to game with the headphones that I listed in my previous post, so I have no idea.

Most people say you will be giving up a little though.

As for upgrading the sound card, many people favor getting an external dac (such as a Zhaolu 2.0A or Dialogue II), even to the 1212m.... Something to think about especially since they are in the same price range.

Bottom line, try out different headphones. You may be giving up some of the detail in games, but if it means you can keep your headphones on for more then 5min........ well... I would think that would be better.
Aug 20, 2006 at 11:51 PM Post #9 of 13
I agree I probably hate them too much, changing the sound card would not completely resolve my problem.. but I see you have the audigy 2 zs.. Did you ever tried a better sound card, or a DAC?
Aug 21, 2006 at 12:14 AM Post #10 of 13

Originally Posted by fred69
Cool but does it mean when playing a game I will not "feel" being IN it? Also is it recommended for my kind of music? And for games?

Finally I really need to know - many people recommend to trow away my audigy card - Do you still recommend my A-900s if I buy a better audio card?

Is it a good idea to keep them knowing A-900s are recommended for JAZZ while I prefer alternative music?

I think I'll sell my a-900, then buy the senn 580 AND something like the EMU 1212 card. Will this be a good match up? Oh also notice I have the little PA2V2 amp.

I would recommend trying the HD595. It should be better for games and your kinds of music. It probably works better with the PA2V2 as well. The HD595 is not as laid back as the other Senns mentioned though.

You should also make sure that your listening level is not too high. All headphones can irritate your ears if you crank them up too high.
Aug 21, 2006 at 12:37 AM Post #11 of 13

Originally Posted by fred69
I agree I probably hate them too much, changing the sound card would not completely resolve my problem.. but I see you have the audigy 2 zs.. Did you ever tried a better sound card, or a DAC?

Not yet. I'm in the process of searching for an external DAC that suits me though.
Aug 21, 2006 at 12:48 AM Post #12 of 13
try low volume listening.??? Sounds trivial, but I have found that with my treble-brighter cans I can't listen to them very loud for very long. For me, my ears are more sensitive to bright treble than bright mids. HD280, DT880 and EX51/71 are torture for me.
Aug 22, 2006 at 3:03 AM Post #13 of 13

Originally Posted by kramer5150
try low volume listening.??? Sounds trivial, but I have found that with my treble-brighter cans I can't listen to them very loud for very long. For me, my ears are more sensitive to bright treble than bright mids. HD280, DT880 and EX51/71 are torture for me.

I think it's the same for me. Brights irritates me, even at low volumes.
I noticed the audigy 2 zs as a spdif out. Do you have any suggestion for a cheap DAC (under 120$ US) using this port? It could be faster while playing games (faster than using a usb dac only). And I would counter that bad DAC on the audigy ZS.

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