What cans does Linkin Park use?
Aug 25, 2004 at 8:24 PM Post #31 of 48

Originally Posted by terrymx
very good songs, i beg to differ. they know how to use this perfect formula to write mainstream, addicting songs and they do it well. but chester's voice is more annoying than radiohead's vocalist.

how dare you impugn Thom Yorke! linkin park ranks right up there with limp bizkit (or whatever spelling they use) in my book. in other words, :BARF:
Aug 25, 2004 at 10:45 PM Post #32 of 48

Originally Posted by Imyourzero
Personal preference cannot be graded or judged. Well, it shouldn't anyway, but it seems to happen a lot nowadays...especially on the internet.

You deal with a larger group of people on the internet thats why. Its cool to hate when your a teenager, if its not what they like then it sucks.
Aug 25, 2004 at 11:47 PM Post #33 of 48

Originally Posted by redshifter
sounds like you care, then.

D'oh! My mistake.
Aug 25, 2004 at 11:51 PM Post #34 of 48
I liked a few of their early songs. But then they all started being extremely repetitive and similar, and hence annoying.

Better than Limp Bizkit or Nickelback, granted, but how much is that really saying?

Aug 25, 2004 at 11:51 PM Post #35 of 48

Originally Posted by BowerR64
You deal with a larger group of people on the internet thats why. Its cool to hate when your a teenager, if its not what they like then it sucks.

Exactly. All too often, the internet serves the purpose of a form of communication for millions of people who hide behind a monitor and a keyboard and talk trash...they can say whatever they want without any real fear of retaliation (other than someone else's words on a screen).
Aug 26, 2004 at 1:02 AM Post #36 of 48

Originally Posted by Imyourzero
That last part is certainly a matter of opinion...I don't find Chester's voice annoying at all, but there are a few lead singers that I would classify as extremely annoying:

Angus from AC/DC
Axl Rose from GnR

Billy Corgan from Smashing Pumpkins ranks up there on a lot of lists too, although I like SP.

Angus plays the fiddle in ack-dac. You must mean dave evans, bon scott, or brian johnson.
Aug 26, 2004 at 2:04 AM Post #40 of 48

Originally Posted by terrymx
very good songs, i beg to differ. they know how to use this perfect formula to write mainstream, addicting songs and they do it well. but chester's voice is more annoying than radiohead's vocalist.

Hm.. well you insulted Linkin Park (which won't get you too many enemies around here) - but Radiohead is a different story - duck. And stay out of the music forums!

Aug 26, 2004 at 7:00 AM Post #41 of 48

I like all of the bands mentioned, and have a lot of their CD's. However, I do find AC/DC can grate , you have to be in the right mood. We all have varying tastes which is what music is all about.

I personaly don't like a lot of Hip Hop, but I wouldn't say it was crap, it's just not to my personal taste.

Incidentaly, Robert Plant rules.

Aug 26, 2004 at 7:35 AM Post #42 of 48

Nope, you're wrong

Actually, I find them pretty difficult to listen to. Nothing particularly memorable aboout the vocals (either the Stabbing Westward-ish screaming or the extreeeeeemely mundane rapping, which always uses the same three or four generic phrases). Guitarwise, no original tone at all, and the keyboard parts are getting lamer with every song that's released.

Well, I'm not saying that their use of vocals or guitar is groundbreakingly original, but if you listen to some of the songs of 'hail to the thief' for example, it is a style that you will not find elsewhere - which for me at least is originality... but I respect your opinion...


"Billy Corgan from Smashing Pumpkins ranks up there on a lot of lists too, although I like SP."

Agreed: I'm actually quite a big fan of Billy's work, but his voice can be extremly tedious on times. I compare it to Headphone Fatigue - enjoyable for a while once you've gotten used to his special 'whiny' style, then it gets annoying again...
Aug 26, 2004 at 12:41 PM Post #43 of 48

Originally Posted by Mike Scarpitti
Who is Linkin Park? Is he that Korean guy?

that's the best one i've heard in weeks, or in a long long time on this board.

and imo the last linkin park album sucked big time.
Aug 26, 2004 at 8:22 PM Post #44 of 48
+1 Radiohead
+2 Thom Yorke (hes just awesome AND british)

+1 Billy Corgan

-5 Linkin Park
Aug 26, 2004 at 8:30 PM Post #45 of 48
I'm with phlippy.
But I think Linkin Parks music is very trite at this point, the whole numetal thing or what not isnt up my alley. But even though i dont like the music i will agree that some sampling and DJ work on the latest album is superb and the only reason i give them any credit as a bad...also, does it take like 7 people on stage to make music that is that mediocre?

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