What are the most comfortable Audiophile Phones?
Dec 17, 2005 at 6:09 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 63


100+ Head-Fier
Aug 1, 2005
Hi out of all of the reference quality Audiophile headphones, which are the most comfortable?

I have the Grado RS1's but I don't find them all that comfortable (great sounding though). (I know I'm probably going to get shot for mentioning the RS1's again - but ho hum).

But anyway, I may be interested in getting a set of similar or better quality phones that provided the maxium level of comfort so that they can be worn for very long periods of time. (The most I have ever managed with the Grados so far is about 35 minutes. They either seem to grip your head like a vice, or if you bend the headband a little, they become too loose and can fall of your head if you move too suddenly. The cups can tend to flop around a bit at times as well).

So what is THE most comfortable superior quality set of headphones currently in production? Again this is a serious question as I may be in the market to buy (or even possibly do an exchange).

Some consensus of opinion would be very much appreciated.

Dec 17, 2005 at 6:11 AM Post #2 of 63
I haven't had the experience with multiple brands to say which is best, but the Sennheiser HD6xx headphones are rather comfy. They're circumaural, so they don't actually rest on your ear cartilage, and every part that comes into contact with your head is covered with soft padding.
Dec 17, 2005 at 6:17 AM Post #3 of 63
Most comfortable ones i've tried were the cd3000s
Dec 17, 2005 at 6:47 AM Post #4 of 63
Sennheiser HD 555/595 and 580/600/650, but only after you've been wearing them for a few days, and keep them stretched out over some books when they're brand new.
Dec 17, 2005 at 6:50 AM Post #5 of 63
I will disagree and say that the aforementioned Sennheisers are not that comfortable, although they are still a lot better than Grados. The DT880 wins over the Sennheisers in comfort, as do the K501, but the best is definitely CD3000.
Dec 17, 2005 at 7:01 AM Post #7 of 63
as said before, the sennheisers are like wearing a pillow on ye head.
happy to be listening, or just happy to be comfortable?
Dec 17, 2005 at 7:17 AM Post #8 of 63
I'll put in a dissenting voice re: Sennheiser. I used to find my HD580s (and by extension 600/650) somewhat comfortable, but after using AKG K501 and Beyer DT880s, they're like vices clamping my head. It's possible to get used to it after awhile, but IMO it would be a real stretch to call them comfortable. I've had them for nearly 3 years as well, so I don't think it's a matter of adjustment. My head is no larger than normal, and may actually be smaller.
Dec 17, 2005 at 7:44 AM Post #9 of 63

Originally Posted by raid517
Hi out of all of the reference quality Audiophile headphones, which are the most comfortable?

I have the Grado RS1's but I don't find them all that comfortable (great sounding though). (I know I'm probably going to get shot for mentioning the RS1's again - but ho hum).

But anyway, I may be interested in getting a set of similar or better quality phones that provided the maxium level of comfort so that they can be worn for very long periods of time. (The most I have ever managed with the Grados so far is about 35 minutes. They either seem to grip your head like a vice, or if you bend the headband a little, they become too loose and can fall of your head if you move too suddenly. The cups can tend to flop around a bit at times as well).

So what is THE most comfortable superior quality set of headphones currently in production? Again this is a serious question as I may be in the market to buy (or even possibly do an exchange).

Some consensus of opinion would be very much appreciated.


So let me get this straight yesterday you wanted to put your RS-1 in an elephant skin briefcase and take them to an antique fair but today you're looking to exchange them? Did you even bother trying on a Grado before you made your purchase?
Dec 17, 2005 at 8:47 AM Post #11 of 63

Originally Posted by pne
if you think the sennheiser 580/6xx series are comfortable, you haven't tried the beyerdynamic dt 880's. Your senns will soon join the grado's in the closet.

Agreed... I put on the HD580s now and think my god, I found those comfortable? Then I remember I've never really felt they were that comfortable, although I've really appreciated their sound.

This is not a serious knock on Senns (as they can be gotten used to), but comparatively speaking they are not near the top most comfortable cans. In particular, people who wear glasses can have issues.
Dec 17, 2005 at 9:42 AM Post #12 of 63

Originally Posted by nmculbreth
So let me get this straight yesterday you wanted to put your RS-1 in an elephant skin briefcase and take them to an antique fair but today you're looking to exchange them? Did you even bother trying on a Grado before you made your purchase?

Well like I said, maybe I have just decided I don't want to be a member of your little club any more.

And then again, maybe it's because I genuinely do find them uncomfortable. I know I am certainly not alone in that department.

And no we don't quite have the privilege where I live in the UK of being able to try these things. I happen to live in quite a small town that is many miles from anywhere - so I often have no option but to go on recommendations. It tends to work quite well as a system for buying things, but then again I never really bargained on the 'enthusiasm' of some Grado fans - and their perhaps somewhat distorted view of reality - where it seems they will rarely tolerate anything negative being said about this particular brand at all. I will certainly try to be a bit more discerning in future - although again that might be quite difficult as recommendations are often all I have.

But anyway that is off topic. On topic it looks like the majority vote for comfort goes to the Sen 600+ series of headphones - although a wider spread of opinion from folks who have tried or own lots of pairs would be very cool too.

Dec 17, 2005 at 9:48 AM Post #13 of 63

Originally Posted by raid517
Well like I said, maybe I have just decided I don't want to be a member of your little club any more.

And then again, maybe it's because I genuinely do find them uncomfortable. I know I am certainly not alone in that department.

And no we don't quite have the privilege where I live in the UK of being able to try these things. I happen to live in quite a small town that is many miles from anywhere - so I often have no option but to go on recommendations. It tends to work quite well as a system for buying things, but then again I never really bargained on the 'enthusiasm' of some Grado fans - and their perhaps somewhat distorted view of reality - where it seems they will rarely tolerate anything negative being said about this particular brand. I will certainly try to be a bit more discerning in future - although again that might be quite difficult as recommendations are often all I have.


Dec 17, 2005 at 9:52 AM Post #15 of 63

Originally Posted by nmculbreth
So let me get this straight yesterday you wanted to put your RS-1 in an elephant skin briefcase and take them to an antique fair but today you're looking to exchange them? Did you even bother trying on a Grado before you made your purchase?


Originally Posted by F1GTR

They're his headphones. He can do what he wants.

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