What are some of the actions from other drivers that bother you
Feb 20, 2006 at 3:44 AM Post #16 of 50
This post sums up most of my peeves, so I'll just quote it. Hope you don't mind.


Originally Posted by YamiTenshi
People who thinking speeding and cutting in and out of lanes for no real reason is cool. Yeah, I've met some of these people in college who use to brag about being able to do 90-100 mph when there was traffic.
Since when did having a driver's license for 4 years (or any given time actually) mean that you can put other's people's lives in danger just because you are "cool?" If you want to kill yourself go drive off a bridge somewhere but don't hurt other people in the process.

I was like that for about, oh, 3 months, when I first got my license. 100 MPH really isn't that magical of a number. Plus, 'normal' cars really aren't designed to do it for any extended period of time, or safely. It's just not a good idea. I'll admit I still speed, but nothing like that. I usually try to keep up with the left lane traffic, whatever that may be. Going out to Nashville, that was 85 MPH. The road was straight, beautiful day, and everyone was doing it. No reason not too. Basic rule I follow: if I have to plan my passing strategies ("OK... cut left around this guy, speed up to beat the semi, then get in front of him, go right around the motorcycle..."), I'm going too fast.


Let's see... there's also people that talk on the cellphone when driving. This is a given.

I'll admit to being a hypocrite. I hate people who do, but I've done it on occasion. Then, I consider myself a better driver than everyone else
At least I realize it increases your reponse time. I don't do it on unfamiliar roads, or ones with a lot of traffic. Interstate with minimal traffic, though? Eh... don't really care.


Or the people that can't park their little Toyota Corolla correctly.

Indeed. Parking isn't taught nearly enough. And parallel parking! Argh, I hate people who can't do it. Actually, the ones I hate even more are those who see me hit my brakes, see the reverse lights, and they still creep right up to me and sit there. Occasionally honk. I mean, c'mon. They see the empty parking spot, see the reverse lights. Gee, I wonder what he's doing...


People that signal two blocks before they actually turn!
Or people that signal to cut into your lane and don't. I can never figure out what to do about these guys, should I slow down and let them in (but then they never merge in
), or should I speed up and pass them (but what if they actually do try to cut in)? Or they don't even know they are signaling.

Sometimes I let people in, sometimes I don't. Depends what car I'm in (parents cars are much faster than mine. Then, most things are faster than '92 1.9L Escorts), how much room they have left, and how nice they're being about it. If they've already tried to cut in when they shouldn't have, I let 'em suffer. If you're going to be an ass, you'll be treated like one. However, if they're nice, signal far in advance, sure, I'll let 'em in. Also appreciate it when people acknowledge you for doing so. A little wave, thumbs up, or something. I always do when someone lets me over.


And it kinda annoys me when I see a huge SUV and there's only one person in the car. I know this really doesn't have anything to do with their driving, but can't we all be a little more enviromental conscious, not to mention the rising gas prices.

Oh yeah. Bigtime. I'll see Excursions with one person, and go "WHY?!" I hate driving our Explorer by myself for that very reason. Sure, it's cushy, has a great stereo, is smooth, and goes most anywhere... but I feel dirty. Then I get in my crappy '92 Escort that gets 37 MPG and go "Yeah...".
Feb 20, 2006 at 4:25 AM Post #17 of 50

Originally Posted by Stephonovich
This post sums up most of my peeves, so I'll just quote it. Hope you don't mind.

No problem, as least I know I'm not the only one that gets annoyed by these things.

I also give the drivers a little wave when they let me merge into a tight spot. Being in SoCal it's usually hard to merge into a lane during heavy (and fast) traffic and it's rare that there are nice drivers out there that let me in, considering I drive a 10 yr. old mid-size sedan and most of them have full size trucks or SUVs. It's little gestures like this that keep me from getting shot during rush hour (partially kidding).
Feb 20, 2006 at 6:12 AM Post #18 of 50
Having lived in Minnesota for the longest time (17 years or so), a state notorious for some of the worst drivers in the country, my list of pet peeves is way too long to even list in full. I think it's because we have our whole "Minnesota Nice" stereotype and everyone just can't drive any other way than "nice."

I hate it especially when:

1) I get to a four-way stop sign and there's already three cars there with people motioning to each other to go first. Will someone please just go first!!
2) People who jump out into your lane at full speed and then proceed to go half the speed limit. If you jump out like you're in a hurry, why can't you drive like you are?
3) People who tail-gate AND use their high beams at night. I especially hate it when trucks do it, cause i can't see anything when that happens.
4) The guy who flicks me off for trying to get into my lane when I'm driving right next to him. I didn't honk or anything, he just started to move into my lane, swerved out of the way, and as I look in the rearview mirror, he flicks me off. What did I do wrong?
5) When I'm waiting for a car coming in the opposite direction so that I can make a left turn and he goes ahead and turns left without using his signal. I wasted all that time...for nothing.
6) Last, but definitely not least, Mr. I'm Going To Race You because you drive a sports car too. Could we be a little more immature?

Yes...I have road rage issues...
Feb 20, 2006 at 6:27 AM Post #19 of 50

Originally Posted by Snake
Tailgating. The absolute worst, most unsafe thing these idiots do constantly...at 80MPH on our small twisty parkways.

Morons. $@!#%!!!

That, and no signal, pass you on the right just to cut into your safety margin following distance because they NEED to get one more car length ahead in order to tailgate the guy right in front of you, cellphone-jabbering school marms.

I want a bazooka so bad I can TASTE it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd leave smoldering piles of car carcasses littering the highway.

Can I join you and ride shotgun?

I was this damn close to going around someone today, stopping right in front of him, and giving him holy hell for talking on his phone. He was completely oblivious to what he was doing. He was completely engaged in his farking conversation.

And I'm not a violent person, but what he was doing was going to cause a wreck.

Better hope I don't run into you again around Vanderbilt...


Snake and archosman getting tailgated...
Feb 20, 2006 at 6:46 AM Post #20 of 50
Other than people ignoring their right of way signalling me to go, I would have to say that people who do not keep right except to pass piss me off the most. Many of the issues mentioned earlier would be reduced if people would just keep to the right and use the left lanes for passing only. Of course this is impossible in heavy traffic, but people should not be driving in the left lane on an empty roadway going 55 in a 65 MPH zone. Even worse is in very light traffic when there are three lanes and there are cars in each lane travelling at nearly the same speed. Typically this speed is the speed limit or below. With no passing lane open, I am forced to wait for them to either get off at an exit or realize that they are incorrect in blocking up the left lanes since they are not passing. This is frustrating beyond belief.
Feb 20, 2006 at 7:31 AM Post #21 of 50
Driving while drunk!!!

And I'm not talking about someone that had a beer or two. But the jerks that can't even walk without falling and then get behind the wheel of a car.

Feb 20, 2006 at 8:58 AM Post #22 of 50
Hmmm... Most have already been mentioned but here are a few:
1. Driving faster than me
2. Driving slower than me (it's all relative)
3. Putting on make-up in cars (in addition reading, shaving, and engaging in activities of an adult nature are also bad ideas while driving)
4. Taking too long to pass me (nothing worse than a car that you think is going to try to change lanes in front of you but just won't go through with it!)
5. Passing me too quickly (okay there is something worse, changing lanes so quickly that I don't expect it. Again, its all relative.)
6. Not paying enough attention to road conditions
7. Paying too much attention to road conditions (i.e. there's a drop of water on the freeway and you're doing 20 mph under. Again, its all relative.)
8. Slaming on your breaks when you see a cop
9. Using a SUV as a single person commuter vehicle
10. Having a large sign on your back window so that I know you can't see me in your rear-view.

And many, many more.
Feb 20, 2006 at 11:00 AM Post #23 of 50
Lying cyclists who collude with their friends and make up stories that I tried to run them over.... don't want to go into it but these kind of "road users" really piss me off and the next time I see them I "will" run the buggers over.
Feb 20, 2006 at 11:58 AM Post #24 of 50
When a truck at 91 kmh overtakes a truck driving at 90 kmh on a 2-lane highway (cars are allowed to drive 120 kmh over here).

European regulations dictates that Trucks over 12.000 kg should be limited to 90 kmh. The problem is that there can be a small variation between two trucks and thus many truckdrivers find it neccesary to take their slightly slower collaegues over. It can be very frustrating, especially when your in a hurry.
Feb 20, 2006 at 12:32 PM Post #25 of 50
People who can't figure out how to drive in the snow:
Step 1. Put the gas to the floor, spin tires fiercely to get going.
Step 2. Slam on brakes and slide through the stop sign at the next intersection.
Step 3. Repeat all the way through town.

Indiana drivers who think that a turn signal is an invitation to race.
This happens all the time:
I'm in the Left lane, there's a guy in the right lane about 2 car lengths behind. My exit comes up and I signal. He immediately speeds up so I don't get ahead of him.

Extra slow drivers that hold up traffic.
Usually when I get up to them all I see is a pair of hands on the wheel and a blue hairdo poking up.
Feb 20, 2006 at 1:50 PM Post #28 of 50
Now, look here - I am over 6'5", well over 300 pounds. I WILL NOT FIT IN A JUSTY! I can afford most any reasonable car/Truck/SUV. I can afford the cost, whatever it is, for gas, as I am retired and don't drive far. I live in the rainy, sloppy, bad roads Northwest. I use my vehicles in soft sand/hard sand/forest trails/mud roads about half the time, often towing a tent trailer, when I vacation (that happens more when you are retired). A miniscule rice burner of any description will not take the use I must put my vehicles to.

You wanna feel smug, self righteous, superior, better? Go ahead. No skin off my nose. I'll keep driving my 5600 pound MONSTER SUV to the corner store to get a lottery ticket if I please, and no matter how much you resent that I CAN pay for the SUV, The Insurance, The gasoline (AT ANY PRICE), I WILL.

I am certain that the majority of those who complain about SUVs are simply self-important busybodies who can't afford the car they want (AN SUV), and resent those who can.

Choosing a vehicle that is appropriate to your anticipated use, going to college, starting a family, beginning your climb from childhood is all well and good. I did it in a 1300cc Datsun Pickup (46 fire-breathing, neck snapping Horsepower) that got over 30 mpg in 1970. Now that I can afford it, I feel completely unfettered by your sour grapes/busybody/uninformed opinions against MY use of SUVs.

Sometimes, on rare occasions, it gives me great pleasure to see your faces all screwed up in helpless rage as I light up all four hides (that nearly outweigh your puny rollerskate) to get in front of you in traffic, belching exhaust as I please right into your "fresh air scoop" - at those times, I just feel like burning some of the fuel I saved for "future generations", and there is nothing you can do about it.

Furthermore, when I am on the road, I count many more little buzzbombs with unsafe modified suspensions, illegal mufflers, modified engines that obviously have no smog limits, poorly maintained, smoking/leaking oil, with severe handling problems, darting in and out of lanes. In the aggregate, I would be willing to bet that the teeniemobiles pollute more and waste more resources than the remaining SUVs.

Your Enviromental Dogoodie Selfrighteousness is misplaced/misdirected: If a highly modified lil zipper makes 600 horsepower, it is making more than twice the pollution of my 250 HP diesel (which gets around 17 MPG in town, and over 21 MPG when on the road without the trailer). It is ultimately about horsepower-hours: I use less than you might think. I need torque to get my load started, and to get it over the continental divide, and through the sand. I have to have a large displacement to generate the torque, especially at low RPM. Little sewing machines are not adequate - they don't have the torque I need. I use less horsepower hours than most motorists, as I might not drive but twice a week, for six to ten miles. Which of us is wasting the planet, Hmmm?

The simple act of putting on those rediculous 1200HP exhaust cans/tips modifies the exhaust systems enough to put them off tune. Your hatred would be more "Productive" there, but that would be too close to home, Huh?

In the end, each of us will do as he/she pleases. Your angst does YOU harm.
Feb 20, 2006 at 3:48 PM Post #29 of 50
It really annoys me when people:
-Back up their lil' riceburner really slowly
-Stop for like 5 seconds
-Turn the wheels all the way into the other direction while the car is stopped
-Accelerate very slowly

It also annoys me when people takle a long time to get going at traffic lights. If the light turns green, and I am 300 feet away from it, I should NOT need to hit my brakes to avoid hitting the ~5 stopped cars that are taking forever to get up to speed. There's a reason that cars have gas pedals.

Those are the only two I can think of that haven't been listed.

Oh, and I'm with KYTguy on heavy inefficent cars. I'm 6'2", not extremely tall, but tall enough that I am uncomfortable in most Japanese cars. I can still fit, it's just not as comfortable as it could be. That's part of the reason that I have a 4,500lb V8 station wagon. I can sit in it and have my legs level. I hate having my knees stick up. I get like 15mpg, but who cares? RELIABILITY. It isn't unheard of for American RWD carbureted V8 cars to last 300,000 miles. Compared to spending $30,000 on a new Hybrid to get 100mpg, it's much more economical to spend <$2,000 to get a car that makes 15mpg.
Feb 20, 2006 at 5:11 PM Post #30 of 50
Can someone explain exactly what the function of the speed limit is and what one's speed relative to it should be?

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