What amp for these bookshelf speakers?
Apr 16, 2011 at 5:44 PM Post #31 of 34
Thank you. And sorry if you ahve already answered this, but I just want to be 100%. If I were to buy that sub (http://www.parts-express.com/pe/pshowdetl.cfm?&Partnumber=300-635), even if it is too big for those speakers or what I want to use it for, is it worth the money if I am thinking I eventually want to upgrade my system? (In other words, If I eventually wanted to move this stuff to a living room to attach to a TV, could I use that sub, or would I have to buy another, rendering it a useless purchase now?)
Edit: I found this (but it is kind of old)... do these people know what they are talking about? http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/archive/index.php/t-848069.html

Yeah, I don't know. I've never heard them and was just going off other reviews I had read - knowing that they've since changed parts suppliers to something worse doesn't sound very good. I would honestly tend to trust reviews at AVS Forums more than elsewhere. However, I don't know what would be better at that price point - most are dismal.

But I do know from personal experience that the B652 and T-amp are very good, and superb for the price. You might want to just get those two to begin with, and decide later if you want to add a subwoofer. They are capable of a relatively decent (i.e. more than acceptable at $58) amount of bass on their own - definitely with more texture and pitch definition than cheap subs.
Apr 17, 2011 at 6:09 PM Post #33 of 34

Yeah, I don't know. I've never heard them and was just going off other reviews I had read - knowing that they've since changed parts suppliers to something worse doesn't sound very good. I would honestly tend to trust reviews at AVS Forums more than elsewhere. However, I don't know what would be better at that price point - most are dismal.

But I do know from personal experience that the B652 and T-amp are very good, and superb for the price. You might want to just get those two to begin with, and decide later if you want to add a subwoofer. They are capable of a relatively decent (i.e. more than acceptable at $58) amount of bass on their own - definitely with more texture and pitch definition than cheap subs.

OK, thank you. I hate that for any given product, there will be positive and negative reviews. (And they will both be convincing.)

If you want ot make the most out of adding a sub, and get a USB DAC too, spend more for the NuForce Icon. Read up on it first though.

Yikes... That Icon thing is a DAC + amp, right? I just bought an amp so not really looking to purchase another. Does a DAC really affect the sound that much? (That is, $200 worth?)
Apr 20, 2011 at 12:40 PM Post #34 of 34
It depends how good your current pc soundcard is, if it's a a mobo soundboard then it won't be very good and a extenal dac would sound better, it's a good card like a xonar then you won't benifit from a extenal dac.

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