What a crappy semester!
Dec 10, 2003 at 7:26 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 24

peter braun

500+ Head-Fier
Jul 24, 2002
Boy, this semester has been bloody awful! Here is why -

1) New roomate turns out to be a heroin addict!

2) Organic Chemistry was going quite well, until I was completely bitch slapped by the last two tests!

3) Reason #1 has left getting very little sleep the last few weeks

Believe me, I know that it could get a lot worse, but this has been just a little more stressful than I am used to. Has anyone else had a rough semester/term?
Dec 10, 2003 at 7:45 PM Post #2 of 24
With a physics class, an ECE class, EA4, and a worthless lit class, my quarter has been hell (I'm at Northwestern and we're on quarters). The average on the first midterm in my physics class was a 45, and the second was a 50. I have the final tomorrow and I haven't started studying.
Dec 10, 2003 at 7:54 PM Post #4 of 24
In my last semester in school, I had 7 finals in my last week. 3 days before that final week I found out my girlfriend of 3 years had cheated on me and we were breaking up.

Those were some rough times.
Dec 10, 2003 at 8:31 PM Post #5 of 24
Yes, this semester is going pretty much not as I had hoped at the beginning. I can't understand it -- during the fall semesters, I just slowly lose my drive and run out of gas two weeks short of the end of the semester! However, I do hope that this semester's GPA will be markedly higher than the previous fall semester's! I'm still holding out hope of keeping my scholarship for next year but you can never tell what professors are going to give you when it comes time for them to submit final grades.
Dec 11, 2003 at 12:53 AM Post #7 of 24
A really crappy semester would be when your father dies suddenly about a month before finals.
Thats what happened to me last year about 5 months before completing my computer science degree. I still managed to pull through with a good GPA. But life really sucked for a while.
Dec 11, 2003 at 1:04 AM Post #8 of 24
I made 3 A's this semester and it doesnt feel good for some reason

I dont get a kick out of it anymore and I have no idea why...

I think it has to do with the economy, the war, everything just getting screwed up...

On the bright side Im into this new hobby...so i dont really give a **** about my semester or the last 3 months...

Oh and did I say - matrix Revolutions just ****ed it all up even more!!
Dec 11, 2003 at 1:12 AM Post #9 of 24
This quarter sucks balls. Probably my worst ever from a grade standpoint.
Dec 11, 2003 at 1:25 AM Post #11 of 24

Originally posted by HD-5000
Things are just fine and dandy for me.

(needed something to brighten the mood in here...)

Your levity and cheerfullness is not welcome here!!!

Dec 11, 2003 at 1:28 AM Post #12 of 24
Mind if i join the fray?? - Let me start by saying... if any you'al thinking of law school. Think again.

I thought I studied hard back in my undergraduate days (even with a double major). But this graduate school stuff is freaking insane. I stopped having a life the minute the Dean finished announcing "welcome to lawschool" .... Thank God i only have one more semester - if this winter exams don't kill me before then that is.

Still one more semester?! I need some serious tranquilizers....
Dec 11, 2003 at 1:49 AM Post #13 of 24
Yeah, I know that graduate school is intense and there's a lot of mixed emotions while actually going through it. Yet, I must prepare myself for it anyway. I'll have a year off to narrow down schools, take the GREs, and send out applications after May 2004; still, it's going to be intense even though I'm only going for a MFA in English Creative Writing - Poetry or Fiction. Oh, then there is that dream of mine about going to the Ivy League. 3 years is a lot of time to boost my GPA...
Dec 11, 2003 at 4:47 AM Post #14 of 24
i see college (school in general) as only a very small part of the experience of life. if and when i get a not so good grade, i don't sweat it because i know that 1. tests don't prove all that much anyways and 2. they won't affect my future in any way. and as long as i come away with gained knowledge from my classes, i feel my work has been done because that's what i'm going to school for in the first place.

even still...the end of every semester (quarter) is stressful no matter how you look at it. but agian, in the big scheme of things, it's not that big of a deal. that's why many of here have dealt with family and friends passing away and such, all while being able to complete school.
Dec 11, 2003 at 4:54 AM Post #15 of 24
well as my first quarter of med school draws to a close. i gotta say... it's been different. i think i like it here though.

but the real trip for me has been getting used to davis and weaning myself from los angeles. eh, next week i'm going home and on a wicked bender. should be fun.

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