Weird cable 'problem'...
Jul 12, 2003 at 4:21 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 8


Headphoneus Supremus
Feb 9, 2003
I finally upgraded from my crappy rat shack cables to some tara labs quantam 66's. right now i have to use 2 RCA to mini adapters for me to listen. well with the rat shack cables, the music was 'fine' (
). but on some tracks with these cables the music screws up...

especially on queen's bohemian rapshody, and deftone's minerva. the bass seems to be slow and REALLY boomy. i am using my panisonic 570 PCDP with a DIY Cmoy. Again this only happens with certain songs....

and all of the ones it happens to are the ones i REALLY like.

EDIT: the problem is so bad, i find myself going back to the rat shack cables. and these things HISS like a mother screwer.

any solutions to this 'problem'?
Jul 12, 2003 at 4:36 AM Post #2 of 8
I built your amp and get no hiss (my Cmoy is built with the same stuff), so I'm inclined to believe that the hiss is not due to source and not the cables or amp.

Have you tried connecting to a standalone CD player or other source and try to duplicate the issue? Tried a different mini to mini connector?

If you end up narrowing down the problem to your Cmoy, you can mail it back to me for evaluation. I’ll fix it for no charge if it is the problem, but it’s such a simple design that I can’t imagine that it’s the issue here.
Jul 12, 2003 at 4:39 AM Post #3 of 8
i dont think its the Cmoy, ive done some 'testing' on it, and the only tim ei get his is with my eggos on at 100% volume(no music playing).

sadly, i have nothing else to test the cables on, im not at my house now.
Jul 12, 2003 at 4:44 AM Post #4 of 8
i think using two RCA to mini adapters or if your cables are unshielded might have a hand in your issue.

Try moving the setup to a location more than 3 feet away from other electronics and see if you get the problems. It might be an interference problem.
Jul 12, 2003 at 4:46 AM Post #5 of 8
i moved them a good 20 feet away, and still the same problem.

damn, i just cant get cables right.
Jul 12, 2003 at 4:56 AM Post #6 of 8
Why the RCA cables with adapters? Why not try upgraded mini to mini cables?
Jul 12, 2003 at 5:03 AM Post #7 of 8
i bought them thinking they were mini to RCA, which is what i will need with my RA1. for the time being, a week maybe, i still need mini to mini. so i have to use the adapters...

i plan on hacking these up to make them mini to RCA sometime next week. they were cheap, so i dont mind.
Jul 12, 2003 at 2:16 PM Post #8 of 8
OK, use the ICs on speakers (like a DVD player to a receiver)

put the receiver at 0 volume. Plug one end on the receiver. Bring one end close the the DVD player output. Slowly raise the volume on the receiver. Do you hear a hum?

It's insulation.

If it's hiss and not hum, then Idunno.

anyway, that's problem I found with one of the ICs I made.

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