WARNING: UE Super.Fi new hard case with velvet bottom
Oct 27, 2006 at 12:40 AM Post #16 of 26
I just recieved my super.fi 5 Pros today and I can't easily fit the phones inside the case. So what does everyone use for their case? Does everyone use a case?
Oct 27, 2006 at 1:05 AM Post #17 of 26

Originally Posted by IPodPJ
I've said I am many times. I wouldn't have brought it up otherwise (see my equipment list). #2/180

With a post like this you will be lucky to 2000/180. It's ok to vent a little and a phone call is ok but ganging up on poor Jenette is just cruel. I may send here a funny email every couple of weeks and I though that was bad.

Your gonna be sorry you did this!
Oct 27, 2006 at 2:22 AM Post #18 of 26
Just a little hint for you. Do not Q-tip your ears. Let alone three times a day. Q-tips will actually push the earwax further into your ear, compacting it and making it very hard for the natural earwax removal system of the ear to function...

Oct 27, 2006 at 2:35 AM Post #19 of 26

Originally Posted by trose49
With a post like this you will be lucky to 2000/180. It's ok to vent a little and a phone call is ok but ganging up on poor Jenette is just cruel. I may send here a funny email every couple of weeks and I though that was bad.

Your gonna be sorry you did this!

Ganging up on her? No, she is just the person at UE that happens to handle customer service. If it was someone else, I would report it to them, too. Obviously a company like Shure who is bigger has more support reps, but UE doesn't. Believe me, I'm not trying to "gang up" on anyone! I'm merely addressing a problem with their product that I would think they would want to rectify. That is, after all, why they replaced the case in the first place -- because the wiring harness was damaging the headphones. Isn't is surely better to address a problem like this now that having them lose a bunch of money to damaged headphones because lint ended up inside the armatures?? Surely there can't only be a few of us here who think that is the logical course of action. How many e-mails do you think software companies get from BETA testers in any one given day? A hell of a lot more than a customer service rep at a headphone company gets. I've already had my first pair of Super.fi 5 pros crack once, and had to just recently get a new pair, which is when I discovered the Triple.Fi's and entered the race/contest. I certainly don't want another problem with them, and neither does the company. This is why companies have customer service departments -- so that they don't lose money due to faulty equipment. And when you spend the kind of hard earned money on a product that cost as much as the super.fi 5 pro and triple.fi 10 pro, you want to make sure they work as they should and if any problems arise, they don't again in the future. Maybe to some here, spending $400 on a pair of headphones is no big deal, but to me, that's a hell of a lot of money. I work damn hard for my living and want to make sure I'm not throwing away my money. UE has always been a great company to me thusfar in regards to customer service, as well as having an outstanding sounding line of products. I should only think reporting a potential problem in the manufacturing of one of their products is as beneficial to them as it is to us.
So there is no need to attack me for that. You would look after your investment as well. And as much as I value my own personal products, we are here to help eachother learn and gain experience from sharing in these forums. That is the ONLY reason I brought it to your attention -- to help my fellow forum members. The more people that address the problem to UE, the more chances we have of getting it fixed. This same process took place with the cracking of the Super.Fi shell.... people reported it to them. If it was not for others having the same problem as I did, I may have never received a new set of headphones, so this process is ONLY beneficial to every UE customer. The same goes for a customer of ANY product.
Maybe I didn't go about posting it the right way at first but I rectified that problem as soon as someone brought it to my attention. It was not meant to be detrimental to anyone at UE, I can assure you of that, as they are all good people there.

I guess some of you just feel the need to jump on people without evaluating the entire situation, and I really wish you wouldn't -- don't automatically assume someone is evil or rude for just trying to be of assistance, but perhaps didn't go about it the way you might have.

Let's all try to keep the peace here, please, as we are all after the same thing here..... learning about great sounding headphone equipment.
Oct 27, 2006 at 7:06 AM Post #20 of 26

Originally Posted by trose49
Your gonna be sorry you did this!

You sir, are a ****.

Honestly, threatening? What are you Jeanette's husband? You know threatening doesn't really work online all that well.....
Oct 27, 2006 at 7:14 AM Post #21 of 26

Originally Posted by creyc
You sir, are a ****.

Honestly, threatening? What are you Jeanette's husband? You know threatening doesn't really work online all that well.....

Yeah, well that's how some people are here unfortunately. You try to be of help and that's what you get. And then when you need help, they make it like you're a moron because you don't know what they know. It's really an unfortunate thing on a forum where people should be content with trying to help eachother get the most from the products they own or are looking into purchasing. I'm dealing with the same sort of thing on another thread because I asked for some help about something I didn't know....imagine that, not knowing everything... yes, there are some people left here without the biggest egos in the world.

BTW, what do you think about your Super.fi 5 EB compared to the pros?

Oct 27, 2006 at 8:36 AM Post #22 of 26
Yea well some people will eventually learn the hard/long way.

As for the Super.fi lineup, my personal preference is the Super.fi 5 Pro. The EB's were too heavy in the low frequencies and a bit muffled sounding in the mids and up top. The Pro's do a much better job, especially in the midrange. Highs on all Super.fi products I've tried seem a bit lacking compared with a Shure E4C, for example, but I think thats just the UE sound.

From the products I've actually owned, in order of bass it goes Super.fi 5 EB, Super.fi 5 Pro, Super.fi 3 (live). My personal preference is somewhere between the 3 and 5 Pro, but both the pro and the live are acceptable under most circumstances. The bass on the EB' is actually too much, if you can believe it. It far overshadows the rest of the audio and while provides an interesting experience once in a while, is not what I could stand for long term listening/enjoyment.

So far I'm really liking these Super.fi 3 Lives. They aren't perfect but at $70, they are quite enjoyable. It will be interesting to see what I think of my UM2's when I get them back after being used to these!
Oct 27, 2006 at 9:19 PM Post #23 of 26

Originally Posted by creyc
Yea well some people will eventually learn the hard/long way.

As for the Super.fi lineup, my personal preference is the Super.fi 5 Pro. The EB's were too heavy in the low frequencies and a bit muffled sounding in the mids and up top. The Pro's do a much better job, especially in the midrange. Highs on all Super.fi products I've tried seem a bit lacking compared with a Shure E4C, for example, but I think thats just the UE sound.

From the products I've actually owned, in order of bass it goes Super.fi 5 EB, Super.fi 5 Pro, Super.fi 3 (live). My personal preference is somewhere between the 3 and 5 Pro, but both the pro and the live are acceptable under most circumstances. The bass on the EB' is actually too much, if you can believe it. It far overshadows the rest of the audio and while provides an interesting experience once in a while, is not what I could stand for long term listening/enjoyment.

So far I'm really liking these Super.fi 3 Lives. They aren't perfect but at $70, they are quite enjoyable. It will be interesting to see what I think of my UM2's when I get them back after being used to these!

Um2 is definitely my favorite iem at the moment. Better midrange than the Superfi 5pros. But 3live at $70.00 is a excellent deal. The Um2s' are simply stupendous imho. Very balanced sound across the spectrum, and extremely detailed. As well as being the most comfortable iem I've tried, excepting the D-jays from Jays of Sweden. But the Um2s' are supremely comfortable...

Oct 27, 2006 at 9:40 PM Post #24 of 26

Originally Posted by creyc
You sir, are a ****.

Honestly, threatening? What are you Jeanette's husband? You know threatening doesn't really work online all that well.....

Just for the record I was NOT threatening anyone. I was simply trying to say if a sailor is unhappy, tell the Captain! dont cause a MUTINY!!!!!
Oct 27, 2006 at 11:15 PM Post #25 of 26
Has anyone received an e-mail confirming that there Triple.Fi's are being shipped yet?

I think I will email Jeanette ... no, I will phone here instead, asking here when they will be shipped. Well, she did say the end of October... JOKE!
I'm patient and I'm sure she has enough on her plate... I can wait.
Oct 28, 2006 at 3:39 AM Post #26 of 26

Originally Posted by Funkij
Has anyone received an e-mail confirming that there Triple.Fi's are being shipped yet?

I think I will email Jeanette ... no, I will phone here instead, asking here when they will be shipped. Well, she did say the end of October... JOKE!
I'm patient and I'm sure she has enough on her plate... I can wait.

Check out the TRIPLE.FI MEMO thread.
But if you don't want to, I'll fill you in.
All the limited edition purchasers who purchased from UE got the memos.
The Triple.Fi's are not shipping out now until November 10th. They apologize for the delay. Worked out to my advantage though, since rent is due this coming week, as anxious as I am to receive them.
Since the UE direct purchase contest winning customers will be the first to get them [lucky 180 of us], it might even take longer for the ones who got the other 820 of them through other websites or companies to receive them, since they won't be getting them at least until the 10th either, and then they have to ship them to you.

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