Warm and Balanced IEM recommendations?
Apr 9, 2018 at 9:07 PM Post #16 of 40
LZ-A4 fits your budget then. Less tuning options but still customizable. Haven't heard it personally though, so I couldn't comment on the sound.

Owned both. Lz-a4 is the more fun tuned.
I'd say dn2000 is the more balanced yet still retains most of dynamism you'd want.
Best vocal body actually for the price tag.
(Though you for more tuning optionsfor less with the lz)
Apr 13, 2018 at 1:03 AM Post #19 of 40
I've been clamoring over the IT01's that are revered both here and across the web, however the feedback on recessed mids has left me a bit leery of pulling the trigger.

I listen to a fair amount of bands/music with female vocals might be buried/recessed over the strong bass presence. (example being Cocteau Twins)

In short, what's a solid IEM that's warm and smooth leaning more balanced than V-shaped? I'd like to get the bass/sub-bass emphasis on electronic music which I also listen to a lot of.

I'll be using these with an iPhone 6s unamped if that helps provide context on what might work in my situation.
Appreciate any suggestions!

I would be in the camp that's not totally satisfied with the IT01 midrange. However, they take EQ well and some tweaking may resolve issues with the midrange.

If budget would permit and isolation isn't a major factor, one of the Audeze iSine models with Cipher cable would be worth consideration since you're on iOS.
Apr 13, 2018 at 2:25 AM Post #20 of 40
I would be in the camp that's not totally satisfied with the IT01 midrange. However, they take EQ well and some tweaking may resolve issues with the midrange.

If budget would permit and isolation isn't a major factor, one of the Audeze iSine models with Cipher cable would be worth consideration since you're on iOS.

isolation is important, so Audeze's may not be a good match.
Apr 13, 2018 at 2:36 PM Post #21 of 40
DN-2000 seems like a good bet for you. Very lively and engaging (2 BA + 1D does that). Tight bass, clear vocals and a slightly rolled treble. Test it out if you get the chance.

The ear driver is very heavy and big though. You may have some discomfort after wearing them for 1-2 hours. Main reason why I returned them but seeing as I have more IEMs than I used to, I can select another one for long listening periods. I may buy the DN-2000 again (that's how much I like it).

Oh and to add, it sounds great on its own unamped. I actually have the Dragonfly Red and Jitterbug but I found it sounded better without them. I tested it many times.
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Apr 13, 2018 at 10:50 PM Post #23 of 40
^ really great feedback, thanks!

am i SOL warranty-wise if they ever have issues?

Hm, you should be ok. I haven't dealt with DUNU in terms of warranty issues but I've read online that you just send an email to the one listed on their website and they're responsive.

Btw, have you looked into the HiFiMan RE-400? They're super warm and easy to listen to with lush vocals. I listen with them at night even I though have a pair of ER4XR because they're so smooth and relaxing. Flat sound signature with good tight bass. Look into them.

Also look into GR07 too. They're supposed to be warm as well and I've ordered a pair and will get them in a week or so.

I think warm + balanced is my favourite sound signature too :)
Apr 13, 2018 at 11:18 PM Post #24 of 40
I haven't looked into the HiFiMan's but have seen them on many lists, will give it another look.

My over-ears are Shure 1540's which I love. Hoping to get near close to that for portable use.
Apr 14, 2018 at 2:00 PM Post #26 of 40
are there significant differences between the DN-2000's and the DN-2000J's?
Yeah, they are pretty different in terms of their signature. People will argue they are both "balanced" [in fact, same people use the words balanced for pretty much everything!] though one is heavy tilted on treble (the "J" version) and the other more on Subbass (original dn2000).

I would only recommend the dn2000j if you're in the look out for a real DETAIL MONSTER, though I've felt that the details and the treble were so emphasized such that it sounded less "natural" (or organic) compared to the original Dn2000. Acoustic Bass, Drums sound great on the Dn2000 and I'd say that is has the best vocal weight I've heard for the sub 500$ category (and I've auditioned the Dn2000j, Ibasso IT03 and Flc8s).
Apr 16, 2018 at 11:00 AM Post #27 of 40
gotcha! I've narrowed it down to the T20's and the DN-2000's. I arrived at the RHA's because they're priced well ($170 USD), have had good feedback along with 3yr warranty/strong customer service. while its not a large sum of money, that peace of mind is nice to have. The DUNU's are still appealing, though fit/comfort seems to be a mixed bag. I like everything I'm hearing about it SQ-wise.
Apr 20, 2018 at 2:28 PM Post #29 of 40
would 1more quad drivers be suitable for my listening criteria?

The treble is a bit sparkly which imo, is not warm.

Have you looked into the VSonic GR07?

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