Want to buy non-grado rock can! Help needed
Feb 6, 2005 at 5:25 AM Post #17 of 28
Yup I've got the same problem. I love my SR60s for rock but after about 45 min they hurt so much

Feb 6, 2005 at 6:56 AM Post #18 of 28
I gotta be honest here. A non-grado rock headphone would interest me as well. I would like to try other manufacturers headphones but I always end up getting grado's. The comfort issue doesn't bother me with grado's. I quite fancy trying a audio technica headphone.
Feb 6, 2005 at 7:10 AM Post #19 of 28
I actually got a pair of "soft" bowl pads with my replacement MS-2, and i have no problems with ear comfort - the headband still gives that "hard" feeling so Im really considering glueing some bike helmet padding there
Feb 6, 2005 at 7:19 AM Post #20 of 28

Originally Posted by Enverxis
I actually got a pair of "soft" bowl pads with my replacement MS-2, and i have no problems with ear comfort - the headband still gives that "hard" feeling so Im really considering glueing some bike helmet padding there

I usually wear my redwings cap so the headband doesn't give me any trouble.
Feb 6, 2005 at 7:46 AM Post #21 of 28
I havent worn a cap for years, beanie in the winter however - its summer down under atm.
Feb 6, 2005 at 8:10 AM Post #22 of 28

Originally Posted by Enverxis
the headband still gives that "hard" feeling so Im really considering glueing some bike helmet padding there

A strip of foam on both L/R side ala 650 make any hard hitting headband bearable.
Feb 6, 2005 at 8:56 AM Post #23 of 28
the only part of the band that touches my head is the centre, so a mere piece of foam with some depth will do me fine
Feb 6, 2005 at 11:07 AM Post #24 of 28
The DT770-80 doesn't sacrifice the mids and highs the way the 250 and 600 ohm cans do, and it can compare quite well with my HD650 (though not completely of course). The K240S has a slow flabby bass that gets totally out of hand on music with any sort of peppy pace, turning into one giant MDR-vcrap inspired mudball, yuck! The HD590 has far too much of a midrange suck-out for rock, it makes vocalists sound buried under the rest of the music. IMO the best cans for the OP would be the DT440 if they sound as similar to the DT531 as some have said, as it will have a nice snappy bass, lively mids, and treble that is detailed, but does not bit your head off on bad recordings.

My favorite "rockin" non-grados, in order:

Beyer DT770-80
Sennheiser HD650 (only with Zu Mobius and major league gear to drive it)
Shure E5
Beyer DT531
Sennheiser HD25 (not SP)
Feb 6, 2005 at 11:40 AM Post #25 of 28

Originally Posted by Iron_Dreamer
The K240S has a slow flabby bass that gets totally out of hand on music with any sort of peppy pace, turning into one giant MDR-vcrap inspired mudball, yuck!

In defense of the K240S.

AKGs traditionally have tight fast bass.
My K141S is no exception. I can't see how the K240S, with basicly the same driver, could ever be flabby.

Only their somehow sloped (but less than the graph on Headroom leads you to think!! Even the HD650 is sloped there, which is unreal) balance could detract from the qualities if its bass; haven't heard them, but I bet they sound pretty good on a "0 ohm" output imp. amp that doesn't cause by itself impedance-induced humps in the bass.

Finally, the Studio AKGs are veeery robust, headband and all, in my experience with 2 pairs of K240M and my present K141S. They won't fall apart even under heavy use. The DT440 are not as guaranteed for that matter...
Feb 6, 2005 at 2:48 PM Post #26 of 28
o dt440 are the new dt531's? hmm seems like dt440 and k240S are pretty similar, both are 'fun' cans but dt440 is alot more expensive, lowest price i found was $159. how do these compare to ms1 and sr225? I'm guessing they will have boomier base while the grado's have tighter impact?

well i ordered some senn414 pads, hopefully they'll be as comfy as ppl say and if they are, i might get ms1 or sr225 (how big diff between these in sound) if they better than the non-grados.
Feb 6, 2005 at 4:57 PM Post #27 of 28

Originally Posted by Enverxis
the only part of the band that touches my head is the centre, so a mere piece of foam with some depth will do me fine

Hi Enverxis, because this center part touching that makes it uncomfortable, we might want to leave this part clean by lifting the whole band using other support area. I found senn 580/6xx paddings very clever indeed. No I don't have too much time on this topic =) but ime it makes a lot of difference.

(not a correct pic of 6xx pads, should've:

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