Want good DVD player with good CD playing.
Apr 13, 2002 at 9:35 PM Post #16 of 16
Well I've hooked up the Cambridge DVD 300 to the DI/O and got it running. Thought I'd pass on my impressions so far. Since I've never used a DVD machine before I have nothing to compare it to. I've only been able to use the composite video as I don't have 5.1 surround or dolby digital. The picture image is bright and with vivid colors - some say it's too rich - e.g. red is redder than it actually is. However, I like it and it's very sharp and clear. Soundwise - using DVD and CDs it's clear and well defined. The deep bass is there and the highs are too but they're a bit bright and digital. The Cambridge unit has a seven band equalizer which can be used to temper it. But hooking up the DI/O smooths things right out - very warm.

The stock DI/O noticably enhances the sound. I'm only using Radio Shack Gold Interconnects with the cheap silver mono 1/4" plugs. Analogue output to my Denon 375R receiver is unattenuated. I don't detect any sound distortion at all with it or with my X-cans V2 amp. They don't seem to be overload. The X-cans volume adjustments are a bit more sensitive now. My question is: Would there be any advantage to getting the attenuated interconnects when there is no apparent need? I will be upgrading the interconnects sometime soon and will be upgrading with a Stancor power supply - it's cheap enough and might remove the tube to have it running cooler.

The Cambridge has a headphone jack with a volume control! It loads very quickly - seven to eight seconds for the DVD I had on hand and maybe 2-3 seconds for CDs. I don't have any CDr or MP3 disks to test out this reading capability. I chose the Cambridge over other DVD units even though it was more expensive for my budget because the Audio Advisor offered a 30 day money back guarantee and you can talk to sales consultants over the phone. And they delivered within two days - and they're straight shooters.

The one strong point I want to make is that the Cambridge --> DI/O --> X-cans is bliss to me on CDs. I'm eagerly looking forward to the listening experience after further mods and tweaking. Almost, forgot - I listened with Koss Sportapros, definitely not the end-all and be-all of phones but with good sources even they can be musical.

Again, very much appreciated all the suggestions and advice that pointed me in this direction.

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