V900/7509 vs. Ath A700 Battle whats better?
Aug 3, 2005 at 10:29 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 11

Buster Sword

500+ Head-Fier
Mar 7, 2004

I Finally got some phones, after borrowing v6s, and hd280pros for a length of time.. I am bit happier with my Sony V6's rather than totally hating them like many people around many forums. Neutrality and details are decent.
Soon it will be time to get "more" as they say..sorry about your wallet

please posts your thoughts on all these areas, or some if possible.
Thanks! I am highly wanting one of these cans. Maybe both? someday..

SONY V900/7509 for around 140 bucks. I have only "worn" these
and played a few midi piano notes. Sounds clear, and comfy.
Dang i missed a local snag for 80 dollars in my area of 6 miles because i got home late from traffic! booooo
I have already tried these on, and I like the fit, the size and the look, and if it improves on the likes and has less of the minuses of V6, these would be killer!!! Especially since most of the singers i like use these.
IF these headphones are low Ohms just like portable cheap headphones
then why do they need an amp? theres more to the equation then..

Audio Technica Ath-A700 [never heard, or worn]
cheaper than 900, it why i choose this.
enough said. 155 bucks.
They look more expensive than the Above, and I do seem to care about that a little bit. If i pay the money, they better looks nice, it is my money duh..Being in an audiophile class, and also "well rounded" these seem like a no brainer as well.

Battle comparison:

I need headphones for a mix of uses. I have some V6's for monitoring/mastering, but would like something sweeter. Thats important for that usage. I have class for Mastering/mixing/engineering Audio.Femal Vocals are top priority, although I don't want/need to spend anything more expensive.I do some vocal mixing for female singers. Again, theres a reason why i am interested in a ATH a700, since i dont have to lug an amp around to the class.

Likes: Kpop, Jpop. Symphony. movies, games. and game music. Most other music too, but to a lesser degree.

Would like the headphones to render analog instruments somewhat correctly. V6 is too "robotic" and doesnt treat these sensitively.
-I don't like too warm, so a balance of what i like and dislike.
I have a better tolerance to bright, the warmth of KSC koss series annoys me as well.
-neutrality or flatness, must be somewhere in the ballpark, although i dont care for perfection unless its affordable.
- I dislike lack of punch, Its the reason why i didn't but hd280 over sony v6, even though the latter has loose bass. IF i am paying this much money, it better have punch.
-details: whoa..this is where the audiophilism comes in. Without resolution, theres nothing to be excited about!
-Soundstage, i dont need a huge deal, but its fatiguing to listen to Midi music ala final fantasy vii on v6, its not funny at all! HD280pro was even more closed than V6 i thought and i dislike that.
headphones using angled drivers ..its all you need to create a soundstage on the cheap.The old cheap nasal unflat panasonics i have included a much wider soundstage killing most phones 3x as much..how sad.

The Sony were comfortable, unlike the older punisher, V6's.
I cant wait til my bhphoto pads come in the mail!!!!
Both phones should be ok!!

Both phones seem to be good here.
If i can do without an amp, so be it. IF i have to lug around an amp and pay more money its not an option. I mean i can live without a better headphone and amp, its a luxury, not an absolute necessary at this point in time. Later to create good mastering of course better is important.

Closed Phones with Circumaural is something i prefer.
The noise levels are sometimes high when i need quiet.
And soundstage is better on angled drivers.

And try to keep ones ego's and money grubbing upgrades out of recommendation, otherwise I will ignore your post.
I put these cans up top because of the low costs, overall for a reason.
Thanks once again!
as this forum is numero uno, ichiban, number 1 for headphones!
Aug 3, 2005 at 10:52 PM Post #2 of 11
hard for me to parse all of the above information, but i will chime in my experience...

i have both a700 and v6, and had the v900 (broke long ago). in my opinion, the a700 is leagues above both of the other cans in just about every category. comfort of the v900 was good though.

i can't really speak on the v900 since it's too far removed from memory. but compared to the v6, the a700 may be a bit "colored", albiet in a good way. Way more extended bass, mids, and sweeter highs. all the details are there, as well as a fairly good presence of a soundstage (again, compared to the v6). comfort is top notch, although it can get a bit warm if your surroundings are warm.

your assesments of the v6 seem in line with mine, so you may enjoy the a700 as much as i do. the one thing that is borderline with the a700 for me is the upper-mids can be a little bright sounding at times, but since you stated your ears can handle it, it might be a great match for you. oh, the other thing is that these things are fairly huge and not very portable - but they do not need an amp to sound great IME.

good luck
Aug 3, 2005 at 11:02 PM Post #3 of 11
^ oh thanks

Yeah I am not a professional yet, so with either headphones
what i do, would still be quality.
I hope my info wasn't too confusing!
I read some reviews for A700, seems like a winner!
I was also wondering if the sony V900 are flatter.
Aug 3, 2005 at 11:09 PM Post #4 of 11
FYI there is no evidence at all, that the MDR-7509 is the same headphone as the MDR-V900 (I have owned both, and they sound slightly different also)

The same case as the 7506 and V6, there are members that believe in that story and I respect that, and avoid any further discussion on the subject, but to state that as a fact, is completelly different....they are similar, yes, exactly the same headphone using exactly the same drivers, not....and evidence there is absolutely none to the date, please keep that in mind while stating such as facts...
Aug 3, 2005 at 11:21 PM Post #5 of 11
^ hey i dont know man. But Headphonereviews list
them as V900/7509. [whats the sound difference to you?]
Besides, theres a cost difference as well.
IT could be like comparing A700 with A900. Theres differences, but maybe not that great.
I am not that picky, so 80.00 savings for a V900 for small sonic differences arent gonna kill me. I dont want to be obsessive in that.

But you are probably right, theres too many people believe one or the other. Until I see the Sony maker tell me so, I won't believe it, and it doesnt concern me greatly right now.
So lets compare V900 to A700 if you really want it that way.
but thanks for the input, no offense here

I am sure there is something different, or else the company would not make them 'again"
But it could be due to manufacturing distribution type things.
Maybe one distributor plant costs more?

Oh hope this doesnt sound rude..i keep re reading it, but i dont know!
Aug 4, 2005 at 2:07 AM Post #6 of 11
I think the V6 and 7506 are the same, but I haven't listened to them side by side. MacDEF had a pair that had a V6 cup on one side and a mdr7506 on the other side. Everything seems to be the same, but who knows

Any reason you are looking at those specific headphones? Just wanting more of the same?

I like my mdr7509 and they are good headphones which can be easily driven out of anything that I try. They also seem to be similar to the V6 but more musical and perhaps less accurate. I am not sure they are the best in your price range.

Have you considered the SA1000 or 3000? They are in that range and people seem to thing they are very detailed.
Aug 4, 2005 at 2:15 AM Post #7 of 11
OH really just exactly more of the same?
hmm..maybe "different" would be a better idea
the SA1000 is about 100 dollars more than the budget.
The 3000 well the A700 is pretty close to CD3000 like
many people have said, 350 is over price range if you read
what i put in my post.

Here is the headphones i am thinking of.
I eliminated the HD595 out of the round
and its down to ATH A700 in replacement.
But i heard neither..I just dont like too many options.
Aug 4, 2005 at 2:17 AM Post #8 of 11

Originally Posted by zachary80
I think the V6 and 7506 are the same, but I haven't listened to them side by side. MacDEF had a pair that had a V6 cup on one side and a mdr7506 on the other side. Everything seems to be the same, but who knows

I had this discussion in the past and in honor to the politeness, I will not go through this again, as the last time I gave up to avoid any further unsustained discussion, and again I will give up....but just for the records, IMO if it came like that, that only proves to me that it was assembled in the same line of production (???) or that maybe someone drop this cup in the wrong box (more likely to me that this had happen, as it could be any other V900, V700DJ, 7509, etc, as IIRC, all external cups are the same size..).
Aug 4, 2005 at 2:23 AM Post #9 of 11
^ ok ok
I will try hard to search for the posts.
I saw it somewhere.. But it was in the "low quality" version of the thread archive method.
But if i can get the 7509 for a low price under 180 then that will be had over the v900.

Sorry to bug ..
Aug 4, 2005 at 2:35 AM Post #10 of 11
I meant the SA3000, nor the mdr3000
Are you in the US? Just a quick check of Amazon.com shows the SA1000 at $140 and the SA3000 at $200.

Sovkiller, I am not trying to start an arguement. I am not sure they are the same headphones, but the general consensus says they are, and the appearance is exactly the same except for the connector type. I agree that no one knows for sure if they are the same and I don't know of anyone who has tested them against each other. I however did read a post where Gluegun mentioned a measured comparison of the two which showed differences, although he believes the differences were slight enough that they could be the same drivers with the differences being within the model tolerances.
Aug 4, 2005 at 2:57 AM Post #11 of 11
Oh ok thanks
iS the SA1000 in the same class as these?
I found some seemingly unknown sites selling SA1000
for 109.95. Seems shady, since the last visit on certification was 6/17/05.

SA 3000?

Well more options means more research.. This are meant for djing? not

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