Utter newbie, K701 vs. HD650: First Impressions!
Jun 2, 2007 at 2:43 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 31


May 22, 2007
I'm an utter newbie with total POS components at the moment. I've got a PA2V2 and Bling Bling dock on their way to get me started. But for now, it's just an iPod Nano or my PC with the world's lousiest sound card (I can hear my mouse move. Clicking changes the pitch. Seriously), and a RadioShack Headphone Booster that I found in the bottom of my desk drawer. Not sure why I even have it, but it at least gives both cans enough volume to do some listening. Stop laughing.

I decided that I'd go straight for the jugular, and buy both the Sennheiser HD650's and AKG K701's, listen to them each for three or four weeks, and then return or sell one pair. After reading hundreds of posts here, those to cans seemed to fit my desires best. Both arrived today.

Alright, so dinner is cleaned up and I'm settling in to a night of really listening to these new headphones.

So here we go....

Wow, these are nice headphones. Might as well start at the beginning. Nice packaging, nice boxes. The K701's have a little iPod thing going on, where the 'opening ritual' is a bit special. A little 'Expect, Discover, Perfection' wording as you open it. Sexy. A stand is included too, a nice touch. The HD650's have a nice crinkled cardboardy outer box, and other than that come in a fairly decenty paperboard & foam case. Not too fancy, but lovely.

Neither are as heavy as I expected. For some reason, I thought that expensive headphones=heavy. Neither are. The HD650's are less 'blingy', and don't look like anything special really. Though the black mesh grills reveal that something interesting lurks behind. The K701's, on the other hand, are wild. Great loops of bi-wired goodness arc over the top, and the leather headband and huge earpads make it look like something straight out of Das Boot. I love it.

Both sound absolutely delightful, even with my pitiful components and even on a few iTunes purchased (128kb) tracks (though I can really hear the compression now). I've spent a good couple of hours swapping back and forth, listening to a wide variety of music. My collection spans everything from the hard-core electronic grooves of Massive Attack, Phutureprimitive, and Gotan Project, to Bach & Mozart, with a serious stop in the middle to listen to Miles Davis and Dave Brubeck, and an after-dinner sampling of various world music artists such as Andreas Vollenweider, Enya, and David Arkenstone. A sprinkling classic rock to be unearthed here and there too.

The HD's are most definitely warmer. A more B&W speaker sound, if I had to compare it to something. Strong, strong bass, beautiful mids, and good highs but they're definitely not bright. It's all very smooth and relaxed. I know exactly why people describe them as laid back. They clamp a bit harder to my head than the K701's, and feel hotter over time. They seem to block out quite a bit of ambient noise, even though they are an open design. They feel somewhat cocooned, but in a good way. In these HD's, I'm in my own little universe, bobbing along on waves of music. It's a lovely place to be. You know, it's interesting, I know Sennheiser is a German company, but these HD's are made in Ireland. They feel like Ireland. Peaceful and calm. Things will get done when they're done. Strolling through the countryside. Beautiful. Love it!

The K701's sound damn good, especially considering that I've read countless reviews that state that they must have 200+ hours of burn-in time. Yeah, ok, I'll probably leave them setup for a couple of weeks randomly surfing through my iTunes collection to see what happens, but they truly and honestly sound great as they are. The aren't anywhere nearly as warm as the HD's, but they are incredibly detailed. They sound very much like my Axiom speakers. That is to say, clean, controlled, and accurate. Bass hits fairly hard, and it's extremely accurate. The HD's can almost sound boomy to me, though they still sound great. There could be a little more down there on the K701's,, however, and I'm confident that this is what all those folks say happens as they break-in. The mids and highs are simply brilliant on these K701's. The soundstage seems a bit better too, as the music seems to extend a little bit more in front of me, instead of being just in my head. They're also quite a bit more comfortable than the HD's, as they sort of automatically adjust to your head when you put them on, and they don't clamp down so hard. Very comfortable and easy to wear. The AKG's are made in Austria. They sound like Bavarians. Neat. Clean. Efficient. Precise. Right down to business, even though their business is supreme audio pleasure. It's like a BMW for my ears. Love it!

And that's really all I can say right now. I really, really like them both, but have no idea which will 'win' my little contest. It's going to be tough to send one back, though my wife would kill me if I ditched my plan and kept them both. I honestly can't really make any useful judgements yet, as I'm so severely lacking good amplification and neither have had any time to break in.

I am sort of liking the AKG's better, as they're more comfortable and ought get a nice bump on the low end and mellow out a bit with proper amplification and aging. But I do like the carrying case, detatchable cables (upgrades, anyone?), and warmth of the HD650's. I'm confident that over time their headband will loosen up a bit and clamp less.

All for now. Back to the music...
Jun 2, 2007 at 2:55 AM Post #2 of 31
unbelievable that you can get bass out of those from an ipod. even my low impedance 595s don't have bass driven directly from the ipod. By the way, the pa2v2 is not good enough for those headphones. Get a heed canamp at minimum. If you really want to go cheap, maybe a govibe is better than the pa2v2.
Jun 2, 2007 at 2:56 AM Post #3 of 31
hmm or you can return the one you like least and buy an ms2i instead and see how much better it is with your current sources and amps
Jun 2, 2007 at 3:18 AM Post #4 of 31
Great impressions!

I'm glad you already know you shouldn't make any decisions until your equipment improves and the phones break-in a bit.

Welcome to the addiction! You'll be buying an amp tout suite, I can see it already!
Jun 2, 2007 at 3:53 AM Post #5 of 31
While I do realize that the PA2V2 isn't quite in the same league as either of these headphones, it's a start. I do see a better amp somewhere in my future, but we'll see how the PA2v2 does for now. It's got to arrive first.

As to Grado/Alessandros... I almost ordered a pair of 325i's to go with the combo, but kept reading all of these threads that discussed how Grado's are best for Rock. I listen to very little Rock. Most of my listening is classical and jazz, and based on what I've read, the Sennheisers and AKG's are a better fit for that genre. I could be very wrong, of course, and I'll fully admit it if I am. I'll just have to eventually pick up a pair of Grados once the wallet cools off.

For the moment, both of these cans sound fantastic. Yeah, I have no doubts that they'll sound better with an ok amp such as the PA2V2, and even better still with a really nice amp. And really freakin' awesome when everything is "broken in" (if such a thing really exists - I am a skeptic for the moment, contrary to popular opinion). But I don't know what such the fuss is about that these headphones absolutely require multi-hundred dollar amps to sound bearable!
Jun 2, 2007 at 3:57 AM Post #6 of 31

Originally Posted by BigStig /img/forum/go_quote.gif
While I do realize that the PA2V2 isn't quite in the same league as either of these headphones, it's a start. I do see a better amp somewhere in my future, but we'll see how the PA2v2 does for now. It's got to arrive first.

Ooops... I did read that you had one on the way, but for some reason it didn't register.

Yeah, that should serve you well for quite a while. But upgraditis has a way of rearing it's ugly head, and you'll be sending an e-mail to Ray Samuels!
Jun 2, 2007 at 3:58 AM Post #7 of 31

Originally Posted by BigStig /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yeah, I have no doubts that they'll sound better with an ok amp such as the PA2V2, and even better still with a really nice amp. But I don't know what such the fuss is about that these headphones absolutely require multi-hundred dollar amps to sound bearable.

You just wait... I can't wait to read your impressions after hearing them with your new amp!
Jun 2, 2007 at 7:54 AM Post #8 of 31
I'm in a similar predicament. I went through an audition of several headphones and whittled the contenders down to the HD650 and K701, and frankly, I can't decide which one's the keeper yet.

Overall, I think I prefer the K701's sound more -- beautiful, clean, clear, crisp. Paired with the bass boost on my M^3 amp, these babies can kick. I have the opposite problem regarding comfort though. I find the HD650 a lot more comfortable than the AKG.

The discomfort of the K701 stems from the headband. I have a pretty sharp ridge at the top of my head, and I can't wear these for too long before my head starts to hurt. I'm going to have to try devise some sort of padding to attach because, honestly, these sound fantastic. I'd hate to have give them up because of that damn headband.

The HD650, OTOH, are nice and comfy. I've come to find that Senns have the most comfortable headphones for my head (the HD595 being the most comfortable I've ever worn). By themselves, the HD650's are smooth, warm, and laid back. They're really great as well, but having listened to the AKG's, I can't help but wish for a slightly brighter, more forward sound.

So yes, it's a tough decision! I look forward to reading more of your impressions as time goes on. Good luck choosing!
Oct 10, 2007 at 6:42 PM Post #9 of 31
Wow, I'm in the exact same position as you except I'm also going to audition DT880s. Right now I'm waiting on the DT880s and a Pico. I have the HD650 and K701 coming straight out of a headphone jack on on-board Intel HD. Yes, I know how bad it is but it's considerably better than any other on-board sound I've heard.

Eerily, my initial impressions are almost the same as yours. Aesthetically, the HD650s win hands-down with its understated subtle look whereas the K701s are just so god damn loud. Comfort-wise, I prefer the K701s' self-adjusting headband (it fits perfectly on my head but I know some people don't like them). The HD650s had too much clamping force so that after a while it started to hurt my head.

I listen mostly to classical, rock, opera some jazz and pop. Most of the music is FLAC played through amarok. The HD650s definitely shine on the low-end, it has a dark sound that gives more bass impact. But that's about it, in everything else I prefer the K701s' sound. It has a bigger soundstage, greater detail, more neutral and pleasing (to my ears) sound. The HD650s great lower-mid performance seemed to sacrifice the higher-end and with it loses some detail. The K701s, however, played bass, mids, and highs equally well without sacrificing detail. When I compared them side by side, the K701s sounded more sweet and fluid. If these phones were food, the HD650s would be chocolate (dark and tasty) while the K701s would be honey (bright and sweet).

Anyway, before I heard either one I honestly expected to like the HD650s more since I thought I would prefer its darker sound. But now I'm definitely leaning towards the K701s. However, I'll be waiting for the DT880s and Pico before I pass final judgement.
Oct 10, 2007 at 7:07 PM Post #10 of 31

Originally Posted by BigStig /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The K701's, on the other hand, are wild. Great loops of bi-wired goodness arc over the top, and the leather headband and huge earpads make it look like something straight out of Das Boot. I love it.

The end of that movie payed me back the almost 5 hours of my life that it cost me to get there!

Also ooooh man just wait till you get an amp on either of those cans you might soil yourself and have fun trying to explain that to the mrs..
Oct 10, 2007 at 7:20 PM Post #11 of 31
i thought the 650's were tight until i realized they weren't adjusted right. Allow more slack in the headband and let the cans and band sit forward a little more.

they still clamp harder than my 555's but maybe they need more use.
Oct 10, 2007 at 8:07 PM Post #12 of 31
Very meaningful and well-written impressions. Like iggee85, my own experiences have been almost identical. There are a couple of modifications that may change the sound of the HD650, such as removing the foam (by first taking off the pads with a firm pull) and recabling them with a "brighter" cable such as the Zu Mobius.
Oct 10, 2007 at 8:51 PM Post #13 of 31

Originally Posted by karma /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm in a similar predicament. I went through an audition of several headphones and whittled the contenders down to the HD650 and K701, and frankly, I can't decide which one's the keeper yet.

Overall, I think I prefer the K701's sound more -- beautiful, clean, clear, crisp. Paired with the bass boost on my M^3 amp, these babies can kick. I have the opposite problem regarding comfort though. I find the HD650 a lot more comfortable than the AKG.

The discomfort of the K701 stems from the headband. I have a pretty sharp ridge at the top of my head, and I can't wear these for too long before my head starts to hurt. I'm going to have to try devise some sort of padding to attach because, honestly, these sound fantastic. I'd hate to have give them up because of that damn headband.

The HD650, OTOH, are nice and comfy. I've come to find that Senns have the most comfortable headphones for my head (the HD595 being the most comfortable I've ever worn). By themselves, the HD650's are smooth, warm, and laid back. They're really great as well, but having listened to the AKG's, I can't help but wish for a slightly brighter, more forward sound.

So yes, it's a tough decision! I look forward to reading more of your impressions as time goes on. Good luck choosing!

Bend the headband sharply at the top so more than one pad makes contact with the head! Worked for me at least.
Oct 10, 2007 at 9:41 PM Post #14 of 31

Originally Posted by milkpowder /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Very meaningful and well-written impressions. Like iggee85, my own experiences have been almost identical. There are a couple of modifications that may change the sound of the HD650, such as removing the foam (by first taking off the pads with a firm pull) and recabling them with a "brighter" cable such as the Zu Mobius.

Must say my feelings are very similar, except for one little point.

In my humble opinion AKG does have some sort of unnatural treble spike, which makes the highs sometimes harsh and playing bit different from the rest of the spectrum. Don't know how to say this, but for me colour of the trebles is a bit different than rest of the spectrum, they are just brighter than other parts of the whole mix. This was even more noticeable when I did side by side comparisions with T2. Also the bas could have bit more strength and bit better texture.

They are indeed bright, but hard to say they are flat... mostly because of that treble spike.
Oct 10, 2007 at 9:56 PM Post #15 of 31
It's been a while since I last heard the K701. I think I know what you mean, but they never ever sounded bright. There is a certain quality about the upper midrange that gives it a cold feeling. Bear in mind the T2 has an ever so slightly warm sound which deviates from "neutrality".

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