Utilizing the Apple AirPort Express
Jun 23, 2005 at 4:00 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 5


Headphoneus Supremus
Aug 12, 2004
I currently own an Apple PowerBook G4 and AirPort Express and have been reading through a number of threads and wanted to see how users of the site have configured their AirPort Express devices. Having learned that headfi.com users use them as part of their audio equipment systems, I would like to know how can I utilize my AirPort Express. Please share how have you used your Airport Express.

Also, what/ how much benefit might there be if a headphone amplifier is connected to the AirPort Express line out versus connecting a headphone amplifier directly to my PowerBook G4 Headphone out minijack?
Jun 23, 2005 at 8:04 AM Post #2 of 5
You can either:

1) connect the Airport Express line out to an amplifier (headphone or regular)


2) connect the Airport Express digital out to a DAC (standalone or one built in to an amp / reciever)

One advantage of using the Airport Express to drive a headphone amp over using the PB to drive it is that if you havemusic sotred on the PB in a compressed format, you can insert a CD and stream that over the Airport to get full lossless glory
. For example, I have my music encoded at 128 kbps AAC, which may not be the best but suits my needs for portable use on my iPod. However, if I am at home, I have easy access to my CD colection, so I can use them instead.

Another advantage is that as the Airport Express has a digital output, you can use an external DAC rather than use the internal one in the PB.

I have my Airport Express set up in my study, as that's where the broadband line comes in to the house. I then connect a headphone amp to the line out so I can listen using my headphones whilst I am in there.

Hope that helps
Jun 23, 2005 at 1:24 PM Post #3 of 5
You should probably mention which PowerBook you have. The current 17" has a digital out also. In that case it's just distance and placement that's the advantage (if using DAC) of the Airport Express. The disadvantage of it is you can only natively stream iTunes with the Airport Express. Not DVDs, etc. You can buy Airfoil to partially get around this, but they'll still be sync problems with video apps (some workarounds if using VLC). As for sound quality through the analog, it's best to test which sound you prefer.
Jun 23, 2005 at 4:45 PM Post #4 of 5
keep in mind that the airport express has a sound lag of a second or two.... it makes watching movies unenjoyable because the sound and video are out of sync, but for music it is great
Jun 26, 2005 at 3:01 AM Post #5 of 5
"keep in mind that the airport express has a sound lag of a second or two.."

Not with VLC. You can tailor the delay under VLC advance preferences and and can learn the details in Airfoil Preferences. Then you can watch Miami Vice on your laptop and play that great 80's music over your big rig.

(I have had some issues since I upgraded to Tiger, but when it works, you can't believe how good it is. Another big thank you to BlessingX)

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