USC vs Notre Dame, most exciting football game I've ever seen
Oct 16, 2005 at 1:58 PM Post #18 of 22
Yeah, seems like quite a day for college football. Michigan vs Penn State was the most exciting 4th quarter that I've seen in a long time!!

As for Notre Dame losing...awww!!
Of course, there's the whole "phantom touchdown" thing with USC...when the ref makes what might be the worst call in the history of modern football (Charles White dropped the ball at the 2 yard line), and it goes against your team, you stay bitter about it for a long time!!

I do wish that I'd have caught the last bit of the USC-Notre Dame game...looked like quite an ending.
Oct 16, 2005 at 2:00 PM Post #19 of 22

Originally Posted by asmox
sorry, i just don't see the excitement in watching a bunch of crazed men wearing spandex repeatedly smash into each other like troglodytes :|

Hmmm...I wonder, then, what you are doing posting in a thread like this one??
Oct 16, 2005 at 3:21 PM Post #20 of 22
I'm unlikely to watch many college games/season but that was one incredible game. We had it on in the showroom at work and it sounded like a sports bar. Employees and customers alike were glued to that game.
The last 2 minutes were like watching a train wreck.
Oct 16, 2005 at 3:33 PM Post #21 of 22
I don't know about the most exciting game. Perhaps for the younger college football fans here. But it was awesome.

USC has been playing with fire. They're going to drop one soon. Their horses way outmatched Notre Dame's. In fact, talent wise, there is not anyone in the same league as USC. That team is getting cocky. Soon the luck of the Trojans will fail.

It was interesting that Notre Dame executed a perfect game plan and still couldn't win. That late fumble doomed them.

When ND scored that late touchdown with around 2:00 to go, my first thought was that is way too much time for Leinhart, Bush, and Jarrett (sp), and I was right. Too bad it ended the way it did.

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