UpGrado Dilemma; What to do with SR60s??
Mar 5, 2002 at 3:29 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 23

delenda est Sony

500+ Head-Fier
Jan 25, 2002
Hello all---

I just bought a pair of SR125s and they sound amazingly better than my SR60s. Which is where the problems comes from---the 60s seem completely superseded. I still find uses for my Senn 497s and V6s, but the SR60s are in danger of joining the "dust gathering pile" where the Senn 202s, HD 500s and Koss UR20s reside. This is a sad fate for the 60s, so I was wondering if anyone thinks the 60s might be BETTER for some listening purposes than the 125s. (I considered using em as portables, but their extreme radiation of external sound and general lack of transportability does not seem to make Grados well suited for travel!).

Any thoughts as to the proper independent identity for the SR60s??
Mar 5, 2002 at 3:51 PM Post #3 of 23
well, that's one option---but they're like family now!
I'm hoping to find some little listening niche for em...
Mar 5, 2002 at 3:59 PM Post #4 of 23
Keep them in the family then. Give them to a relative who doesn't have headphones. I gave my Sony V300 to my little sister after I got better cans. There was no point in me keeping them. To her, they are much better than her tiny earbuds and she's happy.
Mar 5, 2002 at 4:04 PM Post #5 of 23
I'm afraid that having the 125s and Hd 497 makes the SR60 pretty much useless. Well, you can always keep them as say office phones or at least as a spare parts source (shoud the cable of your 125s brake for instance). You can also try to swap pads and see what you'll get.
Mar 5, 2002 at 6:40 PM Post #7 of 23
If you are not married and ever plan on getting married...you can give them to your spouse. That is what I did with my SR60s when I got my RS-1s. My wife enjoys them now and because she is not a music nut like myself, they are perfect for her and all she ever will really need. Best of all, my first pair of decent headphones, cans which helped me through my undergrad degree, all those ungodly nights of cramming, are still close to me...only a few feet away. Nostolgia....gotta keep 'em close to your heart
Mar 6, 2002 at 3:38 AM Post #8 of 23
Do what I did with my SR-80's when I got my HD497's. Sell them to a friend who listenes to music through Sony street style headphones, for $20, which is about all they are really worth, now that you have finally seen the light. Your friend will love them, you'll be rid of them, plus you'll have $20 to go towards your next headphone purchase. Oh, and by the way Delenda, I haven't been taken over by aliens. I just heard a pair of headphones that sounded in some ways better than my 497's that were $100. So I now know that I can find a better pair in that category. My next purchase will be the Philips 890's which I will be getting at the beginning of June.
Mar 6, 2002 at 3:49 AM Post #9 of 23
if you go by violetta88, save yourself the hassle of finding a friend who listens to the street styles....I'll take them off your hands or $20 bucks...

they are worth far more than $20, I don't care how much one hates the Grado sound....
Mar 6, 2002 at 3:52 AM Post #11 of 23
They may be worth more than $20, but they do not have the true Grado sound. They are muddy and the treble is veiled. That is NOT Grado sound.
Mar 6, 2002 at 4:14 AM Post #12 of 23
thanks lads---these are all fine suggestions!
I was hoping someone would say " well for listening to Eritrean jazz/death metal fusion, the SR60s sound better than the Sr125s", but that seems hardly likely. I think I will try and find a deserving loved one or friend to loan these to for an indefinite period...

Violeta, I hadn't really thought you had been body snatched!
But remember that $100 phones cost 67% more than the 497s. A $50,000 car is generally a lot better than a $30,000 one too! However aliens aside, Hamsterball Z appears to be psychic....
Good luck with those 890s; I look forward to getting a pair myself if any place in the States ever gets em in...
Mar 6, 2002 at 4:26 AM Post #13 of 23
Personally, I'd torture my friends with 'em.

I had one friend who used to listen to 64kbps mp3s through a portable mp3 player. He said he couldn't really hear the difference . . . I had to sit him down and describe to him what the (painfully obvious) artifacts sounded like while he listened to the mp3s. Now he can hear the artifacts, he has to use a higher bit rate, and he can't fit as many songs on his player. He was kinda annoyed.
Mar 6, 2002 at 4:26 AM Post #14 of 23
I doubt they ever will. Electronics companies seem to think we Americans are undeserving of decent products. So we have to either settle with the trifles that they do send our way, like the HD600's, or be smart and order them from Jan Meier. I know the lack of a nearby place to return them is a thorn in the deal, but a headphone that can actually hold its own against the HD600 for $100, I'm not saying beat it, I'm just saying not fall flat on it's drivers, is a great deal and is good enough reason for me, also Jan Meier's impeccable reputation, at least as a seller, and both points have made me decide to take the risk.
Mar 6, 2002 at 4:32 AM Post #15 of 23

Originally posted by violeta88
They may be worth more than $20, but they do not have the true Grado sound. They are muddy and the treble is veiled. That is NOT Grado sound.

Rather a bit of an exaggeration, I think.

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