Unpopular/Uncommon Musical Opinions
Feb 5, 2012 at 12:12 PM Post #241 of 270
I have tried and tried and tried throughout my life of voracious, and eclectic music listening and buying to like certain bands. The Doors, Rush, The Grateful Dead, and Phish come immediately to mind. I have given up. I don't see anything to like about these bands. I respect their music only because so many people whose musical opinion I value like them...
Feb 5, 2012 at 2:34 PM Post #243 of 270
And?  Many great bands wouldn't exist if it weren't for "blank."  That doesn't mean the later one can't make better music. 

The best you can achieve by imitation is to be *almost* as good as the original.
The Beatles sucessfully reinvented their sound several times in a very short period of time. I can't think of anyone since who has gone through that many changes purely because they were self driven like the Beatles were. Since the Beatles broke up, rock music has been doing variations on their music endlessly. It's as if no one can figure out how to go on to the next step.
Feb 5, 2012 at 2:37 PM Post #244 of 270
The Grateful Dead are the Rocky Horror of rock bands.Rocky Horror was a mediocre little movie that rose to fame because of the remarkable scene that grew up around it. The audience was the real show.
Feb 5, 2012 at 3:51 PM Post #245 of 270

The Grateful Dead are the Rocky Horror of rock bands.Rocky Horror was a mediocre little movie that rose to fame because of the remarkable scene that grew up around it. The audience was the real show.

i can see how one would reach this conclusion as an 'outsider'.  the gd were a live band through and through.  their studio efforts never managed to even come close to the live performance.  mostly due to the fact that the audience plays an integral role in the performance.  a dead show is living, breathing feedback system where the audience is the 7th member and very much in control of the final outcome.  this all sounds like mumbo-jumbo if you have never experienced it, i know.  i was like you until one time, in the strangest of places, i was shown the light :wink:
is their studio output mediocre?  most definitely!  was it a mediocre band?  not by any stretch of the imagination!

I have tried and tried and tried throughout my life of voracious, and eclectic music listening and buying to like certain bands. The Doors, Rush, The Grateful Dead, and Phish come immediately to mind. I have given up. I don't see anything to like about these bands. I respect their music only because so many people whose musical opinion I value like them...

see above.  did you trying listening to live shows?  it may change your opinion.  or not...
EDIT: that said, i will add that "being a deadhead is like being in love with the ugliest girl in the world". 

Feb 5, 2012 at 4:54 PM Post #246 of 270
I have tried and tried and tried throughout my life of voracious, and eclectic music listening and buying to like certain bands. The Doors, Rush, The Grateful Dead, and Phish come immediately to mind. I have given up. I don't see anything to like about these bands. I respect their music only because so many people whose musical opinion I value like them...

see above.  did you trying listening to live shows?  it may change your opinion.  or not...
EDIT: that said, i will add that "being a deadhead is like being in love with the ugliest girl in the world". 

Actually, I have heard live Grateful Dead tracks, I have never been into them enough to do an extensive search of their live or bootleg material. I have friends that confirm what you're saying however. Ironically, I have gotten the same advice with Phish. With regard to The Doors, I always liked Jim Morrison's voice, but the band was keyboard-based and I am more guitar oriented. As far as Rush, I never liked Geddy Lee's voice. He always sounded like somebody speeded-up the taped, or like he did a hit of helium before each line he sang...no disrespect to fans of any of these bands, but this is the "unpopular/uncommon musical opinion" thread 

Feb 7, 2012 at 6:57 PM Post #247 of 270
1) I hate the Beatles and feel that their fame is more a result of being in the right place at the right time with the right drugs than actually having talent and creativity.
2) I hate that bands like Black Sabbath, Guns 'n' Roses, Metallica, Quiet Riot, Megadeth (their earlier music, at least), KISS, etc. are put in the same genre as bands like Slayer, Brokencyde, Alesana, Blessthefall, etc.. People who are just now being exposed to metal for the first time are likely to be hearing bands in the latter category, and will thus decide to avoid metal altogether (it takes a certain kind of person to actually enjoy people screaming in their ears...). Of course they are in their own subgenres, but only the people who are already fans actually know about those.
3) Rap was good until it was ruined by people like Tupac, Snoop Dogg, B.I.G., etc. It used to be about having fun and expressing creativity in a new way, but in the mid 90's, it was turned into a way to insult people, degrade women, start senseless gang wars, encourage careless sex, drug use for the sole purpose of looking "cool" and fitting in, use of the "N" word for no apparent reason, assaulting people, breaking the law just to break the law, and disrespecting authority for no apparent reason. 
4) I don't get why "money For Nothing" by Dire Straits is so popular.
5) Modern pop needs to be renamed in order to separate it from real pop (Prince, MJ, Madonna, etc.).
6) People really need to stop viewing Lady Gaga as this creative, unique artist and realize that all she does is copy Madonna and add in a few ridiculous stunts periodically.
7) Dragonforce sucks (my username is sort of a long story lol)
8) Disliking a musician for their music, unoriginality, behavior, following, etc. is no reason to hate them to the point where you say things like "I hope _______ dies" or "_______ is a __ggot" or "_______ needs to kill him/herself." They are humans too, and being popular and rich for no reason doesn't merit being constantly harassed by jealous losers who wish their favorite genre was as popular (I see this a lot from diehard "metal" fans).
Feb 8, 2012 at 1:56 AM Post #248 of 270
the beatles were less than the sum of their parts (i.e. three excellent songwriters and an incredible producer) and benefited greatly from the cultural climate their effervescent marketability.  consequently, they are the "safest" band to ever like and everything beatles-related will continue to print money indefinitely.
Feb 8, 2012 at 3:01 PM Post #249 of 270
DSOTM is boring
Piracy has been the best thing to happen to music since the blues.  It's put a good sized dent in the skull that was the insanity of 90's pop(insert sub genre here), now it's far easier to notice the really good bands who deserve the money.
Feb 8, 2012 at 4:04 PM Post #250 of 270
It's not just that I don't personally like them. Anyone who likes The Smiths has a morbidly high tolerance of crap vocals.
The Grateful Dead were better in the studio than they were live. The only reason Deadheads have so many live recordings is that we're still looking for a version not completely ruined by the vocals of a) Jerry, b) Pigpen, c) Donna Jean.
People need to hear past the great recording quality and realise that none of Pink Floyd could write a decent song. Seriously ... show off your hi-fi with some music for a change rather than Rick Wright pressing a key while Dave Gilmour plays a tedious blues scale.
Fans of Opeth ... would you please get over the fact that they play in 15/16? You know they write this stuff with a looper, right?
Feb 10, 2012 at 9:13 PM Post #251 of 270

4) I don't get why "money For Nothing" by Dire Straits is so popular.

It doesn't take much to figure that one out.
Insane mind-blowing, well produced 90 sec intro along with Stings's haunting vocal coinciding with the start. (at his highest popularity as a musician).  THAT'S IT!  That's all people listened to.  The rest of the song was ho-hum...boring, generic.
Feb 12, 2012 at 1:03 PM Post #253 of 270
YES to 6, 7, and 8
Personally I think the Beatles individually aren't very talented, but together wrote great, simple, and very well recorded music that was creative at the time.
I agree with #2, but I don't see those bands being but into the same genre except on paper. I just haven't seen anyone really group those bands together but if you say so, okay. Additionally Slayer is not my favorite, but certainly doesn't deserve to be grouped with the following three haha.
I'm really interested in #3 because I don't like rap and have only been exposed to people who "ruined" it. What do you recommend? I actually do kind of like A Tribe Called Quest, but that's it.
I don't know how unpopular this is but I haven't looked forward to a new release in years excluding Tool, Opeth and the Black Keys. Most everything else kind of sucks. I listen to Metal, Rock, Jazz, Blues, Prog, Folk, etc. weighted HEAVILY in the years '50-'80.
1) I hate the Beatles and feel that their fame is more a result of being in the right place at the right time with the right drugs than actually having talent and creativity.
2) I hate that bands like Black Sabbath, Guns 'n' Roses, Metallica, Quiet Riot, Megadeth (their earlier music, at least), KISS, etc. are put in the same genre as bands like Slayer, Brokencyde, Alesana, Blessthefall, etc.. People who are just now being exposed to metal for the first time are likely to be hearing bands in the latter category, and will thus decide to avoid metal altogether (it takes a certain kind of person to actually enjoy people screaming in their ears...). Of course they are in their own subgenres, but only the people who are already fans actually know about those.
3) Rap was good until it was ruined by people like Tupac, Snoop Dogg, B.I.G., etc. It used to be about having fun and expressing creativity in a new way, but in the mid 90's, it was turned into a way to insult people, degrade women, start senseless gang wars, encourage careless sex, drug use for the sole purpose of looking "cool" and fitting in, use of the "N" word for no apparent reason, assaulting people, breaking the law just to break the law, and disrespecting authority for no apparent reason. 
4) I don't get why "money For Nothing" by Dire Straits is so popular.
5) Modern pop needs to be renamed in order to separate it from real pop (Prince, MJ, Madonna, etc.).
6) People really need to stop viewing Lady Gaga as this creative, unique artist and realize that all she does is copy Madonna and add in a few ridiculous stunts periodically.
7) Dragonforce sucks (my username is sort of a long story lol)
8) Disliking a musician for their music, unoriginality, behavior, following, etc. is no reason to hate them to the point where you say things like "I hope _______ dies" or "_______ is a __ggot" or "_______ needs to kill him/herself." They are humans too, and being popular and rich for no reason doesn't merit being constantly harassed by jealous losers who wish their favorite genre was as popular (I see this a lot from diehard "metal" fans).

Feb 12, 2012 at 2:00 PM Post #254 of 270

I'm really interested in #3 because I don't like rap and have only been exposed to people who "ruined" it. What do you recommend? I actually do kind of like A Tribe Called Quest, but that's it.

I'm the same way, normally I hate rap, but lately I've been listing to a lot of Hoodie Allen, G-Eazy, Modsun, Mackelmore. Stuff kinda like that. I feel as if the mainstream rap/hip-hop is all of those terrible things, but the more underground stuff is like what the founders of rap wanted it to be. 
Feb 12, 2012 at 3:12 PM Post #255 of 270

I'm really interested in #3 because I don't like rap and have only been exposed to people who "ruined" it. What do you recommend? I actually do kind of like A Tribe Called Quest, but that's it.

Brother Ali
P.O.S. (or doomtree as a whole)
Just my opinion though.
Unpopular opinions?  Well, I dont see them mentioned on here at all, which is good..But I think all of Odd Future is complete trash.  Tyler, the Creator and all of his "crew" make terrible music IMO.  OFWGKTA has such a huge following and I dont see why.  The production/mixing/mastering is garbage and so is the delivery/lyrics.
So many people pretty much worship them, and I dont understand.  

That is supposed to be music worth millions of dollars total?  Nooooooo

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