Unhappy paper weight owner.....
Nov 25, 2003 at 1:25 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 45

Sweet Spot

1000+ Head-Fier
Feb 16, 2003
First..I didn't produce this. So don't bash me. You guys would have seen it eventually. Don't shoot the evil messenger. Thanks !

Unhappy iPod customer
Nov 25, 2003 at 1:31 AM Post #4 of 45
Yeah, I saw that and almost posted it too. Cool gorilla fight, but a little inaccurate... at least now with $50 batteries and $99 Apples service.

Ridiculous Mac fans complaining on MacSlash about destruction of Apple property (posters). For some reason the building owners aren't discussed.
Nov 25, 2003 at 1:56 AM Post #5 of 45
It's not working for me. I downloaded the new version of quicktime and rebooted but it still doesn't work. Is there any other way to watch the video. By the way, I have win98se

Just a side comment: If this guy doesn't like the ipod, why is he using quicktime, another apple product, to show the video?

Nov 25, 2003 at 2:09 AM Post #6 of 45
Because he owns a mac. He made it with iMovie. There's also a discussion going on about said warranty program/tech support. (Why is it that I have to scream TECH SUPPORT !!! TEEEECH SUPPOOOORT !!!!, every time I think it ? Vanilla Sky reference by the way....)

...Things to note here:

The plan is effective starting on the date of ORIGINAL purchase. So it's not even a 2 year plan. It's an extended one. And as for tech support. come on now....there are "FORUMS" for such things. Besides, apple has a really great product aside from the battery, and most people probably don't need tech support right ? I mean, that's been the iPoder's biggest claim, that it's so easy to use..a drunken donkey could operate it with two hooves tied above his back. Anyway...just read. I found it educational and enlightening. And these ARE iPod users.

warranty discussion
Nov 25, 2003 at 2:42 AM Post #8 of 45
Yeah... my big fear. *sigh*.... if only there was the perfect portable mp3 player.... I'm hoping it lasts me another couple years, when I can get one with replaceable battery.
Nov 25, 2003 at 3:03 AM Post #10 of 45

Originally posted by pennylane Yeah... my big fear. *sigh*.... if only there was the perfect portable mp3 player.... I'm hoping it lasts me another couple years, when I can get one with replaceable battery.

You have one with a replaceable battery.
Nov 25, 2003 at 3:19 AM Post #11 of 45

Originally posted by Sweet Spot
And as for tech support. come on now....there are "FORUMS" for such things. .... a drunken donkey could operate it with two hooves tied above his back.

You answered your own question. Drunken donkeys don't generally know how to find answers in a tech support forum. Forums also don't have the authority to overnight you a free pre-paid box so you can send your iPod in for service and have it back within a few days.

Apple consumers are also their greatest critics. Like all companies, Apple would rather you buy a new product than allow you to upgrade or self-repair an old one. I don't like that they do that, but business is business. No fear though -- Apple die-hards always figure out cheaper ways, as ipodbattery.com shows.

Nov 25, 2003 at 3:19 AM Post #12 of 45
I think what he meant was that he hopes his pod will last until the day Apple makes an iPod with a user replaceable battery. (which technically is possible anyway)
Nov 25, 2003 at 3:31 AM Post #13 of 45

Forums also don't have the authority to overnight you a free pre-paid box so you can send your iPod in for service and have it back within a few days.

Um...I'm not sure I understand where the dividing point is between tech support and the warranty support. Wouldn't the warranty support be the side which covers the free pre-paid box etc..? According to what you just said, it's tech supports job ? If that's tru, that would seem to either be an inefficient way of doing things or just another excuse for them to have such a service.($$) I hope you see I'm not trying to bash..I'm simply observing that if this is true, it would make more sense to consolidate the service into the warranty only, and perhaps be done with it, instead of making people pay twice for something that should be included with the price of the extended warranty.

But hey, if you guys have checked into it, and have found this to be the best route, then who'se anyone to argue with that ?
Nov 25, 2003 at 3:33 AM Post #14 of 45
LOL! That's hilarious. nice find.

Anyway, if you want to buy a DAP from a company who is actually listening to its consumers, TRY CREATIVE.


Zen Xtra... 30gb, Replaceable Battery.. Replaceable Drive...

$269. (www.compuplus.com)

By many accounts, superior sound as well.
Nov 25, 2003 at 3:37 AM Post #15 of 45

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