UM2 Vs Shure E500
Aug 13, 2006 at 4:38 PM Post #16 of 60

Originally Posted by rhythmicmoose
Can you use silicone tips (like the ones included with the E3c for example) on the UM2? And does it change the sound much? I'm not such a big fan of foamies, and this could help influence my decision. Thanks.

yep. personally, i'm using the shure soft tips (the grey ones you see with the e500) with my UM2.

until next week that is, when my UM56 are ready to collect
Aug 17, 2006 at 9:51 PM Post #17 of 60
After reading this thread i got bit confused. I love the UM2s and wanted to upgrade to E500. But i don't want to do it unless there is a significant improvement. My rig is AE-1 , Rio Karma, Black Diamond IC , 256 Kbps VBR.

The thing i love about UM2 is the bass.. It is quite good and highs are not screechy. As for as mids go they are not bad.

So does E500 improve on any of these.. I get instrument seperation with UM2 and clarity is very good..

Help me decide
Aug 18, 2006 at 12:11 AM Post #18 of 60
I love my UM 2'S and listened to them everyday until the shure's arrived. Honestly, I thought the shure's sounded better at every level. The overall tonality, impact, soundstage and enjoyment with the shure's is much greater. I'm certain some people may disagree, but this is my experience.
Aug 18, 2006 at 2:04 AM Post #19 of 60

Originally Posted by vorlon1
I love my UM 2'S and listened to them everyday until the shure's arrived. Honestly, I thought the shure's sounded better at every level. The overall tonality, impact, soundstage and enjoyment with the shure's is much greater. I'm certain some people may disagree, but this is my experience.

I found the E500's to be more detailed and accurate sounding, and for the first week I had them I also thought they blew away my UM2's. I then did an experiment and listened to each for an hour with the same music. After a week of E500 listening, the UM2/UM56 combination was like a wake-up call to my brain, literally. I found the UM2's to be more musical and involving, with much more bass emphasis and a much more upfront presentation to the vocals than the E500's, which have a more veiled vocal presentation. The E500's are a little more detailed and maybe more accurate sounding, but it doesn't necessarily make for a more fun sound, for me. I listen to a lot of classic rock, and I like some weight and impact to the music, which to me the UM2's have it all over the E500's. I put them up for sale shortly after, and ever since I've had ES-2's on the brain.
Aug 18, 2006 at 1:40 PM Post #20 of 60
I can't find the post now, but...

Some guy from recently posted that he uses the UM2's about 60% of the time and he uses the E500's about 30% of the time. Don't quote me on the numbers.

Hmmm... I'm trying to decide what to get for my first IEM's (to run unamped with my first iPod). It's really not easy to decide.
Aug 18, 2006 at 2:36 PM Post #21 of 60

Originally Posted by Toto@Boston
Hello anybody
i'm a new member in here so i have a lot of stuff about headphone to ask ur guys.

I would like to pick up IEMs but i don't know the much more abour IEMs

now i have two choice between UM2 (299) and Shure E500 (499)

Which one is suitable for me?

I like a sound from ATH 900

Thx you very much

The previous answers show that you are going to get all kinds of very different responses here and that the best thing to do is to (somehow) audition both models. However, I previously owned UM2s and now currently own Shure E500s. The latter are way, way, WAY clearer,cleaner, and better balanced in their overall sound signature. To me (one person), there is virtually no comparison. I found the UM2's to have mediocre treble reproduction and an annoying tendency toward "thumpiness" in the bass frequencies. The Shures have just amazingly high quality bass and very good midtones. The Shures also do well with treble, but in my estimation (minority view, perhaps), their capacity to convey the finest, most delicate details at the "high end" is not quite that of the ER-4 models (which are inferior in every other respect, IMHO).

Perhaps there is an element of "you get what you pay for" here, but I've found the Shures to be easily the best IEM's I've ever experienced, and they are well worth the money spent.
Aug 18, 2006 at 3:09 PM Post #22 of 60
Toto - I commented on this same subject yesterday so I'll just copy from my previous post. Before I do I'll say that I started with the iRiver H10 > SM3 > E4C then to UE5 pro, back to E4 to UM2 which I used with my current set up of iPod > Hornet. I got the E500's to upgrade from the UM2 and while the E500's have their strengths over the UM2 (explained below) they are not $200 better period.

"Pete and I were kinda on the same page here so I'll chime in. The E500's are exceptional cans and probably the most neutral that I've heard which may have been what turned me off about them. You will hear people say how Grados are happiest doing rock or Senns are among the best for classical. Well the E500's don't really shine anywhere except that they are neutral in that respect. They are the most detailed I've heard but IMO are the kind of cans that you listen to when analyzing music and listening to how everything fits together etc. The UM2's are far from neutral but when you put them on they will quickly get your head moving, foot stomping and really just grab a hold of you. The E500's are more the type one would have to let themselves lean back into, a more relaxed and polite presentation. Both are good it just boils down to personal preference. In the end I sold my E500's and ordered the ES2 because I preferred the forward vocals, bass, and overall fun factor of the UM2."

It really depends on what you like, I have had limited Grado experience but I'd say the UM2 is going to appeal more to the Grado camp being upfront and engaging and the E500 more to the Senn camp laid back and maybe a bit dark.
Aug 18, 2006 at 3:17 PM Post #23 of 60
Thanks for the further thoughts! Interesting. Two related questions on UM2 vs. E500 (or any other IEM's for that matter):

-Is either one any better at sound isolation than the other? I'm getting old and cranky and want to block out much of the outside world.

-If I'm just going to use an iPod and no amp, is either then better or worse?
Aug 18, 2006 at 3:42 PM Post #24 of 60

Originally Posted by DrJon
Thanks for the further thoughts! Interesting. Two related questions on UM2 vs. E500 (or any other IEM's for that matter):

-Is either one any better at sound isolation than the other? I'm getting old and cranky and want to block out much of the outside world.

-If I'm just going to use an iPod and no amp, is either then better or worse?

Both are about equal for both of your questions. The only IEM owned that I felt did not isolate as well is the UE5pro and this is likely because it does not insert as deep as the others.
Aug 18, 2006 at 4:23 PM Post #27 of 60

Originally Posted by Flavio T
As always, wakeride74 is RIGHT ON the money. At least to my ears

P.S. Waiting on that es2 review...

LOL, thanks Flavio!

I'm still waiting on my ES2's and hope to have them some time next week. Assuming the fit is good first time around I'll probably need at least a few days with them after which I'll be sure to post pics and impressions.
Aug 18, 2006 at 5:36 PM Post #28 of 60

Originally Posted by wakeride74
Both are about equal for both of your questions. The only IEM owned that I felt did not isolate as well is the UE5pro and this is likely because it does not insert as deep as the others.

Thanks. Yeah, from my reading here it seems the UE5pro's don't stick in the ear as deeply. So those are off the list of candidates. I haven't been able to find anywhere to try IEM's out in person, so I'll have to pick based on opinions here.

I guess if the opinions are split on UM2 versus E500, and these seem to be a bit above the E4's and such, I guess I might as well go for the cheaper one. Hmmm...
Aug 18, 2006 at 7:19 PM Post #29 of 60

Originally Posted by nycheadphones
Does anyone know of a headphone amp that makes the sound signiture of the e500s more like that of the um2s?


Wouldn't that be a bit of a whaste? Why not just get UM2s? They are cheaper than the E500s.

If it's a case of having already purchased them, just put them up on the for-sale forum. I'm sure they'll move very quickly.

Sep 6, 2006 at 12:52 AM Post #30 of 60

Originally Posted by DougGreenberg
The previous answers show that you are going to get all kinds of very different responses here and that the best thing to do is to (somehow) audition both models. However, I previously owned UM2s and now currently own Shure E500s. The latter are way, way, WAY clearer,cleaner, and better balanced in their overall sound signature. To me (one person), there is virtually no comparison. I found the UM2's to have mediocre treble reproduction and an annoying tendency toward "thumpiness" in the bass frequencies. The Shures have just amazingly high quality bass and very good midtones. The Shures also do well with treble, but in my estimation (minority view, perhaps), their capacity to convey the finest, most delicate details at the "high end" is not quite that of the ER-4 models (which are inferior in every other respect, IMHO).

Perhaps there is an element of "you get what you pay for" here, but I've found the Shures to be easily the best IEM's I've ever experienced, and they are well worth the money spent.

Yes, but UM56 with UM2 changes UM2 into a completely different beast.
Clearer, Bass Tighter, Cleaner, High more pronounced and less harsh.

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