UM2, 5 Pro, Er4
Feb 23, 2006 at 12:32 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 5


New Head-Fier
Jan 17, 2003
I'm trying to make a decision on what to buy. I notice that 5 Pro and the Shure E4 are designed to be worn with the cables routed behind the ear.
Is this also the case with the UM2's? I prefer not to have the cables behind the ears and it looks like you have no choice with the's, so that may be a deciding factor.
I've read so many conflicting opinions regarding all of these.
Some say the UM2's have good bass but sound almost muddy compared to the Etys. Is this true?
It's obvious that this really comes down to personal preference. Too bad I can't audition them all before buying.
I like lots of detail, but I also prefer a slightly warmer sound. I don't really want an over-emphasis on bass so that it overpowers everything else, but I also don't want a cold, overly bright sound with virtually no bass.
Whatever I end up getting will be used almost exclusively with an ipod. I use hd600's when at home.
Comfort may end up be the deciding factor. In this regard the UM2 seems to be highly regarded.
One last thing. Do the Westones and the Ultimate Ears seem to be of equal quality? The Westones have a one year warranty and the UE's a two year. I don't know if that's a reflection on build quality or not.
Any help is appreciated.

As a side note, I was just looking at the Westone website and saw that on 9/1/2005 they lowered the price of the UM2 to $299. Earphone Solutions sells them for $299 but show the regular price as $450, making you think you're getting a special price from them. Since the MSRP is $299, why can't they be found for less than that?
Mar 14, 2006 at 5:31 AM Post #2 of 5

Originally Posted by harrydog
Some say the UM2's have good bass but sound almost muddy compared to the Etys. Is this true?

i had a chance to listen to the westone UM2 yesterday. i made my way to Jaben (a shop in singapore) and was about to spend some cash on the MS2i but unfortunately they were out of stock, with new ones coming in end of the month.

anyway, whilst i was there, i had a go with the UM2. setup was ipod, pocketdock, hornet.

i was shocked. and grateful that i did not spend US$299 on the UM2. going from the ER4P to the UM2, the UM2 just sound so muffled and muddy. the sparkle and detail and separation of notes in the high end just sounds non existent (sorry to UM2 owners out there..) the midrange and bass weren't all that great either. the mids sound slightly bloated and the bass was definitely not as tight as the ER4 (i feel theres a bit more slam in the ER4 too)

the UM2 werent all that easy to get a good seal either. i tried them with the soft comply tips and the flanges. looking back, its much easier to put in the ER4P and get a good seal (i had a problem with this a while back with which i started a thread and had tonnes of help. now its a breeze to get a good seal with the Ety, aided by the fact the triflanges sure have softened up qutie a good deal after some hours of use).

i guess what this goes to show is if you have a chance to audition both the ER4p and UM2, please do so before you buy anything. i spent about US$220 on the ER4P including shipping from the US and i'm just glad i didnt pay extra for an IEM with dual drivers which doesnt perform as good to my ears.

sorry to all UM2 owners out there, i'm just saying what i feel.

by the way, had a go with some other boys toys there too.. namely the MS1, UM1, ER6i, some AKGs, and Dr HeadAmp, firestone cute amp, had a listen with Fubar and Firestone DAC too. too bad the MS2i was out of stock. they have the MS Pro too! but i didnt have a chance to play with those as they are also on backorder.
Mar 14, 2006 at 5:56 AM Post #3 of 5
That goes to show the importance of getting a chance to listen to these IEMs before putting down the cash. Personally, I feel that the sound quality from some $60 Grado SR60s surpasses that of any IEM under $400, but that's just my experience. From what I'm hearing (and have experienced), it's more a matter of finding the IEM that best fits your preference in sound, since it's not going to give you the performance of full-sized headphones.

Sample before spending (if you can)!
Mar 14, 2006 at 2:16 PM Post #4 of 5
Hi Roasty.. i am from singapore too.. My initial impression of the UM2 with triple flange is same as you and i am very disappointed too.. However after i use the ETY's triple flange with the top flange cut off... the UM2 opens up and not muddy and harsh anymore.. They sound like headphones and i am amaze of the detail level of the UM2. I can said they have about 80 to 90% of ER4S (i own ER4S).. Normally i will need to off the extra bass setting while listening to UM2.. and on the extra bass setting while listening to the ER4S..
I loves the sound from both IEM..
Mar 17, 2006 at 3:09 PM Post #5 of 5
just a side question, does UM2 really require amping if i travel on the go?

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