Ultrasone New performance Series: 840, 860 & 880 (First post last update : 2014/12/07)
Jan 26, 2015 at 10:43 PM Post #346 of 541
Well, I would say not quite as bright as a Grado, but still bright and bright in a different kind of way.  I am still struggling to get a handle on these, and struggling to be able to listen to headphones in general and zero in on what I am hearing and describe it effectively.  I am finding it a bit more difficult to identify and articulate the differences between headphones and headphone components than I am with stereo systems and loudspeakers.
I have a pair of Grado RS225e that are reasonably well broken in at this point and there are qualities that I certainly like about them, but a few downsides that I can't get past.  They aren't just bright, they have a very clear balance that shines a consistent light on everything from the midrange on up.  They have some nice articulate bass, but they are still just plain thin sounding to me, lacking in body and not able to flow music very smoothly.  That is on a good day.  On a bad day, with the wrong music, they just become harsh and fatiguing way too easily for me.  Add in the ridiculous cable and funny feeling ear pads and I just don't see myself hanging on to them much longer.
The PERF880 are bright as well, but in a different way, in a less consistent way. I don't feel that everything is over lit, just some parts of the upper spectrum and sometimes it adds a nice sense of detail and sometimes it just feels like a bit too much.  I am still hopeful that they keep moving in the right direction with more time, but I am not sure I will get there.  I do like them much more than the Grado set I have, but they also have some flaws that leave me concerned about long term ownership and satisfaction.  As I have mentioned before, they do remind me of studio monitors, older school genelecs to be specific.  While there is more body across the board as compared to the Grado, and punchier and deeper bass, there is on occasion a bit of congestion that creeps into things.  Sometimes that congestion sounds like low bass distortion to me, like the PERF880 sometimes tries to bite off just a bit more than it can chew.  Other times it sounds more like they just have trouble keeping their composure as they move from bass to upper bass to mids. It reminds me a little bit of my ATH-M50xBL, how they can have such a great sound until you push them a little bit and then they show some signs of strain well before the SPLs are truly strenuous in level.  I do think the PERF880 are clearly superior to the M50x, but I also think they give up some smoothness to the SRH-1540 (memory from a meet) or the Spirit Pro (own them and listen to them often).  I wish they could provide just a bit smoother sound across the board.  And for me, this is most noticeable on female vocals.  This is just one guy's opinion of course, so take it with a big grain of salt, but I don't think the PERF880 would be my choice for vocals, period.  The bass, midrange, and treble detail all combine for great instrumental performance.  Marcus Miller stuff sounds good to me, bringing out the punch and metallic edge of plucked bass strings, the bite in brass instruments, and highlighting the differences between every drum and cymbal and accessory in a full drum kit.  Again, a lot like a studio monitor in terms of general detail and highlights that all seem to bring a great sense of clarity and specificity, but not like a good hifi system in terms of vocal smoothness and micro detail.
I do think I can hear the S-Logic at work, and it tempts me to give the Sig Pro a try at some point to see if that would really do it for me.  The PERF880 are performing well enough to not leave me with buyers remorse in any way.  But they can get a bit spitty sounding, and I do find myself wishing they could take some of the bass warmth that they have and add the same sense of warmth to upper bass and mids, and then smooth out everything from mid through high treble.  These will probably stick around for a while, but a big factor there is also the velour pads I switched to.  These have become incredibly comfortable for me.  And unfortunately as much as I do like them, they aren't enough to prevent me from continuing to look around and see what I might be missing.
Feb 1, 2015 at 2:59 PM Post #350 of 541
Sig Pro?  I hope it is on another level.  Not sure if I will ever find out, but would love to take them for a spin at some point.
Summary: PERF880 is just not getting it done for me.
Well, I am feeling good about this experience because it has helped me gain some more confidence in my ability to track component burn in and not fall victim to brain burn in.  Sometimes I let stuff run on the side for a while and when I check in, it is clearly different than I remember (delicate topic, auditory memory is very deceiving).  On the other hand, I might notice a little bit of change but continue to listen to a component longer term and see what else happens.  In this case, nothing else has happened.  The same areas of concern are still here.  Bass distortion, congestion and general clarity, overall brightness, often unnatural sounding balance.
I wonder if what S-Logic is able to bring to the table is also responsible for some things hitting the floor.  Diffraction?  Response ripples? Resonance build up that turns into distortion artifacts?  I know, it really isn't fair for me to just throw a bunch of stuff out there, but I am going to take back something I said about these being clearly better than ATH-M50x.  I think they are better in some ways, but it is a much closer race now that I have settle in a bit more.
The PERF880 is a great physical and ergonomic design, looks modern and feels of good quality, and has fantastic comfort...all IMHO.  I also think they sound very open and spacious for a closed headphone and they also have good bass punch.  But then there are the weaknesses I have already explained, at least for me, that have me on the fence...  I still use them once in a while and enjoy them on some material, but at the same time, I will probably list them soon along with a few others I am ready to say goodbye to, and it won't hurt to see them go.
So yes, I am interested in trying the Sig Pro, but if they just address some of these short comings it won't be nearly enough at that price point, they will need to address all the short comings and offer a level of detail across the board, and some bass depth and punch that would set it clearly apart from these PERF880 for me to even begin to take them seriously.  I think everything else I have read and now having this experience for myself indicates that Ultrasone might just end up along with Beyerdynamic as being two brands I respect but just know are not for me.
Feb 2, 2015 at 8:44 AM Post #351 of 541
Bass distortion, congestion and general clarity, overall brightness, often unnatural sounding balance.

So yes, I am interested in trying the Sig Pro, but if they just address some of these short comings it won't be nearly enough at that price point, they will need to address all the short comings and offer a level of detail across the board, and some bass depth and punch that would set it clearly apart from these PERF880 for me to even begin to take them seriously.

I still haven't gotten the chance to hear this new series, but I can fairly confidently say the Sig Pro has none of the issues you mention except perhaps that slightly congested feeling (which is alleviated with a halfway decent amp). They're definitely the most neutral of all Ultrasones, and the frequency response is extremely extended in both directions. Detail is very good.

I haven't met a person who didn't like my Sig Pros. I also haven't met a person (including myself) who would pay full retail for them. :wink:
Feb 2, 2015 at 8:57 AM Post #352 of 541
I still haven't gotten the chance to hear this new series, but I can fairly confidently say the Sig Pro has none of the issues you mention except perhaps that slightly congested feeling (which is alleviated with a halfway decent amp). They're definitely the most neutral of all Ultrasones, and the frequency response is extremely extended in both directions. Detail is very good.

I haven't met a person who didn't like my Sig Pros. I also haven't met a person (including myself) who would pay full retail for them.

what would you pay for them?... what about editions? edition 8 and edition 5 unlimited?..
Feb 2, 2015 at 11:24 AM Post #353 of 541
  what would you pay for them?... what about editions? edition 8 and edition 5 unlimited?..

Well, when I bought my Sig Pros I got a deal for something like $800. Running out of my old Aune T1 I often wondered whether it was really worth it. Then I got a better amp and knew it totally was. Then I went to my first meet and only heard one headphone I liked more. Then finally I upgraded my DAC and it was another huge jump in sound. Basically the value I place on these has been increasing over time. I say I wouldn't pay the full $1299, but my budget is pretty tight generally and I also can't really think of any other headphone I would spend that much on. There are places you can find them for $1049 if you know where to look, and IMO it's totally worth that. Just don't be surprised when your source gear has a dramatic effect.
I haven't heard any of the Editions. Edition 8 was in the running when I bought my Sig Pros, but I ultimately went with the latter because of the amount of positive feedback (and the price). I really want to hear Edition 5 and suspect it's my next upgrade, but that's a heck of a lot of money, especially with the connector issues some members have been having (granted, it's only 2-3 people on these forums, it just seems like a lot compared with total ownership).
Feb 2, 2015 at 6:08 PM Post #354 of 541
Yeah, I hope my comments didn't come off as disparaging the Sig Pro, quite the contrary, I like the design and would love to hear it.
I just wanted to assure people asking about such a comparison or expectation that, IMHO, there is probably no chance that the PERF880 swings that much higher above it's price point and is a potential giant killer or anything like that.  For now, I find them (880) still lacking a bit at their price point but will be circling back with my final take in a few more days as now I want to really compare them to the BeoPlay H6 and ATH-M50x.
They are so comfortable on me, I might just keep them at the office, but I need to really decide if I can live long term with their sound signature, even for casual background listening at my desk.
Feb 2, 2015 at 6:42 PM Post #355 of 541
  Yeah, I hope my comments didn't come off as disparaging the Sig Pro, quite the contrary, I like the design and would love to hear it.
I just wanted to assure people asking about such a comparison or expectation that, IMHO, there is probably no chance that the PERF880 swings that much higher above it's price point and is a potential giant killer or anything like that.  For now, I find them (880) still lacking a bit at their price point but will be circling back with my final take in a few more days as now I want to really compare them to the BeoPlay H6 and ATH-M50x.
They are so comfortable on me, I might just keep them at the office, but I need to really decide if I can live long term with their sound signature, even for casual background listening at my desk.

No problem, understood! I'd still like to hear the 880 just for the sake of comparison.
What genres have you been mostly listening to lately? Most Ultrasones in general (excluding the Sig Pro) have a few genres that just don't quite work.
Feb 2, 2015 at 7:35 PM Post #356 of 541
I would say 60% pure pop, from the early 90s through to today's stuff with Taylor Swift and Charli XCX, then 20% jazz with stuff like Joe Sample, Marcus Miller, and Hiromi, then 10% rock like Boston, Dream Theatre, Zappa, and then the rest split between classical, EDM and folk.  I found classical to be the worst genre but I am no expert there. I thought general pop music worked best. Rock and metal had hi-hat or cymbal problems that just stood out right out of the gate and never went away.
I just finished a few songs on the ATH-M50x and then a few songs on the PERF880. The PERF880 definitely seemed to offer greater detail but is that an artifact of all that treble energy? Same goes for sense of space and imaging. Needless to say, the ATH-M50x is back on my head and I am having more fun this way.
Feb 2, 2015 at 7:51 PM Post #357 of 541
I think Ultrasones do best with EDM... I agree that pop and really anything modern works well with them.
And yes, lots of cymbals from rock and stuff can be rather aggressive, and not so enjoyable.
Feb 3, 2015 at 10:02 AM Post #359 of 541
  Some new 880 measurements http://ko.goldenears.net/board/index.php?mid=GR_Headphones&document_srl=5457821

Very interesting... not that I put too much into these because it is difficult to know how consistent measurements really are from test to test and from various sources, but I do hear what is "measured" as being closer to my own "perception"....YMMV.
Also, I feel a little better about my earliest comments here where I described a possible W shape rather than a V... There is some gently pronounced bass and then I thought I heard some emphasis in the 1-2 kHz area, but what I heard feels like more than the +3 dB perception graph, and then a boost again higher up, in this case above 6 kHz.  Anyway, I think my interpretation here is that the graphs show how it is entirely possible these would work for some folks and depending on perception not quite work for others.  I am in the latter camp.  After more listening last night, I have decided these are going up for sale soon.
Feb 4, 2015 at 11:33 AM Post #360 of 541
I had a listen to the 880s along with a few other headphones such as the edition 8's in tokyo and I found the 880s to have a nice soundstage and a pretty good balance of mids, highs and lows but there was just something a bit artificial about the sound.

Didn't find the ed 8's to have the same issue but they didn't provide a nice enough audio experience for the money IMO. I actually preferred the sound from my b&w p7's although I did forget to bring my dac/amp which might've made a difference.

I would've tried the 860's and 840's too as they were both available for testing but I ran out of time and had to leave. Maybe when I return to Tokyo after my snow trip I'll head back with my equipment and do a proper comparison!

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