Ultimate Headphone System Competition
Oct 30, 2001 at 10:05 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 13

Tim D

I got a pornographic memory...
Jun 21, 2001
Ever feel like there are so many unresolved claims and challenges? Or that there are always countless arguments made again and again, or punches being thrown, but never a clear champion. The problem of course goes far back to the fundamental nature of man and phallic competition.

In any other hobby, claims and challenges can be easily proven. If you feel you have the most powerful muscle car and believe yourself to be a good driver, you can take control of the wheel and prove it. If you have the best mountain bike and are a good rider, you can get behind the handle bars to prove it. If you feel you can appease Penelope to be her husband in an Archery contest, pull Odysseus's bowstring to prove it.

Ahhh, but the problem is, what can you prove in audio when you just press play and enjoy? You want to show your fellow man that your system is worthy because of your efforts and expenditure into it, but in the end the only competition is that of personal satisfaction. But as well all know, personal satisfaction is not very satisfying whatsoever...we must show beyond reasonable doubt that your satisfaction exceeds the satisfaction of your fellow man!

Hence trials must be created!

Ear endurance test - All challengers must listen to a given music selection on repeat at live volumes. Completion of the music selection constitutes a lap. The goal being to complete as many laps as possible. Those with fatigue free ears and systems of course prevail.

Imaging test - Various tracks of different ensembles are given. The task of course is to identify each and every member and their exact position relative to one another. Varying levels of difficulties from simple quartets, to 100+ manned orchestras.

Things I've never heard before test - Given a track, you must write down things that you've never heard before. If your system and ears is truly worthy, than it is only logical that you will come up with more things that you've never heard before in a given recording over your fellow competitor.

Accuracy test - You are given random signals...it is your task to identify the signal, the frequency, and the amplitude of the ORIGINAL signal before it ever entered the microphones in the recording studio.

Low level details test - You are given a live recording of a performance, and asked to make out what the man, 4th row back, 10th seat to the right, is whispering into the ear of his wife.

Musicality test - You are given Motorheads Overkill. A truly musical system will bless your ears with a pleasant fulfilling musical performance leaving you asking for nothing but encores. Hence you will indeed repeat the track for as long as possible as a true testement to your system's musicality.

This sounds like crap test - Given that your system is so good...the better it is, the more likely something else will sound like crap! Hence the more systems you can list that sound like crap...the more credibility you have in truly having a superior sounding system.
Oct 30, 2001 at 10:13 PM Post #2 of 13

I hope that was sarcastic rambling.......because there are SOO many problems with it practically speaking, it's not even funny
Oct 30, 2001 at 11:04 PM Post #7 of 13
You forgot the N'Sync Endurance Trial, the classic deal breaker.
Oct 31, 2001 at 2:11 AM Post #9 of 13
Don't forget the butter knife test! If a headphone can produce music... true music... the butter knife will not cut it.
Oct 31, 2001 at 4:16 PM Post #12 of 13
As far as I know, the only system to have weathered the N'Sync Endurance Trial is an Aiwa boom box with so many lights it looks like a Transformer, somewhere in New Jersey, at the hands of a teenager who beat the Trial by singing louder than the vocal tracks. Ingenious strategy.
Nov 1, 2001 at 11:01 PM Post #13 of 13

In any other hobby, claims and challenges can be easily proven. If you feel you have the most powerful muscle car and believe yourself to be a good driver, you can take control of the wheel and prove it. If you have the best mountain bike and are a good rider, you can get behind the handle bars to prove it. If you feel you can appease Penelope to be her husband in an Archery contest, pull Odysseus's bowstring to prove it.

Yes,yes and er..no.Even the two where I deign to say yes,that was another time,a bit younger with a lot less to lose .Still no slouch when it comes to off trail or pedal down,just not up to rick standards .

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