TurboDock impact
Jan 24, 2006 at 8:50 AM Post #31 of 155
I'm wondering if RobG knows that with line out you need some sort of headphone amp to be able to adjust the volume... You can't just plug your headphones into the dock.

See ya
Jan 24, 2006 at 8:50 AM Post #32 of 155

Originally Posted by bigshot
Would that be about the same kind of wire used to connect the pins on a cartridge to the headshell of a turntable?

See ya

Hi Steve,

I dont own a turn table. But I think I understand what you are trying to get at.
Rather then turn this into a skeptic versus believer debate, I will stop here.

Have a good day.
Jan 24, 2006 at 8:58 AM Post #33 of 155
the td line out sounds the least muddy, to put it simply. it's the one that gets out of the way the most.
Jan 24, 2006 at 8:59 AM Post #34 of 155

Originally Posted by RobG
OK - so it seems that I will benefit from a TURBOdock II (as opposed to stickING with the standard apple headphone jack on the nano)... CORRECT?????

nano headphone jack - good

TURBOdock II - better?


theoretically, you connect the headphone amplifier to a players line out. You can connect the amplifier to the headphone out too. but the line out of a player is supposed to be cleaner as it bypasses the internal headphone amplifier. So in theory the line out should be a cleaner signal and unaffected by the volume control. You should not connect headphones to a line out however.

Regarding iPods I believe they use some odd design to create a line out that links to the headphone out in some way I think, thus not actually being a true line out. Can someone clarify how the iPods creates a line out?
Jan 24, 2006 at 9:37 AM Post #35 of 155

Originally Posted by Jahn
the td line out sounds the least muddy, to put it simply. it's the one that gets out of the way the most.

I did a test with my CD player and my iPod loaded with an AIFF rip off the CD. I compared the sound of the CD's headphone out to the iPod's through the Pocket Dock and a cmoy. Wanna guess what I found out? Yup... The AIFF file on the iPod sounded exactly like the original CD.

If your Pocket Dock sounded muddy, or "got in the way", I think there must have been some gorf on the connector.

See ya
Jan 24, 2006 at 9:39 AM Post #36 of 155

Originally Posted by RnB180
Regarding iPods I believe they use some odd design to create a line out that links to the headphone out in some way I think, thus not actually being a true line out. Can someone clarify how the iPods creates a line out?

The iPod has a true line out. The EQ settings get applied because it's a digital equalizer... it comes before the headphone amp circuitry.

See ya
Jan 24, 2006 at 10:09 AM Post #37 of 155
thanks for this...finally got an answer to ipod's EQ affecting the lineout ...
Jan 24, 2006 at 10:44 AM Post #38 of 155

Originally Posted by Borat
TurboDock II, which is similar to the product above. But it's cheaper and reportedly more transparent. PM him for orders.

What is Turbos handle on this forum? I can't find him, or do I have to go to the Xin forum to find out about the TurboDock.

If I can source one of these I can get back to myo re. a DTR cable.


Jan 24, 2006 at 11:15 AM Post #39 of 155
Turbodocks are more than wires and jacks. It's a passive hi-fi device with no interference / noise / hiss at all induced by over looping of the device usb/firewire circuit or connection to it from the PC. The connector uses a proprietary no public tecnology that I am developing called "MFET". It stands for Maximum Flow of Electrons Transferring. This technology works at the molecular level. This technology is not visible but you can hear it. That's all I can say for now.

These connectors do not sound like the competition and are not made like them. Period. That's why. They are more than what you can see on the outside. Thank you.

Jan 24, 2006 at 12:34 PM Post #40 of 155
I might also add that the Turbo Dock being slightly smaller allows me to use the line out with my Ipod encased in it's aluminium after-market case which the Pockedock connector is too big for.

Jan 24, 2006 at 2:38 PM Post #41 of 155

Originally Posted by bigshot
I did a test with my CD player and my iPod loaded with an AIFF rip off the CD. I compared the sound of the CD's headphone out to the iPod's through the Pocket Dock and a cmoy. Wanna guess what I found out? Yup... The AIFF file on the iPod sounded exactly like the original CD.

Time to get a better CD player.
Jan 24, 2006 at 2:40 PM Post #42 of 155

Originally Posted by bigshot
I'm wondering if RobG knows that with line out you need some sort of headphone amp to be able to adjust the volume... You can't just plug your headphones into the dock.

See ya

Jan 24, 2006 at 2:46 PM Post #43 of 155

Originally Posted by sclamb
What is Turbos handle on this forum? I can't find him, or do I have to go to the Xin forum to find out about the TurboDock.

If I can source one of these I can get back to myo re. a DTR cable.



Turbo's handle here is "TURBO"
Jan 24, 2006 at 2:53 PM Post #44 of 155

Originally Posted by philodox
Time to get a better CD player.

Lol I almost spit up my pepsi! yes indeed, i'm not doubting you heard what you heard bigshot, but something is wrong (imho) if your CDP sounds the same as an ipod, no matter how new the ipod. The ipod DACs are just not running with the big boys of home audio, it's more of a decent portable solution. We did a test between Lan's 1212 and my old 3G and no contest - the ipod sounded quite wimpy and muffled with no bass comparatively. With my 5G back home, I plugged my ipod via headphone out and line out both via the modded 0404 i have running right now (DAC-ah is out being modded) and the 0404 still runs rings around it, with both plugged into a Melos to an HP2 (all other things equal, since I have the same 256VBR tracks on my ipod as I do on my comp).

But really that's a different subject. I never use the ipod at home anyhow, it's in my portable rig, and with the TDII with my AE-1 it's the cleanest combo I have - I even use a copper IC from headphile to warm it up a bit because I'd like it to be a bit more forgiving of my crappier rips, which I usually only listen to portably where ambient noise helps drown out the bad compression or mastering(and that's with Koss KSC-35 too!) Edit- of course the BlackCoral is still darn resolving, it's just not on the order of, say, RnB's BlackDiamond.
Jan 24, 2006 at 3:34 PM Post #45 of 155
Darn you Jahn!
Why do I live in St. Louis? I don't get to listen to any cool gear here!
I'm moving to Chicago (Go Cubs!) or Cali

btw, trying to arrange a meet in the St. Louis area if anyone can make it

so, I think my question has been answered. thank you all

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