Tuberolling the Mapletree Ear+
Feb 16, 2007 at 11:19 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 45


Headphoneus Supremus
Jan 23, 2004
What are your favourite tubes with which headphones?

Following several recommendations, I am currently using a late 50s GE 5-star triple mica 5751 with the Grado PS-1 (on loan from Kurt) and I can't believe the amount of bass control this combination has - by far the perfectest bass I've ever heard from headphones bar none (this includes balanced H650, R10, Omega II, etc.). The GE 5751 really makes the transition from midrange to bass on the PS-1 seamless like never before. People who complain about too much bass on the PS-1 must give this combo a try. The midrange on this tube is mellow but not tubey, actually quite neutral sounding and some parts of the treble which seemed congested to me before have now opened up a bit more. The overall tonal balance is better now I think (still screechy in the upper midrange compared to the HD 650 imo however). The ebay auction included a second GE 5751 and I'd be glad to lend it to a fellow Ear+ owner for a while.

I also have a Sylvania 5751 on the way, not sure about the exact model number and of course the stock Sovtek.

Haven't tried using HD 650 too extensively with the Mapletree yet to make any observations.

For the other tubes, I'm using stock. Any recommendations here or do these tubes not make any difference anyway?

This is a great amp and deserves its own tuberolling thread considering you can also use 12ax7 and other tubes in here, and you don't need matched pairs, which is great.
Feb 17, 2007 at 12:02 AM Post #3 of 45

Originally Posted by bpfiguer /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ear+ Purist HD 100:
1) GE 5-star triple mica 5751 with the Grado RS-1
2) Sylvania triple mica black plate 5751 with the HD 650 (Equinox cable)

Source for combination 1: Battery powered Apogee Mini-Dac
Source for combination 2: Battery powered HR Overture DAC

Internconnect: Cable Pro Panorama mini-to-mini cable

Wow, that's almost one to one the same rig I have with the Apogee, Hd 650, Equinox, and the same tubes (not sure if my Slyvania is the same). And I sold my HR MicroDac a while ago. Excellent taste you have.
Feb 17, 2007 at 2:10 AM Post #4 of 45
I have quite a few NOS tubes, mainly 5751s, not all of which I've tried(only had them about 2 years, good things take time)
The GE TMBP early 50s is good and I have used an RCA Command but thought the GE just a bit more refined. It's been so long since I used the others that I really cant remember too much about them...that includes other 50s RCA, a gold pin gold brand Sylvania,a Tungsol , various other GEs and some 12AT7 variants.

A friend seems to prefer a current production 12AX7 Mullard copy,cant remember brand off hand, with his Ear Plus.

Having tried about 15 different NOS and current production tubes I've come to the conclusion that my critical hearing facilties are either not very advanced or the differences can be fairly minute between valves.

I know from correspondence with Lloyd when I purchased my amp that he didn't seem terribly convinced that the Ear Plus gained greatly from expensive NOS tubes.

I've never bothered swapping tubes around for various phones so the same combo has been used for all the models listed in my signature.
Feb 17, 2007 at 9:00 AM Post #5 of 45
My favoured 5751 for EAR++ was a Raytheon blackplate. I should still have one lying around somewhere, if I find I will send it to you.
Mar 17, 2007 at 4:00 PM Post #6 of 45
I just ordered Ear+HD Purist (Regular Version)
I don't have any knowledge about tube

but I want to know which tube can rolling in Ear+Purist
and How does it's sound of each tube

which is highly recommend ? (for HF-1)

2 x 12B4A NOS and 1 x 5751/12AX7/ECC83 tubes. these are stock tube
my doubt is 5751 & 12AX7 & ECC83 is the same or different tube
sorry for stupid question
Mar 17, 2007 at 4:39 PM Post #7 of 45
I used a Philips ECC82 Grey-plate triple mica ( I think ) with my Ear+ Anniv when I had it (on loan to a friend), I did buy a few different sets of tubes but none of them sounded anywhere near as good, even the Sylvania's I got, and the GE 5751 5 star grey-plate triple mica.
Mar 17, 2007 at 6:16 PM Post #8 of 45
My favorite tube in V1 also is the 5751GE tmbp driving both the RS-2s & K701s for the increase in deep articulate bass with punch and simply more often peak emotional musical experiences... Secondly, I perfer a GE 5star tmgp also 5751 it also has better than average bass response; As opposed to the Sylavania JAN 5751 2mgp, which I do use with the 990s and I would expect would be the tube of choice if I were driving HD-650s perhaps, as it is sharper and most SS sounding of the tubes I own. I do have a Philips JAN 5751 2mgp which is only a bit more euphonic than the Sylavania again more nuetral across the freq spec. than the GEs and less euponics and soundstage. Of course, other than bass responce, there are are ever so slight differences in dynamics perhaps which has me sticking with the GEs being totally satisfied with proper recordings, both durring and after musical experience sessions...

V2s I believe not to be at all tuneable, as has been sharred here before, and is also my experience. I picked up a pair of NOS GE JAN 12B4A (1980s) off of epay for $10 ea. to back up my RCAs in V2 and the tone and balance etc. remained the same...

I have also rolled thru many 12AU7s some OS Amprex B.B. , Mullards, and NS Ei or Electro-Harmonix (from my preamp) and although they all have a certain change in tone and ballance they are simply to underpowered to drive anything to the volumes I perfer to listen at and it seems dynamics suffer albeit less so with the Grados...

Hope this helps~
Mar 17, 2007 at 9:26 PM Post #9 of 45
AKG-501, don't use the SR-325i much any more

- GE TMBP (undated). Better base
- Raytheon TMBP (1960s). Better midrange. Less bass.
- RCA DMBP (1967/68). pretty good base. midrange a little muddy.
- Sovtek less of everything, but better than any SS amp.

seriously considering the Sylvania TMBP @tubeworld.

Various 12B4A. The legend that they don't matter seems true. OTOH, those open Anodes are impressive. If I hit the lottery, I'll get a pair of those real amps by Dr. Busbridge that use transmitter tubes.
Mar 18, 2007 at 11:21 PM Post #11 of 45

Originally Posted by munkong /img/forum/go_quote.gif
it seem to GE 5751 5 star is the favorite tube for every Ear+HD purist's user


With the Grados, I like the cheap Sovtek 12AX7LPS more than the GE 5751 5 star.
Same and more controll and tamed highs. Not as good a soundstage, though.

Mar 19, 2007 at 12:02 AM Post #12 of 45

Originally Posted by Kurt /img/forum/go_quote.gif
With the Grados, I like the cheap Sovtek 12AX7LPS more than the GE 5751 5 star.
Same and more controll and tamed highs. Not as good a soundstage, though.


That's not surprising. In general, I find 5751 types to sound more clear, direct, matter-of-fact compared to 12AX7's, which tend to have a more "airy," softer-edged, bloomier type of sound.

Sovtek 12AX7WA surprisingly offers more density, immediacy, and warmth when compared to my faves Sylv TMBP and GE 5 star 5751 when driving K1000, but for other 'phones, the 5751 types are preferred.

Has anyone directly compared Sovtek 12AX7LPS to Sovtek 12AX7WA or Sovtek 5751 and heard differences?
Mar 20, 2007 at 12:22 PM Post #13 of 45
I want to know what the different between

5751 GE 5 stars Black-Plate VS 5751 GE 5 star Gray-Plate ?

sure ! price is different ! Black-Plate is higher price

but it's worth or not if I use it on the Mapletree Ear+Purist (old version)

How does it's sound ?

remember ! I'm a newbie in tube world
Mar 20, 2007 at 1:32 PM Post #14 of 45

Originally Posted by tuatara /img/forum/go_quote.gif
...Having tried about 15 different NOS and current production tubes I've come to the conclusion that my critical hearing facilties are either not very advanced or the differences can be fairly minute between valves.

I know from correspondence with Lloyd when I purchased my amp that he didn't seem terribly convinced that the Ear Plus gained greatly from expensive NOS tubes...

It might be just me, but I find HUGE differences between tubes. Sorry to say, but I've dozens and dozens of 5751/12ax7 variants and IMO I can create any number of sound signatures depending on which tube I use.

Heck I've even found very slight differences in the sound using different power tubes. This shouldn't be the case according to what Dr. Lloyd has posted on his site. Who knows.

I will say this. The differences are not as great when listening through most headphones. With my Ultrasone 2500's, the differences are very, very obvious. Maybe the 2500's are more resolving, or more sensitive to input changes, I really can't say.

Which are my favorites? It depends. Probably Telefunken ECC83's. Very musical at a slight cost in resolution. I have a GE originally sourced somewhere in Europe that sounds like the Telefunken, but much more detailed, with a huge sound stage. But it can be sibilant on certain recordings.

I keep reading that certain tubes have 'better bass'. Well, maybe. Maybe more bass, but not necessarily bass that's simply right. The Telefunkens (and a few others) have a rare ability to not have more bass, but bass that sounds harmonically reinforced. It is a very rich quality, a quality of sound that takes certain older CD's to a totally different level. The CD 'Best of the Doobies' comes immediately to mind. On most systems it sounds just awful. But with the Telefunkens (and a couple of others) it sounds like it was re-recorded using modern equipment. Same thing for Miles Davis' reissued albums.

Again, who knows why...

I've said it before, there is no one 'right' tube. So much depends on the other equipment in the system.

As I've learned, one simply has to try to focus on system synergy. Unfortunately this gets very expensive, very quickly. Oh well, sorry about your wallet...
Mar 20, 2007 at 1:34 PM Post #15 of 45

Originally Posted by munkong /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I want to know what the different between

5751 GE 5 stars Black-Plate VS 5751 GE 5 star Gray-Plate ?

sure ! price is different ! Black-Plate is higher price

but it's worth or not if I use it on the Mapletree Ear+Purist (old version)

How does it's sound ?

remember ! I'm a newbie in tube world

I've found the grey plates a tad fuzzier overall with a little less extension at the top and bottom ends. The grey plates have a smaller soundstage as well, IMO.

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