Trip-Hop recomendations
Oct 11, 2006 at 9:46 PM Post #31 of 52
phil: saul williams is a spoken word/poetry artist, he is in no way trip hop, the reason why some may think that is because of some remixes that have been put out ie: dj spooky etc, which are more on the trip hop/dark side, but make no mistake if you buy his albums they will be a fusion of rock/alternative/hip hop esp. on his first album amethyst rock star and his self-titled which is his 2nd, is hip hop influenced, he has about 4 poetry books out, 2 of which i own, had a part in a movie called SLAM, he's a rapper, poet, actor etc very versatile person, original and a breath of fresh air...

more info on saul here:

i HIGHLY recommend him, but not in the trip hop category as he's not trip hop lol
Oct 11, 2006 at 11:22 PM Post #32 of 52
A long time ago (2 years?) I listened to When It Falls by Zero 7 moved by a recommendation from Philodox. I have never thanked you, but I'm doing it now: thanks Philodox! I liked it very much the first time and I continue liking it today. It's a wonderful album, trip hop or not. Certainly not a masterwok, but for a unknown reason it made a strong impression on me.
Oct 12, 2006 at 1:28 AM Post #33 of 52
carlosgp - Glad you liked it man! I agree that it is not a masterpiece... but I still seem to listen to it a hell of a lot.

antiant - Thanks for the info on Saul Williams. I've been meaning to check his stuff out for a while... and I love spoken word.

aufeuer - Mono is a great band, I love Formica Blues. If you want something REALLY like Portishead, try one of Jay Jay Johansons earlier albums... Poison. It is nearly identical to Portishead's self titled album, but in a good way.
Oct 12, 2006 at 2:58 AM Post #34 of 52
phil: no problem, if you love spoken word, you should also check out Ursula Rucker (she's been on The Roots albums before), besides saul being a favorite of mine, ursula is as well and she actually fits the more "downtempo-chillout-jazz-cool-vibe" sound, she's not trip hop though, but spoken word artist accompanied by that type of music vibe, hope that made some sense LOL...more info on her her first two albums have the chill vibe, her latest album is a little more hip hop influenced as well, but still good vibes all around imo
Oct 12, 2006 at 2:28 PM Post #35 of 52
Thanks to you all about great information on Trip-Hop in general, it's hard to try to figure out which bands should be included in it, as the genre itself seems as flexible as an elastic rubber band.

In this and the other thread about Trip-Hop I see lots of names that I'm VERY familiar with, but with out knowing them beeing involved in Trip-hop genre, as Air, Björk (Homogenic and if that is trip-hop then Vespertine should also be considered such) and Thievery Corporation.

You've also given me LOADS of new stuff to look for and to listen to. I'm currenty hooked on Morcheeba, Hooverphonic, Sneaker Pimps and Portishead. Thank you very much! But as I've said in other threads, I'm an addict, so please continue to give me those BEATIFUL recomendations.

There should be more informational threads like this on Music section, maybe some Genre FAQ could be helpfull, with lists of genres with some (read few) recomendational bands.
Oct 12, 2006 at 2:52 PM Post #36 of 52

Originally Posted by SRM
Thanks to you all about great information on Trip-Hop in general, it's hard to try to figure out which bands should be included in it, as the genre itself seems as flexible as an elastic rubber band.

In this and the other thread about Trip-Hop I see lots of names that I'm VERY familiar with, but with out knowing them beeing involved in Trip-hop genre, as Air, Björk (Homogenic and if that is trip-hop then Vespertine should also be considered such) and Thievery Corporation.

Like most labels, trip hop no longer means much of anything, because as you've seen in these threads, nowadays it can mean almost anything. Originally I think the term had a more literal and focused meaning, that slowed down hip hop sound with the trippy electronic ambience, but today just about anything, especially if it has ethereal female vocals, can fall under trip hop. To me, Vespertine has some elements, but it's more an electronic album, glitchy at times, but most of the beats are more subtle. Homogenic isn't as much trip hop as Post, which I think is her most trip hop album, partly because of having Tricky there. Still, Bjork albums have always been far ranging, never staying in one place very long. I wouldn't classify any of her albums as purely trip hop, but could point to songs on them all that I would call trip hop, if I cared to think that way. Bjork is really too unique to put in a genre, she is a genre
Oct 12, 2006 at 3:40 PM Post #37 of 52

Originally Posted by SRM
and Thievery Corporation.

My favourite downtempo band bar none... though Massive Attack still holds a special place in my heart. Quote:

Originally Posted by SRM
I'm currenty hooked on Morcheeba, Hooverphonic, Sneaker Pimps and Portishead.

Nice spread there.

I still say that Portishead is a little overrated, but it is great stuff... especially if it is new to you.
Oct 12, 2006 at 4:35 PM Post #38 of 52
Perhaps some will say that it isn't trip-hop, but I'm going to go ahead and mention Saltillo here. Was previously Sunday Munich, which is also worth checking out, just its a litlle more, I dunno....a little more
Oct 12, 2006 at 6:57 PM Post #39 of 52
I will definately check that out as I love Sunday Munich.
Oct 13, 2006 at 12:00 AM Post #41 of 52
Bitter:Sweet is a great new trip-hop band I recently started listening to. Check out their album "The Mating Game". It's become one of my new favorite albums.
Oct 13, 2006 at 6:26 PM Post #42 of 52
I've never truly understood what the definition of Trip-Hop truly is, but based on what other people are suggesting I guess these two albums would work:

Freescha - "Kids Fill the Floor"
Oct 17, 2006 at 3:50 PM Post #43 of 52

Originally Posted by fractal
Perhaps some will say that it isn't trip-hop, but I'm going to go ahead and mention Saltillo here. Was previously Sunday Munich, which is also worth checking out, just its a litlle more, I dunno....a little more

Of course, Saltillo is trip-hop, and that album is wonderful.
Oct 17, 2006 at 4:48 PM Post #44 of 52
I ordered it last week, along with the 'Leaf' CD.

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