Tried DT770/80 but I need something better!
Apr 12, 2007 at 2:19 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 19


100+ Head-Fier
Aug 15, 2003
After spending about a week with the pre 2005 DT770/80 cans and wanting to like them the whole time. However, the bass was honestly just too much for my tastes

I had to turn the things up in order to pick out details and making my ears hurt in the process LOL! Needless to say I had to take them back.

So I'm back on the road again searching for the right set of cans.

I listen to pretty much everything under the sun. Well ok, techno and alt rock being my two favs. but again I like to listen to alot of different kinds of music. I really want the kind of sound that really makes you forget that I'm listening to a pair of headphones and just enjoy the music and all it's details.

It's also pretty importent for the cans to have a nice flat responce all the way down to the bass line.

cans that I've been looking at so far include:
AKG K701, K601
Senn HD600, HD650
Beryer DT880 ('05+ model)
looking for more opionions too if you have them...

I know that the above cans likely need to have a amp, but to start out I may not be able to get one right away.

I don't want to go over the $300 price cap I have set. I know that a couple of the cans might go over that amount but they are there just as a *just in case* kinda thing
I still think I can get all I want out of a set of cans for well under that amount however.

so let this thread start rolling
Apr 12, 2007 at 2:24 AM Post #2 of 19
I would have to recommend the AT-A900 for you, if you think the DT770's were bass heavy. The AT's have alot less bass but i think i get alot more detail out of mine compared to my DT770's.
A900's wont require an amp and are definetly inside your price range.
I wont recommend anything else as i havent heard anything else
Apr 12, 2007 at 2:27 AM Post #3 of 19
If you want a nice flat response, a natural soundstage, and tons of detail, the K701 is it. it is a reliable little headphone, and never tells lies. Make sure you pair it with a good source and amp, though.
Apr 12, 2007 at 2:57 AM Post #4 of 19
Wow less then ten minutes and already some good replies! this forum really has gotten BIG compared to when I first joined up a few years back.

Adwulf, Like I said I may not be able to get a amp now, but in the future I may be able to get one. So don't count out cans too quick that need a amp to be happy. just to start out I won't have one. this also isn't the first time I've heard the AT 900's reccomenended to me from a fellow head-fi'er. so I'll look into those to see if they are worth it to be put in the lineup.

cotdt, yeah I've seen some of the same responces from other people that have the AKG k701's. sadly those might just be a tad out of my price range. Still they are a pair of cans that can delivor the goods from all I've read so far which is why I'm considering spending the extra cha CHING LOL! (I hate you head-fi
Apr 12, 2007 at 4:15 AM Post #5 of 19
DT880 2005

All three have been called neutral, and rightfully so. They are all quite comfortable, though I personally prefer the beyers.
Personally I would avoid the grado's until you hear them first hand and see how they feel.

You may also like the Bass light K340, which can be had used for roughly the same price as these.

Even though you probably won't find a store that carries these, you should see if there are any local head-fi meets in your area. Great way to try out all this equipment for free.
Apr 12, 2007 at 7:11 AM Post #6 of 19
Just ordered two items that should arrive within a week

Item 1: is a center channel speaker I've been wanting to get for a LONG time and just broke down to buy it along with...
Item 2: DT880. I feel after a couple hours of research coupled with a few days worth of research on top of that the DT880's should be exactly what I'm looking for.
Apr 12, 2007 at 8:06 AM Post #7 of 19
We'll be looking forward to an impression thread soon. Congrats!
Apr 12, 2007 at 12:00 PM Post #8 of 19
Wow.. You purchased the DT 880's? Here are my impressions on those:

I returned them after three days. The bass-area is not present, and if you like listening to techno, then you will cry when discovering that the kickdrum isn't there. It just sounded terrible in my ears..
They have got nice and crisp mids though, but the high freqs are HIGH !!! Sharp, dry and very unreal sounding. Well, those were my impressions of the phones.. I hope you will enjoy them more than I did, cuz damn they cost alot of money :/
Apr 12, 2007 at 1:59 PM Post #9 of 19
Only three days huh? that's just not enough time. you should have let them burn in 24/7 for a good week or two. they'll sound MUCH better after that. infact I've read that in every review on them so far. one said something along the lines of "I've never heard a set of cans change so much after complete burn in".
Apr 12, 2007 at 2:26 PM Post #11 of 19
Sadly the 650's alone would have killed my budget. I got the 880's and a NICE matched center channel for my home theatre for about $25 over my budget cap. Amp wise, I don't want to spend much more then $200-250 (when/if the time comes).
Apr 12, 2007 at 3:29 PM Post #13 of 19
The DT880 must meet your requirement. For me, the bass of HD650 is not that linear so it makes you feel excite when listening to those bass oriented music; AKG is also great in good treble and mid, but well known that its bass is a little thin. The '05 edition of DT880 has improvement on the bass to make it much balance in whole the frequency range.
Apr 12, 2007 at 3:43 PM Post #14 of 19
I just started a playlist at project playlist in case anyone wants to hear:

Just three songs for now, but they seem to really get to the core of my taste in music. I'll add more later on tonight. must head off to work now before I'm late again from browsing head-fi

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