Trance / Techno fan with audiophile tendencies needs help for music on the go
Jan 28, 2016 at 7:40 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 15


New Head-Fier
Jan 28, 2016
Hi Guys
As the titel states I'm Trance / Techno Fan who needs help to find the near perfect listening experience in this genre.
To start of I want to tell you some things about my past gear and my current gear.
I started the search for the "perfect" listening experience with a shure se215 which i quite liked but died after a while because the cable broke down.
After that I wanted to get something better and after some research I bought the ultimate ears triple fi 10 for just 170$.
These earbuds were a revelation for me. I heard nuances in the bass und sub-bass from which I never knew they existed. I really loved these earbuds despite the fact they were not very comfortable. But after a while one of the buds broke and I had to look for a new in-ear.
So i deciced to go back to shure because I liked the se215 and thought, hey if i go two tiers upwards I should get an even better experience than I had with the triple fi.
So I bought the se425. To that time i did not know anything about the overall sound signature of a headphone. So I was really disappointed when I tried to get the best out of the 425 and it always sounded quite flat. Never in my life my favorite genre sounded so boring as with these earbuds.
After a while I couldnt stand it anymore und I decided to switch to over-ear headphones. Thats when I bought my V-Moda M-100.
Regarding Techno and Trance this headphone made a difference like night and day to the 425 and I could finally enjoy my music again.
But now I have the v-modas for nearly two years and im thinking, hey there might be even better quality out there.
For my personal taste the v-modas really sound awesome, but im missing the detail I could hear in the bass and subbass with my triple fis.
Right now my source is just my sony xperia z3 with spotify in extreme settings.
Im willing to pay quite a lot of money for a near perfect listening experience.
So the following thoughts crossed my mind and here comes the point where i could really use some help.
I could switch my source over to a FiiO X5II, buy a lot of CDs, convert them to flac and have more detail there.
But here I dont know how big the impact will be and whether all the work to buy and convert CDs will be worth the effort or not over the extreme quality of spotify.
I think I could switch back to in-ears and for the first time even to custom ones, to get the most of my money.
Here my favorite from what i could read is the JH Roxanne. But im really hesitant, because its a looooot of money and i dont even know whether this iem is suited for my taste or not.
And without the possibility to try it out its a really difficult decision to make. The 1650$ are my absoulte upper most limit i would pay for CIEM.
On the other hand i thought maybe a UE 11Pro is good enough for my needs and its 500$ cheaper then the Roxanne.
But the difference is "just" 500$ and the difference in hardware are 8 drivers less per side.
But then again, will a FiiO X5 II be good enough for the Roxannes? I dont know...
The A&Ks I always see on the screenshots when someone reviews these CIEMs are just too expensive for my taste.
Then again im reading about the shure se535 or 846 which could also suffice, but the 846 is so expensive that i think a CIEM is the better investment? I dont know...
Are there any other Trance / Techno audiophiles with deep but not endless deep pockets out there who can help me to find the right gear?
For me one track would be the ultimate Test the setup should easily handle: Deadmau5 - Gula.
As a summary of what im looking for: A setup that costs at most 2500$, which provides precise and clear highs and mids and perfect bass and subbass. Something that will let daft punks - the game has changed, sound even more epic and huge. 
Thanks for your support guys.
PS Im from switzerland, so please excuse all the mistakes I made with my english.
Jan 28, 2016 at 7:54 AM Post #2 of 15
Welcome to the forum.
Your english is fine, better than some who assume they know it.
I will give a couple things to consider from my perspective. I like most all music so I go with rigs that allow me some flexibility.
I've noticed in this genre of music, that the mastering is more tailored to load, than to quality.
As you move up the food chain in regards to headphones, amps, dacs, music source, they start to bring out details. One of them is poor quality mastering.
I moved from a portable rig of iPod classic (mp3 files) / triplefi to Fiio x5ii (flac files)/ se846
Everything is better from sound stage to instrument detail. The downside is I know what music is mastered correctly.
Jan 28, 2016 at 8:49 AM Post #3 of 15
Hi tj
thanks for the reply. I get your point, but im willing to take this downside.
I will just be happy to know wether it is my gear or the track itself which provides a "poor" quality.
Atm I dont know it and I have not the slightes clue where im sitting on a "quality scale" in this genre. 
And wether its worth it to invest large amounts of money or not, because there might just be a room for improvement of maybe 10% or something...
Jan 28, 2016 at 9:31 AM Post #4 of 15
For me. The difference from moving from the ipod/triplefi (mp3) to x5ii/se846 (flac) was huge.
The SE846 is better in every aspect to the triplefi (as they should be). Better clarity. Better sound stage. Deep/clean base. The only area I am still dialing in with them (my rig is new last week) is the high end. Treble is there, but it is not as bright. When I listen to jazz, I like to hear and place the cymbals on the sound stage. I can find them, but they are not there in your face. I have not done any work yet on the adjustable filters, so I have more work to do to dial it in. Also, they are also much more comfortable to wear (again, for me). I bought a set of the westone buds and when I have them on, they disappear. I get no fatigue. 
The x5ii is way better for sound quality. It drives the SE846's very well. It does not need an additonal amp. My only issue is in regards to file management. I was able to keep my whole library on the ipod and it could handle the load. I loaded the x5ii with all my flacs and it is very slow to move between menu's and find music. I am now setting up my library to limit the files on the x5ii to what I need for critical listening and find what I want to hear. I don't like that I have to spend allot of additonal work upfront to get my music library organized, but the sound improvement is just to good. BTW, I selected it as it has 2 microSD chips which I had hoped would allow me to carry all my music.
The other reason for the new portable rig was to get it close to my desktop rig. Moving from my desktop (flac/shiit gungnir MB/ schiit mjolnir2/HD650) to the previous portable rig (mp3/ipod/triplefi) was to much of a letdown.
As with most things in life, it's a compromise.
Jan 28, 2016 at 9:50 AM Post #5 of 15
Ok that answers my question whether to buy a fiio x5 or not. As I see, it's money well spent. But why did you choose the se846? As far as I know they cost roughly 1000$ why not buy customs when you are already in this price segment?
Jan 28, 2016 at 10:58 AM Post #6 of 15
Try the Campfire Audio (ALO) Jupiter.  It's one of my favorites with Trance.  I also prefer Angie to Roxanne for Trance. Angie has better highs and the can bass can be dialed up to satisfying levels. Roxanne is too bassy and too smooth and rolled off for my taste (with Trance). I love Roxanne for other things, where it's headphone-like qualities are better suited (reminds me of the LCD-2).
Jan 28, 2016 at 1:23 PM Post #7 of 15
Ok that answers my question whether to buy a fiio x5 or not. As I see, it's money well spent. But why did you choose the se846? As far as I know they cost roughly 1000$ why not buy customs when you are already in this price segment?

My reading indicated to get ciem with this sound was an additonal 50%. I could also return them if I did not care for them. Not to easy with a ciem.  When I plug them into my desktop rig they are amazing. The mid/base/sub-base is better than my current over ear desktop HP's. The treble I'm still working on. And, they are comfortable and non fatigueing. It works for me.
Jan 28, 2016 at 7:40 PM Post #8 of 15
Some useful reading for your tastes:

You may be an "extreme" basshead and not even know it :)

Over ear rec: Fostex TH-600 or TH-X00
IEM rec: Aurisonics (now Fender) ASG-2.5
Jan 29, 2016 at 6:49 AM Post #9 of 15
I think I allready stumbled across those posts.
Thats why I developed an interest in the aruisonsics, shure se846 and the Sony XBA Z5. Too bad the ASG-2.5 and the XBA Z5 arent for sale anymore.
And yes Im definitly a basshead. I do love bass really much, but I dont want to make any sacrifices in the highs and mids and a detailled soundstage.
Thats why I thought, why should I climb the ladder in my quest for good sound, when I can afford to buy some of the best IEM / CIEMs out there.
So I figured UE 11pro / Roxannes or SE 846 might be the right thing for me.
Also I really would like to try CIEMs, just for the chance to get even better sound than with universal fits.
Does anyone have one of these 3 (C)IEMs or can recommend an even better one for music from artists like deadmau5, Vazard (Hardstyle), Orjan Nilsen, Moguai, Sander van Doorn, Feed Me or Alexander Popov?
Jan 29, 2016 at 7:35 AM Post #10 of 15
Some universals you can get custom tips for as well. I believe there are places that do this for Shures?
Consider Earsonics too maybe. They make customs, and I have seen universals SM64 and Velvet recommended for the genres, have not heard them myself. I have S-EM9 and it is very good, though listen to different techno and I think it does not have the big soundstage you are looking for. +1 for ASG-2.5 also (I would also note JVC FX850 and Sony ex1000 as fun with electronica. Dunu 2000J a little pickier)
I have read Fitear ToGo 334 universal is very good for that genre. Fitear customs are very difficult to obtain though.
This reviewer is a big trance fan, Headfonia are pretty good about answering questions in the comments section
This is a comparison of a bunch of recent top-end customs might be useful
Streaming quality can be quite good, if you are happy with your streaming phone setup you could also add an amp or a dac/amp to the phone. There are some lossless streaming services such as Tidal (not sure about regional avaliablity). I have read Spotify is considering adding lossless or something close soon too.
Jan 29, 2016 at 9:42 AM Post #11 of 15
I don't have experience with the 3 you mentioned but I'd recommend posting that exact question in the IEM thread I linked. I think the general consensus is that those are all fantastic options but they are not "basshead" compared to something like the ASG-2.5 and some others. You can still get the 2.5 online but you'll have to get them soon. I just bought a second pair last week in case they're gone for good.
Jan 29, 2016 at 10:49 AM Post #12 of 15
From what Ive read about the  they should be absolutely amazing for my needs.
And as a bonus, the only european dealer is here in switzerland, just a few kilometers away from me.
Because the ASGs are mentioned again and again, any idea where I can still buy them?
Jan 30, 2016 at 12:53 AM Post #14 of 15
Jerry Harvey who created the TF 10 pro and SF series IEMs before selling UE to Logitech. Now he has his own CIEMs company JH audio. JH13Pro are the very successfull CIEMs he created and JH16Pro are even more bassier but carry the same resolutions in mids, highs. I think if you like TF10 pro then you will love there JH13pro/JH16Pro.

That actually reminds me I read about this:
Japan only but mabye obtainable through a buying agent like pricejapan or something. if OP really wants to revisit triple fi sound.
Feb 6, 2016 at 2:29 AM Post #15 of 15
Hi Guys 
here a little update for you. An FiiO X5II now lies on my kitchen table and is waiting for some CDs I ordered to be converted to flac.
In addition I found the ASG 2.5 yesterday at amazon uk with delivery option to switzerland (only 2 left in stock). So I ordered them immediatly after i read nearly 100 Pages of the basshead thread xD.
I will keep you posted with impressions when the ASGs arrive.

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