Tough Choices
Mar 4, 2010 at 11:52 PM Post #16 of 17
I see, I see... Since I pretty much have no money left, I'm probably going to stick with my current speakers. I think they sound pretty good, and since I'm living in a college dorm, I probably don't want something too top notch.

The RE0's came ,and they're pretty good. However, if I have it plugged into my MP3 player, and when my hand goes in that same pocket, if I move my hand, then remove my hand, there's a weird popping noise. I so want to like these RE0s, but this popping noise is getting on my nerves. I'm just letting it burn-in with my MP3 playing a variety of music, so hopefully something changes. Any advice for what this could be though? When it's plugged into my computer, and I jiggle around/jab at/tug lightly at the wires where it meets the earpieces and jack, there isn't any popping. I think I'll be trying it out on some other mp3 players to see if the popping continues, but as of now, I need some advice.

Apr 17, 2010 at 7:01 AM Post #17 of 17
Hmm, so I haven't actually made the decision on the i9 or s9.

I've actually got a bit under how much the 32 GB s9 costs. A big part of it is the pocket/blind usability. I often like to just press a button when it's in my pocket, you know? And from what I've read, the s9 is really good at that.

On Amazon, the s9 has a higher price percentage off when you buy in 16 GB. 32 GB is really tempting, but once again, I might not need all that space... I'd have to sell one more yoyo to reach the 32 GB spot. However, 16GB, pricewise, seems to be the sweetspot today. To make a 32 GB player, it still isn't as cost-efficient as 16GB. Maybe I'll stick with 16GB, seems plenty enough to me.

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