Tough choice, iPod +$100, or x5l?
Jun 19, 2006 at 1:02 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 18


Dec 26, 2005
i have the x5l, but i can sell it for $400 and if i do that i'll just get an ipod video. the other chioce is to just keep the x5l. what do you think i should do? the 35hr battery life of the x5l is nice, but not needed, and i really don't like that there is no id3 databasing in the x5l. i do like the GUI of the ipod, but i'm still not sure if the sound quality is on par with the x5l (never listened to it with good headphones, just iBuds).
Jun 19, 2006 at 1:46 AM Post #2 of 18
i stick with the x5l.

love the device no matter what
Jun 19, 2006 at 4:06 AM Post #4 of 18
^ I have heard the same , but I'm not sure if the id3 browing is "working" in Rockbox yet.
Jun 19, 2006 at 4:13 AM Post #5 of 18
If I were you I would sell the x5l and buy a 60gig ipod. $400 is a very good price for it (I mean for you not for the buyer
Also, with the 60GB ipod you will get more battery life than the 30GB one and think about the warranty if you buy a new one.
Jun 19, 2006 at 8:11 AM Post #8 of 18

Originally Posted by mnhnhyouh
id3 databasing is available on Rockbox, it is called TagCache. And the Rockbox wiki page for TagCache is here


I got that to work on my ipod.
I didn't know there was a sleek looking iPod alternative like this. Thanks for the unintentional heads-up.

Edit: but looking closer, all I need is a music player, not a media player so I'd choose battery life and fewer features over a media player. The iPod definately does less and the x5l looks way nicer but the real question is do you need/want the extra's that the x5l has?
Jun 19, 2006 at 8:20 AM Post #9 of 18
I cannot really comment on either the X5L nor the iPod video. But I know the iPod Photo and the Cowon A2. It is said that the A2 and the X5L are very close in sound quality and that the iPod video has lesser quality components as its predecessors.
I bought the iPod to get it modded by Red Wine Audio and I hope that that its sound will have improved greatly afterwards. Before the Mod the iPod did not even come close to the A2 even when using Apple Lossless vs. MP3 in 192 kbit. I use the A2 mainly for videos that is why I wanted another gadget.
If the X5L would offer a dedicated line-out, I would never ever even considered an iPod.
The sound quality of the iPod is a huge dissapointment.
Jun 19, 2006 at 3:08 PM Post #10 of 18
One of the things that always worried me about the X5 was the joystick--I think it's a REALLY bad idea to have a portruding control interface like that, it's jut begging to be broken off after being repeatedly moved in and out of pockets and cases. I'm not sure how good Cowon service is, but their website has many translation errors and did not give me a very good impression overall. Those were the main reasons why I sold my X5... DAP's take a beating in my hands and I just knew it was a matter of time before the joystick or some other part would die on me. Actually, that's why I no longer have a hard drive DAP.
Jun 19, 2006 at 5:39 PM Post #11 of 18

Originally Posted by dr.morton
...the iPod video has lesser quality components as its predecessors.

how fascinating, i have NEVER heard such a claim.... can you provide a link where you found this information?

Originally Posted by dr.morton
...Before the Mod the iPod did not even come close to the A2 even when using Apple Lossless vs. MP3 in 192 kbit.

didn't even come close, huh? why don't you actually try some blind tests and stop spreading ridiculous claims caused by the placebo effect... someone might actually believe them
Jun 19, 2006 at 6:47 PM Post #12 of 18

Originally Posted by JACK5ON
how fascinating, i have NEVER heard such a claim.... can you provide a link where you found this information?

Never heard that myself.


Originally Posted by JACK5ON
didn't even come close, huh? why don't you actually try some blind tests and stop spreading ridiculous claims caused by the placebo effect... someone might actually believe them

Jun 20, 2006 at 7:25 AM Post #13 of 18
@ Jack5on:

didn't even come close, huh? why don't you actually try some blind tests and stop spreading ridiculous claims caused by the placebo effect... someone might actually believe them

Why did'nt you ask me how I came to the conclusion without attacking me first?
I do not remember you standing behind me when I did my tests, so I am a bit surprised that you know more of my methods then myself.
Please do not try and get in a sceptical discussion with me.

Whay are we on this forum? To share our oppinions and help each other out. That is all what I am trying to do here. I am not an engineer nor claim to be an expert. I hope that no one buys a piece of equipment just because I praised or critizised it. But I know what I hear and I do not let others tell me what I am supposed to hear.
So please, if you do not agree with me, offer a different opinion.

The thing about lower quality components can be found on the "Red Wine Audio" Homepage and the discussions about the iMod.
here is one:

The 4th Gen. iPod uses what we have found to be the best sounding DAC of all the iPods...the Wolfson WM8975

My fault here is that I wrote "has" instead of "supposed to have" when I simply repeat other poeples claims. I appologizse to all who felt offended!
I pointed this out just to back up my claims that a 4. Gen iPod does not sound very differnet from a 5 Gen. unit. And as far as I can remember no one ever did. But I might be wrong here.

So lets wrap up the whole thing again:
"At least to me the sound of an out of the box iPod has been a big disappointment compared to my Cowon A2 which is supposed to sound very similar to the X5L if the claims found in the Cowon forum are true"
Jun 20, 2006 at 9:33 AM Post #14 of 18

Originally Posted by dr.morton....
I pointed this out just to back up my claims that a 4. Gen iPod does not sound very differnet from a 5 Gen. unit. And as far as I can remember no one ever did. But I might be wrong here.

So lets wrap up the whole thing again:
"At least to me the sound of an out of the box iPod has been a big disappointment compared to my Cowon A2 which is supposed to sound very similar to the X5L if the claims found in the Cowon forum are true"

Personally I think the 5g iPod sound a lot better than the 4g. Not sure how helpful to the original poster it is to drag this topic into comparisions of 4G ipods unmodded and modded vs X5. Until your post everyone was talking about 5g iPod video vs X5. The Red Audio Mod is quite extreme, I would have assumed perhaps incorrectly it would a be a step beyond what the OP had planned.

I thought 192kps vs lossless would be noticeable to most people here. Personally I can hear a slight difference depending on the track. But the difference on my low end earphones is slight enough that I can live with it for portable use. Anything lower would annoy me. Some tracks like live, acoustic and classical tracks I would generally enjoy more in higher bit rates.
Jun 20, 2006 at 1:44 PM Post #15 of 18
Sorry if I did not make myself clear. English is not my native language and my post might be confusing.
I was not suggesting an Red Wine iMod or anything else.
I only wanted to point out, that after my listening experience I would always prefer an out of the box X5L or any similar Cowon product over an out of the box iPod (be it 4th or 5th Generation).

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