Toslink weirdness???

Dec 27, 2018 at 4:07 PM Post #16 of 20
I don't know much about it, it's more than 10 years old, and it was made by Specialty AV.
actually it doesn't have anything to do with the switch, I thought that it did because PS3 was connected directly to the dac and it worked. I later discovered that it worked because it was outputting 48khz, when I tried playing 88.2knz file on PS3 the same thing happened, no matter if it was connected to the dac, switch or toslink input on my sound card.

Clear, thanks. i was asking because:
  • touching with metal/fingers/plastic has no incidence at all in the optical unless Blue Jean optical has its metallic connector touching your Denon screw or some metallic case.....
  • passive optical switches are adding additional attenuation to the optical signal
By chance check if the quite bulky connector is not disturbed by your Denon screws around optical inputs. It may happen that your fiber is not properly/sufficiently inserted inside the socket....
Dec 27, 2018 at 4:14 PM Post #17 of 20
Clear, thanks. i was asking because:
  • touching with metal/fingers/plastic has no incidence at all in the optical unless Blue Jean optical has its metallic connector touching your Denon screw or some metallic case.....
  • passive optical switches are adding additional attenuation to the optical signal
By chance check if the quite bulky connector is not disturbed by your Denon screws around optical inputs. It may happen that your fiber is not properly/sufficiently inserted inside the socket....
Blue Jeans cables do have metal connector, but so do some of my older cables that work fine.
Connectors fit into place with a click, and there is nothing obstructing them.
I have an active switch with 4 inputs, and 2 outputs.

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