Toshiba 3950 power supply mods (with pics)
Aug 13, 2004 at 4:11 PM Post #286 of 353

Originally Posted by Voodoochile
Funny about your HDOS... the two OPAs and the adapter literally would run more than half the cost of the player! Unbelievable, isn't it?

$34 for the op-amps
$7 for the adapter
$10 in black gates (two on each side)
= $51

Price paid for the 3650? $43.99 after $20 rebate and price adjustment from Amazon.

Bang for the buck when plugged into a $750 amplifier and $250 headphones? Uhm, wow.
Aug 13, 2004 at 4:25 PM Post #287 of 353
That's crazy, Chris! Somebody is making a nickel a day to build these things.
Even before Swenson mod, the sound is very nice. When you remind yourself that the base machine is so cheap, it sounds even better!

Raul- it is different looking, isn't it? It works though. Even with removing the caps, it is crowded around the op-amp. Partly why I posted the Nad pic for comparo. Plenty of room for my fingers to get in there, too.
Aug 14, 2004 at 2:09 AM Post #288 of 353
Okay, just sat down to listen to this thing with the Swenson mods finally. It was too late this morning to start in on that.

In a word, wow. What a difference. Bear in mind that I installed the AD8620 rather than the OPA2604s, so my mod was not true to the Vinnie Rossi mods. FWIW, the Nad has a pair of 2604s in it, which another player I have. I know that the specs on the AD8620 are outstanding, but it always seems a little too bright or granular for me. In this application, it certainly was that way with my Senns. Can't imagine with Grados! Anyway my point is that the chip is no slouch at all.

The Vinnie Rossi mods definitely helped quiet down the machine, the background is richer and darker, offering a nice contrast to the music. It did seem a little too brilliant for my taste still, as compared to the Nad, or as compared to the 3960 playing through my outboard DAC. So, my next move was to go with Swenson mods. I wanted to try it out anyway, since this is a big experiment essentially. I used a pair of 0.47 polypro caps (ICW Clarity Caps) which are supposed to be a proper fit for a 50k input impedance. These caps are not $10 or $20 apiece, but they are pretty nice, a good upgrade from Panasonic film and foil caps. The new outputs are bypassed with 300pF silver mica caps, again per Swenson.

Initially, I left the two electrolytics in place on the oputput stage, so I could a/b easier, as Wodgy mentioned. This did not work out in this case after all. Maybe there is some other difference between the 3960 and the 3950 (?) but there was only a *very* faint sound. So I removed the board again and lifted the other side of the L and R caps (so I did not have to resolder the leads to the new output caps), and tried it again.

(This is the part where I said wow. )

What a difference. The detail is just as clean and clear as can be, but it is not overbearing at all now. I would not really quite call it sibilant before, but the "S-es" are not as profound as they were before. It is much more neutral, with a pretty nice presentation overall. No dips or recesses were noted in my little audition. I listened to AKUS 'New Favorite' of course- it seems to be my reference these days, and also Lucinda Williams' 'World Without Tears', and David Gray's 'White Ladder'.
At this moment, I like this player better than the Nad. It kills me to say that, and I plan to try and rectify this asap.

One final mod before I closed it up- I replaced the green power LED with my pseudo-trademark blue-violet one. Now it does not match the display, so it's non-conformal. I've head rumours that a blue power led helps tame some imbalances in the household, but I can't confirm that myself.

So there is basically no groundbreaking news here- the consensus was already to "buy this player if you are on a budget", and I would agree. It smokes up all the sub-$200 stuff I have heard... right out of the box. After performing the mods, it is an entirely different beast, and who really knows how nice it is. The nicest machine under my roof is the modest but very nice Nad, and this is presently an upgrade over that. I am not sure if I could believe the hype I have read saying it is better than "my XYZ $2500 CDP". If that is true, then you paid too much! Beating a $400-500 machine is more probable and possible, maybe upwards of a big bill. But $2500??? I dunno about that one!

I do suggest that if you are going to do this, do not decide between the Rossi or Swenson mods. Do them both. You could probably skip most of the Rossi mods to the DAC board, and definitely could skip the op-amp upgrade and it's associated bypass caps. Considering that these few parts can easily cost $50 or more (especially with the Blackgates), even Hovlands or other nice caps for the Swenson mods would be less money.
I would do the small caps near the DAC board's ribbon power cable, however, as these are right at the DAC chip. Then do all the caps on the PSU, and then the Swenson mod. I also added film bypasses to the rectifiers, and added a little polypropylene bypass to the now-large filter cap (it went from 68uF to 220uf).

Excellent project, and it can be done in a couple evenings. Net an excellent little machine that ought to fare well with machines you might not even find affordable.
Aug 14, 2004 at 2:25 AM Post #289 of 353
after all the work that rsaavedra and voodochille and everyone else have put into doing these mods and everything that they have learned, we should make a 'head-fi mod' writeup that will give an idea of suggested mods for less technically apt people... or maybe I shouldnt say 'we'... lol, I'll be no help with it...
Aug 14, 2004 at 3:34 AM Post #290 of 353
voodoo have you replaced the power cable ...i put an iec connector ...the quail cable pc sounds very nice with it, ive also added an ad8620 cascoded with some NPN transistors ala PPL recommendation, ive got some BD adapters when i get money im gonna have to get some LT1028s to mount. Well headfi loves the DiY community ... i remember posting about the vinnie swenson mods back on my thread on the tosh in mid-april( ), i have the dvda version the SD4900, i wonder how the 4960 would fair ...
Aug 15, 2004 at 2:47 AM Post #291 of 353
Got my some of the parts for the Vinnie mods today. Did all of the power supply mods and all the caps on the audio board except for the black gates and opamp (Digi-key was out of the 2604 and I am way too cheap to spend the amount needed for the browndog based mod). This was my first real DIY audio gear mod and wow it was easy and worth it. Burning the caps in right now and even with initial impressions I'm liking what I'm hearing. I'm thinking of doing the Swenson mods now, but any of you guys got recommendations for parts to use? His website covering it was fairly open-ended to what to use and where to buy...of course it'd be muuch nicer to get everything from one vendor
btw, getting those noise filter caps in at the same time with the stock caps was annoying, had to dremel both legs too
. Anyway, this is pretty fun, i wanna build a ppa now
Aug 15, 2004 at 7:10 AM Post #292 of 353
So i was looking around at the swenson mod, and one thing confuses me in the instructions...when/where do you attach the 0.47uf (or whatever setting you need for your preamp) in this? I think I'm blind or something, but it only tells you to take out two caps, attach the twisted wires on the appropriate terminals, then it goes onto the 300pf caps on the RCA jacks. I'm confused here.

Also, I was shopping around for Auricaps, found 0.47uF ones for 9bux each, but looking at my amp's input impedence, it's at 100Kohm, should I go with something higher like 0.68uF or would 0.47uF be fine? I can't seem to find 300pF caps easily either, can some one guide me to some
Aug 15, 2004 at 5:23 PM Post #293 of 353
My 3960 started to get a little crackly distortion in the right channel
So i figured i would try the Swenson mod to see if bypassing the output stage would help. Well guess what.
No more distortion. I grabbed parts from radio shack and used cat5 wire. Well now that i know it fixed it time to order those higher quality parts
I,ve not touched a soldering iron in years and it went surprisingly well. Thanks to all you guys for this thread and all the info. Sounds pretty good too. Ive only been listening for about a half hour. So far i seem to like it a bit better than stock. This 1.0uf Radio shack cap hasnt even broke in yet
. If i order the Auricaps whats the right size for a stock pimeta.

Soupy, The the end of your wire goes to one end of the .47 cap and the other end of the cap goes to the center post on your rca. The 300 pf runs between the center post on your rca to the outer post on your rca. and of course the other wire to the outer post also. hope that makes sense. I cant really answer your other questions but will also await their answer.
Aug 27, 2004 at 7:08 PM Post #294 of 353
I've started modding the Toshiba 4960 (commonly known as the Samsung 841 also). Here's a link to the thread I started at

Once I get a bit further along I will probably launch a separate thread here pointing to that thread, unless people here want me to duplicate my posts on this forum as well. I'm on vacation next week (getting out of the NY Cith blast zone) so won't begin those mods till I return.

Aug 28, 2004 at 9:31 AM Post #295 of 353
I'm not really wanting to order the BlackGates from Canada. Would it hurt me too terribly much to find a suitable Panasonic replacement like P1101-ND or P1142-ND? I'll order some BG's next time I get an itch to build a new amp, but until then I'd like to use something I can get from digikey.

Aug 29, 2004 at 10:05 PM Post #297 of 353

Originally Posted by superjohnny
I'm not really wanting to order the BlackGates from Canada. Would it hurt me too terribly much to find a suitable Panasonic replacement like P1101-ND or P1142-ND? I'll order some BG's next time I get an itch to build a new amp, but until then I'd like to use something I can get from digikey.

I think that the Panasonics would probably be just fine. I did Vinnie's mods in my Pioneer DV-563a with Panasonic FC caps instead of Black Gates and it sounds really, really good. I did my 3950 with Black Gates and it sounded really, really good, too, but I have to wonder how much of that was the Black Gates themselves and how much was just having better caps.

One thing that I did differently with the Pioneer was to use high quality film caps for the output coupling caps. If you're doing the Swenson mod on the 3950, you're already doing that, but if not, consider that instead of BG's.

Aug 31, 2004 at 10:21 PM Post #299 of 353
I have a few pix on my server of what I have done to my 3950 transport project. There's much more to come so I have only dumped some progress pix on my server.

Careful with Schottky diodes in the PSU - I not only blew the fuse and some underrated diodes, I also fried most of the PSU's switching silicon and just had to buy me a second 3950 on ebay to replace the whole PSU

Anyway - my mods are pretty extensive as the pictures will show.

What's coming next: Fix the PSU, then every single cap other than the ceramics is going to be replaced, even those that were not listed in the original mod. I'm even doing the video caps because one day I may want to watch a movie with this unit. The diodes in the PSU will be replaced with 600V Cree brand Schottky I had left over from a tube project, the psu will move into an external box with custom cables. I'm looking at using a large sealed lead acid battery for some of the supply voltages (to clock and other chips), possibly through some better regulators than the stock psu offers. The transport and signal board will then go into a custom case.

This is lots of fun, since even right now, half way through my plan, the transport sounds pretty fantastic (well , it did before I blew up the PSU with the 100V schottky diodes :wink:)

Don't just follow the directions for the Swenson or Vinnie mod - there's much more you can do to these cheap units - the mod budget is the limit. Don't be afraid to blow something up either - that whole 3950 I had to buy to have some spare parts cost me less than the two Auricaps I added on the mains wires...

Sep 1, 2004 at 1:09 AM Post #300 of 353
Hey Pburke thats got to be the most modded tosh yet
I just finished the Vinnie mods to go with the Swensons i did earlier and its sounding awesome. Do you have a part # for that iec jack. I would like to do the same to mine.

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